Petyon Manning will go down as the GOAT

Originally Posted by jordan supreme

No, he will not.

I think you're forgetting someone named Brett Favre

He is being forgotten for a reason. Skillset wise i will have to agree peyton trumps brady(actually most if not all qb's) But when the game is on the linebig games playoffs/supebowls... Brady got him beat the stats etc prove this.
Are you guys forgetting Joe Montana existed?
Montana, Elway , Marino.
Manning is def top 10 though.
My vote goes to Farve for GOAT...

but at the end of the day every team year after year is fighting to get to Super Sunday.........

with that being said Brady FTW
Originally Posted by BgL2687

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

Originally Posted by BgL2687

Originally Posted by JsindaA

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

I would have to say Tom Brady is already the GOAT. dude won 3 superbowls with 0 wide recievers. broke record for regular season td's.
brady has done everything manning has done + more

WRONG. However I don't know who the dummy is that said Brady doesn't make no name WR's look good. Quick, name me a HOF WR he had before Moss........Brady and Peyton are both awesome QB's and do it differently. They could both be top 5 when they are done.
Name a HOF WR that manning had? Brady always had good receivers. Terry glenn? Troy Brown? They might have been old when Brady started playing, but were still verry good receivers. Brady is a good QB, but his coaches system was really tuned to perfection. As you saw with matt cassell. Put that garbage into patriots system and he leads them to a 11-5 season, but when he went to KC he sucks.

you have proven to know nothin about the game of football. did you even know who brown and glenn were before brady. oh ya i can name you three HOF recievers's manning had. they go by the name of marvin harrison, reggie wayne, and dallas clark. had manning had edgerrin james. and you may not know because you dont know anything about football. but having a running back like edge made the defense put extra men in the box to stop the run. brady on the other hand has never had a solid running back. kevin faulk was hihs best and he was always poopoo
troy isn't a HOF but was a solid player when Drew was QB. Terry Glenn went off his rookie year with the Pats when Drew was QB, the same year they made the superbowl.
And I don't know football alright but you named Dallas Clark at a HOF WR? Dude doesn't even play as a receiver, but as a tight end. Its also funny you mentions Edgerrin James, they won the superbowl without him. Peyton still does fine without a good running back. Joseph Addai is decent at best and teams still bite on Peyton's play action. Your excuse was they had to put an extra Tackle in the box to watch the running game when James was there, but James is gone now, the extra tackle that teams do put in the box is not needed anymore. So explain why with extra coverage, peyton is still making passes all over the field? Maybe I don't know football as well as you, but I call it like I see it. And I never said Brady wasn't good, but manning is years ahead of him as a QB. Please believe you put manning in Brady's place he would have gotten the pats all thsoe rings as well.
buddy first off clark being a tight end makes him a receiver. every time you catch the ball you are receiving the ball. that makes him a reciever.note that i never said wide reciever. and joseph addai is a better running back than what the patriots have been using. oh and dont forget who led his team to3 superbowls in the final minutes of the game. making him more clutch than manning. and mannings best years came from when edge was playing there.
Another point of discussion: Manning seemingly performs worse when the weather gets colder/nastier. This could be a decent reason for him underperforming inthe playoffs. Brady is great in the elements just going off memory.

Manning gets his stats padded a bit playing in a dome for at least 8 games a year.

I really am on the fence, but leaning towards Manning. Next few years will be the decider.
Can someone explain the fold up jobs Peyton has had in the playoffs?

The kicker for me is when other quarterbacks that aren't nearly as good as him and have less weapons have better games in the playoffs versus the samedefenses Peyton lost to.
favre > manning > doesnt really matter after that ...

in the end, we are comparing individuals and individually speaking, favre owns every important record ... now peyton can and more than likely will pass him inevery category but until then he is a close second ...
People really think Favre is in the all time discussion...just sad. Have my 2 eyes and brain been lying to me for the past 15 years?
Originally Posted by Jonnny25

fact: the GOAT needs to do more than play well in the regular season
Peyton and the Colts just need to avoid the Chargers in playoffs.
I doubt Peyton will get more rings than Brady or Montana, but he is the most talented player to ever play at the QB position, and is possibly the smartest NFLplayer of all-time, and damn sure the smartest I've ever seen. Peyton's understanding of the game of football is downright DISGUSTING.
Originally Posted by a55a5in11

Originally Posted by BgL2687

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

Originally Posted by BgL2687

Originally Posted by JsindaA

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

I would have to say Tom Brady is already the GOAT. dude won 3 superbowls with 0 wide recievers. broke record for regular season td's.
brady has done everything manning has done + more

