Phone Rings (my invention)... Updates on page 20

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yo Q i respect your grind and hustle but you talked too much and asked for money....2 things you should've avoided.  You should just came on here with a website and product ready to sell. 
Says the guy that writes an 8 paragraph post on being a self-proclaimed cornball.
tl;dr btw.
Are serious? I was trying to have a real moment with you homie....good luck with your finger pop i Phone thing that was already created.

Keep begging for money on a message board too....great way to start an empire.  I think thats how Zuckerburg and Jobs started off.
What were the lawyer fees to file the patent like OP?  I'm a budding entrepreneur myself
Infomercial still coming?

I may have to shoot two. Since I've been away from home for two weeks (air force Reserve) I've been out of cantact with the people that I chose to be in it. I want to release one today, however, especially since some of you will receive your package today. Iwant this to be the premier date, basically. So to answer your question, yes, a preliminary vid will be posted today, just not the "official" infomercial.
I'm still lost.....unless you tie a 3 inch chain to my iphone and deadbolt it to my scrotum, how on earth could I not drop what is ultimately meant to be dropped???
This will def cum in HANDY while fappin in the shower.  But actually the danger of dropping my phone turns me on even more so I'll pass.
If the infomercial is anything like your promo pics, then I am prepared for the lulz
^i hope so, bro. I'm in Florida so it may take 3 days. Has your mail run yet?

I was hoping that some of you would have received it today.
85% were NY or Cali actually. The one person in Florida may have gotten hers today. Canada heads may be tomorrow or Friday.
lol i got mine im in miami, imma gonna open it now

feels like christmas

I cant get my case off
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