Pizza delivery driver urinates on customer's doorstep for not tipping (video)

i answered that question already buddy. i thought u would be one of the educated ones but maybe youre just as ignoratn as the rest
i answered that question already buddy. i thought u would be one of the educated ones but maybe youre just as ignoratn as the rest
If you said it and I missed it then I'm sorry.

But I've seen you say that you wouldn't tip if you had to pay for the food+tax already... No mention of delivery fee upon tax.

I'm all for not tipping if they already are charging for food+tax+delivery fee.  But tax is part of running a business. It's unavoidable.
One can be broke without being cheap.

Broke is is more of a permanent fixture/a mentality.

Those are the dudes who you go out with and pay for them to get in to a place and buy them a couple rounds and they just sit there never returning the gesture for the group.

Money is just money on that level to me....I have no problem spending it on other people/spreading it around generously.

I feel bad for some of your girlfriends/families, especially around the holidays. You guys sending your Mom coupons as her present.
These threads bring out the true character or lack of character in some people on here and its not just about the tip.

Some of you just come across as scumbags.
These threads bring out the true character or lack of character in some people on here and its not just about the tip.

Some of you just come across as scumbags.
Scumbag is probably my favorite word to describe some of the nt'ers whenever threads like this pop-up :lol:. Another kind of thread is the "Lost Wallet" thread when people say they are being nice by taking all the money in a wallet they found and returning the rest to the person.
These threads bring out the true character or lack of character in some people on here and its not just about the tip.
Some of you just come across as scumbags.

Secret Santa is watching this thread folks speaking ignorantly shall be gifted accordingly. :lol:
You don't have to tip and a waiter doesn't to keep refilling your drink every time its empty.

Just like the pizza guy doesn't have to deliver your pizza in 10 minutes instead of 45.

The question I have for the the non-tippers is what is your expectations of service when technically all you have paid for is food?
Let's be honest. A tip is no longer by definition a tip in North America. We need to stop calling it that. It's no longer an option or form of gratuity. It's a fee.

How is it cheap not to tip? But it's not cheap to pay criminally low wages? Employers in the food service industry take advantage of the North American tipping system. We're already paying for the food, why not pay their wage too? Before another one of you calls me cheap because of my stance, I ALWAYS TIP. ALWAYS. I never feel good about it, but I do it because of what I already said. It's no longer an option. People call you cheap, even if you are anything but cheap. The same person that didn't tip could be donating large amounts of money to charity, buying nice things for their family that they couldn't get growing up, loaning money, or buying the best device on the market which may cost more.

Even if you get basic or just straight up bad service from someone. We're forced to tip. (If you don't, you're going to pay for it in some way.) You wait on me and my friends to order while refilling our drinks. Well, it's your job. What did they do to constitute a bonus? There are a lot of jobs that don't receive tips that deserve them, probably because they either get paid better or they haven't been known to be a job that receives tips. Even people with poorest service still get tips because no matter how awful they can be, the non-tipper is always the villain.
These threads bring out the true character or lack of character in some people on here and its not just about the tip.
Some of you just come across as scumbags.

Yup. I can understand people like my parents who are frugal and cheap but that's just their life style. If they go to a restaurant, they would buy 1 dinner, take it to go and share it at home. If they don't tip, I can understand because all they wanted was the food and not the service. But those people who splurge in restaurants demanding things from the servers and the bill comes out to $100+ then have the audacity to not tip... well those people are the definition of scumbags. I tend to not associate with people with this mindset because based on my experience they are just freeloaders.
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I was being sarcastic. I agree that tipping IS an option. :lol:
I was just saying that the customer shouldn't be responsible for the wage. They are responsible for the food and if they decide to, it's their decision to tip. Read my other posts in this thread.
A tip isn't a tip in North America anymore. To me it's a fee.
oh okay. :lol:
i was torn because i couldn't disagree w/ the rest of your post but that part had me scratching my head.
I don't really get how this is complicated.

You do a decent job serving (keep the drinks filled/get my order vaguely right in a restaurant/deliver my pizza in less time than USPS) and you get a decent tip, which is a service fee. Like it, don't, that's what it is and has always been.

You do a great job (steer me away from a bad dish/deliver my pizza in under 30min like the good old days) you get a little extra, for extra service.