WRONG. However I don't know who the dummy is that said Brady doesn't make no name WR's look good. Quick, name me a HOF WR he had before Moss........Brady and Peyton are both awesome QB's and do it differently. They could both be top 5 when they are done.
Name a HOF WR that manning had? Brady always had good receivers. Terry glenn? Troy Brown? They might have been old when Brady started playing, but were still verry good receivers. Brady is a good QB, but his coaches system was really tuned to perfection. As you saw with matt cassell. Put that garbage into patriots system and he leads them to a 11-5 season, but when he went to KC he sucks.

you have proven to know nothin about the game of football. did you even know who brown and glenn were before brady. oh ya i can name you three HOF recievers's manning had. they go by the name of marvin harrison, reggie wayne, and dallas clark. had manning had edgerrin james. and you may not know because you dont know anything about football. but having a running back like edge made the defense put extra men in the box to stop the run. brady on the other hand has never had a solid running back. kevin faulk was hihs best and he was always poopoo
troy isn't a HOF but was a solid player when Drew was QB. Terry Glenn went off his rookie year with the Pats when Drew was QB, the same year they made the superbowl.
And I don't know football alright but you named Dallas Clark at a HOF WR? Dude doesn't even play as a receiver, but as a tight end. Its also funny you mentions Edgerrin James, they won the superbowl without him. Peyton still does fine without a good running back. Joseph Addai is decent at best and teams still bite on Peyton's play action. Your excuse was they had to put an extra Tackle in the box to watch the running game when James was there, but James is gone now, the extra tackle that teams do put in the box is not needed anymore. So explain why with extra coverage, peyton is still making passes all over the field? Maybe I don't know football as well as you, but I call it like I see it. And I never said Brady wasn't good, but manning is years ahead of him as a QB. Please believe you put manning in Brady's place he would have gotten the pats all thsoe rings as well.
buddy first off clark being a tight end makes him a receiver. every time you catch the ball you are receiving the ball. that makes him a reciever. note that i never said wide reciever. and joseph addai is a better running back than what the patriots have been using. oh and dont forget who led his team to 3 superbowls in the final minutes of the game. making him more clutch than manning. and mannings best years came from when edge was playing there.
Really last I checked there is a difference between tight ends and receivers. Just cause you catch a ball doesn't make you a receiver. Running backs go out and catch the ball are they considered receivers on paper? And when did I argue about Brady's clutchness? I never once discreditedBrady for what he achieved I simply stated Peyton's knowledge of football and how defenses work is much greater than Brady's and is years ahead of himin that department. Joseph Addai is the same garbage the Pats have. He is not better nor worse than Faulk or Maroney. Sure Peyton's best year on PAPERwas when edge was playing, but after edge left he still had really good seasons and one was a superbowl. Oh and don't forget to Thank the Pats O-line andAdam for the 3 superbowl rings as well not just brady.
fact: the GOAT needs to do more than play well in the regular season

Then that takes Tom Brady right out of the equation then. At the end of the day, Tom Brady will be forever known as the first quarterback to get a KICKER intothe Hall of Fame, if that doesn't tell you something then I don't know what will.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

fact: the GOAT needs to do more than play well in the regular season

Then that takes Tom Brady right out of the equation then. At the end of the day, Tom Brady will be forever known as the first quarterback to get a KICKER into the Hall of Fame, if that doesn't tell you something then I don't know what will.
Funny I've never heard anybody say that. I've heard about the mulitple times he's led his team down the field to even get the kickeron the field....but I didn't know the kicker was more important than Brady. Thanks for that revelation

Originally Posted by Deuce King

fact: the GOAT needs to do more than play well in the regular season

Then that takes Tom Brady right out of the equation then. At the end of the day, Tom Brady will be forever known as the first quarterback to get a KICKER into the Hall of Fame, if that doesn't tell you something then I don't know what will.

You're right. Because when they got the ball at their own 20, Vinateri kicked it from there and Brady didn't march them down the field. I forgot allabout that.
IMO, Brady is a great system QB meaning that I don't think he would do as good as he has done in any other system. But Peyton could probably be good in anysystem.

I Haven't seen Brady make to many big tie throws. Most of the time I see him throw its to a wide open WR. I don't think watching Brady I have ever saidsomething like damn how he make that throw? Where I say that with Peyton all the time. Anybody that watches and knows Football can see that Peyton is thebetter QB. And the fact that Matt Cassell looked good with that system should really show how good that system is.
Anybody that watches and knows Football can see that Peyton is the better QB. And the fact that Matt Cassell looked good with that system should really show how good that system is.

100% Truth.

At the end of the day, Joe Montana is the inventor of "the catch", John Elway is the inventor of "the drive"......Tom Brady is the inventorof "the tuck rule"
. There should be no debate about howPeyton is better than Brady, it's pretty much straight forward, an open and shut case.
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