P90X Discussion

I did about 5 weeks of p90x last yr, dropped like 20 pds easy. Had a small injury and never picked it back up. Decided I was gonna get I. Shale again this yr. So I'm pacing myself with the workouts, I'm on week 2 and the soreness just left my upper body from last week. Next week monday I'll be changing my eating regiment and start taking a few supplements to get me energized for the long haul. June 1st I will post pics
I did about 5 weeks of p90x last yr, dropped like 20 pds easy. Had a small injury and never picked it back up. Decided I was gonna get I. Shale again this yr. So I'm pacing myself with the workouts, I'm on week 2 and the soreness just left my upper body from last week. Next week monday I'll be changing my eating regiment and start taking a few supplements to get me energized for the long haul. June 1st I will post pics
bittersweet, don't be afraid. Just take it easy the first few weeks and you should be fine. Take the time to do the exercises right, and you'll definitely see results.

9 weeks in. I'm in the home stretch!!!
just started today, tried to get gangsta wit it... couldnt do a damn thing... ab ripper, ripped me and couldnt finish it..... threw up
This is definitely isn't as easy as it looks. I've seen guys that have been fit that couldn't keep up with me when it comes to the more difficult ones like plyo or legs/back or ab ripper x.
I finished P90X before I started going to the weightroom consistantly. Great program and I have no bad things to say about it.

I went from 165lbs to 185lbs so its possible to bulk up a bit. All you need are dumbbells and a pullup bar...
I've been using the resistance bands, and have been doing great as well. Unfortunately I broke a band last week, but I'm making it.
starting today. streaming from vuze to xbox 360 ftw!
pray for me NT fam. im a typical average joe 6'2 209lbs. slight beer belly(stopped drinking months ago, only the occasional sippy lol). no pecks. you know the type.
looking to tone up and get healthier forreal. dont workout but im ready to improve my physique so i shall do it.
diet is what has kept me from looking like white goodman at the end of dodgeball.
I'm a girl, so do you guys think I should try this?

I'm trying to lose far but I hear people saying it's to get xut.
Originally Posted by bittersweet

I'm a girl, so do you guys think I should try this?

I'm trying to lose far but I hear people saying it's to get xut.
In every vid, there is at least 1 girl that does the exact same exercise. If it becomes too difficult, they also show you how to modify the move for starters so I don't think you'll have a problem with the program.
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by bittersweet

I'm a girl, so do you guys think I should try this?

I'm trying to lose far but I hear people saying it's to get xut.
In every vid, there is at least 1 girl that does the exact same exercise. If it becomes too difficult, they also show you how to modify the move for starters so I don't think you'll have a problem with the program.
Wow, hella typos in my original post. 
I'm trying to lose FAT, but I hear people saying it's to get CUT.

I don't want to have like big muscles or anything, just more tight & lean. Is that possible with this?
Originally Posted by bittersweet

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by bittersweet

I'm a girl, so do you guys think I should try this?

I'm trying to lose far but I hear people saying it's to get xut.
In every vid, there is at least 1 girl that does the exact same exercise. If it becomes too difficult, they also show you how to modify the move for starters so I don't think you'll have a problem with the program.
Wow, hella typos in my original post. 
I'm trying to lose FAT, but I hear people saying it's to get CUT.

I don't want to have like big muscles or anything, just more tight & lean. Is that possible with this?
you dont get big by just lifting weights, you also need to eat a +$%% load to get big. Also, losing fat makes you cut.
They teach you in the vids as well if you just want to lose fat or get ripped.
Pretty much if you want to just lose wait, do as much rep as you can w/o making the resistance/weight too heavy
If you want to get ripped and get bigger muscle, your reps should 8-10 max by making the bands more resistance and using heavier weights.
Originally Posted by bittersweet

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by bittersweet

I'm a girl, so do you guys think I should try this?

I'm trying to lose far but I hear people saying it's to get xut.
In every vid, there is at least 1 girl that does the exact same exercise. If it becomes too difficult, they also show you how to modify the move for starters so I don't think you'll have a problem with the program.
Wow, hella typos in my original post. 
I'm trying to lose FAT, but I hear people saying it's to get CUT.

I don't want to have like big muscles or anything, just more tight & lean. Is that possible with this?

There is a way to use the 12 videos they give you to turn P90X original (what most guys do) into P90X Lean.  It's similar, there is less weight lifting, but more cardio.  If you get the Fitness packet that comes with the vids and you read up you will see what I am talking about.  Or just read up on "P90X lean" online.
I've done the original P90X, but all the girls around my work are doing the lean version.
Originally Posted by NCTwin

I've been using the resistance bands, and have been doing great as well. Unfortunately I broke a band last week, but I'm making it.

do you have a recommendation on what is a good brand of resistance bands to use? I've been reading a lot of reviews of bands online and most that try it with P90x, they always break somehow. I need to find out a band that is durable enough for use with P90x.
so its been 24hrs since the 1st disc....
this !@!@ hurts my whole top half.. its hard to even wipe my %@#... on to disc 2.... no pain no gain...
I wanna start but i dont really have the money to spend on the DVD's right now, is their anywhere online to stream possibly someone PM me
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