Phrases You Hate/Overused Phrases

For real
When girls add an extra letterrrr to the endsss of the wordsss
Whatever (makes me want to slap them for saying that)
IMO (basically saying: I don't really care what you say, but listen to me anyway)
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

smh - no one would say this verbally so why do it via text


Of course you wouldn't say it, its an action. So when you're texting and people can not see your actions you type them
-"the jury is still out"
-"that lemonade is real good" (corrected: The lemonade is really good)
- any use of the word "dude"
any variation of no *!%!, pause, no penny, no etc. 99% of the time its not necessary to even use it
When people tie the recession in every aspect of life. Like when ESPN is like "the Boston Red Sox have cut their salaries by 10%, just a sign of thetimes."

No its a sign of not having to pay Manny Ramirez anymore

"hate is a strong word"

yeah it is, I $*@#*+$ hate when people say that
Originally Posted by jeenewed

"Thats what she said"

I work with children, I say this once and now its everywhere.

IE: "God I'm hungry"
Child: "Thats what SHE said"
*Runs away laughing*

Originally Posted by SenatorJeffSmith

-"the jury is still out"
-"that lemonade is real good" (corrected: The lemonade is really good)
- any use of the word "dude"
That isn`t really a phrase as much as it is just improperEnglish. And people have been saying dude since the beginning of time probably, it should have grown on most of ya`ll by now..
I hate when people start stories by saying "Tell me why....". I hate that @$*+ with a passion. I DON'T KNOW WHY %*#*%, JUST TELL ME THE DAMNSTORY!!!
Girls adding the word "Like" to every damn sentences.

It's cute the first couple of minutes, then it starts to get annoying.
Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

I hate when people start stories by saying "Tell me why....". I hate that @$*+ with a passion. I DON'T KNOW WHY %*#*%, JUST TELL ME THE DAMN STORY!!!
I used to hit people with

Okay I won't lie. I catch myself saying that phrase too
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Rell

Originally Posted by Danny Tanner

Swag, Swagger, Swagged up, Swag on..etc

co-sign, itll go the way of other commercial "hip-hop" buzz words soon enough though (see: playa, player, bling bling, pimp, pimpin, hustlin, hustler, etc.)

Swagger is actually a word, it aint going anywhere.

so is "player", "pimp", and "hustler"..but do you hear them in every rap song anymore? nope. Its gon die as a corny"hip-hop" buzz word and go back to normal use
The "N" word
"Joun" (Especially when used repeatedly: Get the joun over there it put it on the joun?????????
Originally Posted by ellimaCecyoJ

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

I hate when people start stories by saying "Tell me why....". I hate that @$*+ with a passion. I DON'T KNOW WHY %*#*%, JUST TELL ME THE DAMN STORY!!!
I used to hit people with

Okay I won't lie. I catch myself saying that phrase too
That's where everyone gets it from, damn I use to like that song too.
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