P90X Discussion

Originally Posted by Freeze

Originally Posted by haddix

Started it today for the first time. Man I'm so sore but cant wait to get back in shape. Hopefully it's worth it. Anyone wanna suggest a good recovery drink? I would like to try the p90x drink but it's kinda expensive.

just drink a protein shake and throw some glutamine in it. you'll be fine.

Thanks man. I went to GNC and they suggested a few things. Im finished w/ day 3 and am def feeling it. Im not that big now so hopefully i start to see results decently fast. Starting weight 177 just mainly outta shape.
Originally Posted by RFX45

I just use the bands I bought at Target made by Reebok. I think it was $12-$15, hasn't failed me yet.

How much resistance do they provide? I'm in Week 7 and the dumbbells I have only go up to 30 lbs, and I can only use 20 lbs for them if I use two at once. They would be totally inadequate if I wasn't weak as hell
They are still adequate for most of the exercises, but on some of them like lawnmowers 30 isn't enough and when I need to do both at once 20 isn't enough like on biceps etc. It's also a pain in the %#% to change them from 15 to 20 and it adds time to the workout. If I could use the bands and get em for cheap I'd definitely do that. 
I started back in december on winter break and I was about 210, I'm at 200 now with probably about 5 lbs of muscle added.. I was at 240 on June 26th when I started eating better and exercising. I think my results would be better if I had stuck to doing every aspect of the program; I hurt my knee so I don't do any of the lower body routines anymore because I don't really wanna risk it. On Plyo/leg days I just run on the treadmill until my knee starts acting up or do Kenpo.

Also there are some days where I really don't have even an hour to spare so I've had to scramble the days around some weeks. I know this isn't ideal but I tried the program a couple times before and stuck to it religiously and then when I would miss a few days I'd stop altogether; also with my schedule I wasn't able to handle the workouts and my work. There are some weeks where I might only get 3-4 hrs of sleep a night on average and I would just get way too exhausted. At worst I'm doing 4 days out of the week, which is better than nothing. I can't believe I can make it through the ab work out now; when I started the first week I couldn't even do the first 25 reps of the first exercise
Day 2 done. Plyo was crazy, I took constant breaks.

Is that normal? Combination of being out of shape/asthma?

I nearly threw up doing Plyo. 
  I feel great after 3 days though.  Looking forward to some rest later this week, as my body is hurting. 
I wanted to bulk up a bit, so I've been doing a LOT of protein (at least 200 grams/day). Salads and pasta as well. Mostly milk and water to drink, but I still do juice from time to time.
I cut out all pop recently, only drink water, green tea (if I am feeling a sweet tooth, ill add raw honey) and skim milk. (in cereal, and smoothies) and the weight just seems to be falling off now. dropped 17 lbs this past month. oh and hardly no working out or cardio, because I was hurt, and also snowed in. Now that I am able to get back into the gym, going to be nice to see more weight drop off with my chance in diet, along with working out consitantly.
Originally Posted by ill4eva

Day 2 done. Plyo was crazy, I took constant breaks.

Is that normal? Combination of being out of shape/asthma?

I nearly threw up doing Plyo. 
  I feel great after 3 days though.  Looking forward to some rest later this week, as my body is hurting. 
Seriously that plyo is non stop. I'm also out of shape, and have asthma. If it gets overwhelming just hit the pause button. Don't kill urself

Whats a good dumbbell set or resistance band set I should look into?

Modells has 40% off with free shipping!
I didnt even try it to tell you the truth...

Got a question about dvd quality... Is it blurry for everyone or is just the copy I got?
sup guys, just bought the p90x box set. i watched the intro disc and of course as we all kno they gaurantee you'll be "ripped" in 90 days. which you might be IF you are already pretty slim from the jump. (if you ask me, half those people on the intro-disc didnt even need this workout) but my question is: if i finish the 90 day program and im not "ripped" or even close to it for that matter, what should i do then?
I don't know about the technicalities of the guarantee but if you're serious about improving your fitness, don't set unrealistic dates. Dedication and patience pays dividends.
I finished INSANITY a couple of weeks ago and am will be doing day 4 of P90X.
The yoga was a beast, but Insanity really has my flexibility up to speed.
I'm surprised that the workouts don't seem as difficult since the pace is so much slower than what I'm used to.
I love the Ab RipperX

I hope that I start seeing results after I'm done with week 2.
Originally Posted by JRodski

sup guys, just bought the p90x box set. i watched the intro disc and of course as we all kno they gaurantee you'll be "ripped" in 90 days. which you might be IF you are already pretty slim from the jump. (if you ask me, half those people on the intro-disc didnt even need this workout) but my question is: if i finish the 90 day program and im not "ripped" or even close to it for that matter, what should i do then?
well you will be losing a lot of fat anyways

the fatter you are the more rounds of p90x u will need
I guarantee that you will be ripped after your third round of p90x

you can also switch to insanity right after you finish p90x
thanks for the responses people.

also wanted to kno is it vital for my success to stick to the meal plan that they provide or will it be enough to just "eat right" on my own?
I just modified my eating habits and saw results.

And with that, I AM DONE!!!! Finished my first run of P90X, and I feel great.
I just started this and I am on day 3.  I still can't complete the whole workout yet but i'm hoping to be able to keep up by week 2.
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