PG HOH Questions

Oct 15, 2005
I have never gotten any HOH releases so I have a few questions. My closest HOH is PG County one in MD.

What time should I be lining up for the Nerfs and what time do they open on release date?
About how many pairs will they have?
Originally Posted by youngcurse

You need to be at HOHMD by 7am for the raffle.

Thanks for your response. When do they usually start lining up though? How does the raffle thing work? And will HOHMD for sure have them?
Yeah they'll have em just like they had the weathermans... They raffled off 9 of the 12 pairs according to one of my boys that was there... I'm sure the other 3 were snapped up by employees... Good luck... Bring more heads with you if you want better chances of winning a pair
Originally Posted by B Fresco

Yeah they'll have em just like they had the weathermans... They raffled off 9 of the 12 pairs according to one of my boys that was there... I'm sure the other 3 were snapped up by employees... Good luck... Bring more heads with you if you want better chances of winning a pair

Better then willowbrook.. heard they sold 1 pair and was like SOLD OUT!

Better hope its nothing like the GITD Zoom Rookie raffle! If so bring friends, dont fold up the piece of paper they give you to write your name on and be last to put your name in the box.

I would call to check the time of the raffle because I got their about 6am for the GITD release to find out they were doing a raffle at 9am. From 9 -9:30 they let people put names in the box and then at 9:30 started pulling names.
Originally Posted by youngcurse

PG Plaza has like 200 plus right now this. 5#_t cray....

You wasting your time. i went up there around 5 some(it was pack as heck then) this morning to cop the KD Nerf. I stood outside for like 5 min. it was to cold so left and went home. btw what are the odds of them calling my name from a raffle.
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