You **** up, you get my *** to kiss, and I'm probably not coming back so you can bust kids in my quesadilla. You have performed poor service and I'm not giving you a reward for it or another chance to do it.


Yes, it's ****** up that the restaurant industry passes on the responsibility to pay their employees a living wage on the the consumer. Yes, sometimes the tip thing gets out of hand. (A tip jar in a BK? What did you do besides hand me a bag and reply to a text?) Yes, some people that work for tips feel entitled to them just for not pissing in your lemonade.

That's no reason to cheat the people that do legitimately try and earn a service fee in their service job by performing good service.

What the ****?
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The cheaper the person is - the more they feel they have to justify their actions.

This thread is a prime example of that.
You don't have to tip and a waiter doesn't to keep refilling your drink every time its empty.

Just like the pizza guy doesn't have to deliver your pizza in 10 minutes instead of 45.

The question I have for the the non-tippers is what is your expectations of service when technically all you have paid for is food?

That's their job. The employer pays them for the service they do. Why do we need to pay for the food AND the wage?

If employers are going to underpay drivers, servers, or wait staff, they should do it themselves. Not get the already paying customer to foot another bill. A tip used to be an option, but even the biggest slouch gets tips. North America is the only region that still has this skewed view on tipping. If you go overseas good service is given without the expectation of an incentive. It's gotten so bad in North America that even the laziest and most poor service gets tipped.

These threads bring out the true character or lack of character in some people on here and its not just about the tip.
Some of you just come across as scumbags.

Yup. I can understand people like my parents who are frugal and cheap but that's just their life style. If they go to a restaurant, they would buy 1 dinner, take it to go and share it at home. If they don't tip, I can understand because all they wanted was the food and not the service. But those people who splurge in restaurants demanding things from the servers and the bill comes out to $100+ then have the audacity to not tip... well those people are the definition of scumbags. I tend to not associate with people with this mindset because based on my experience they are just freeloaders.

I agree completely with this scenario. If you're making constant requests and demands and end up with a very large order, you definitely should tip, but even the smallest and simplest order that may have been the last priority showing up to your table late while cold still expects a tip because if you don't you are Hitler status to that restaurant.
I think someone described it well in one of the previous threads. We all know delivery people have low wages and the tips make up for it. People were saying they shouldn't have chose that job then, that would be real great then there would no longer be any kind of delivery service available. There was also talk of just increasing their wages to eliminate the tipping system but we don't live in a damn vacuum / bubble. You can't just change one thing and expect other things not to change. I'm sure restaurants would increase their food prices and that would make people even more mad. The weird thing is, people seem to leave big tips in the haircut threads.
That's their job. The employer pays them for the service they do. Why do we need to pay for the food AND the wage?
If employers are going to underpay drivers, servers, or wait staff, they should do it themselves. Not get the already paying customer to foot another bill. A tip used to be an option, but even the biggest slouch gets tips. North America is the only region that still has this skewed view on tipping. If you go overseas good service is given without the expectation of an incentive. It's gotten so bad in North America that even the laziest and most poor service gets tipped.
I agree completely with this scenario. If you're making constant requests and demands and end up with a very large order, you definitely should tip, but even the smallest and simplest order that may have been the last priority showing up to your table late while cold still expects a tip because if you don't you are Hitler status to that restaurant.

See that's the thing with me... if a server messes up my order or isn't polite/friendly then they DESERVE a poor tip or worst a complaint. Hell I have had rude servers and I requested a different table and/or spoke to management about the attitude of the server. I even wrote letters to a few restaurants where I received bad service and got sent gift cards. It all depends on the scenario but if you receive good/great or even mediocre service, then yeah you should leave a tip. It's simple as that.
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It's preference.

If you don't wanna tip, don't, what's the big ******g deal, of they wanna be cheap, scumbags, or logical it's their choice.

I tip depending on service, that's how it should be, I think I've tipped not once because the waitress was terrible, I saw twice the whole meal, no drink refills, no utensils , just a bad meal, paid my meal in exact change and dipped.

But if your ordering in because its raining or cold or snowing, throw that man a few bucks because you didn't wana go out cause of the weather.
You don't have to tip and a waiter doesn't to keep refilling your drink every time its empty.
Just like the pizza guy doesn't have to deliver your pizza in 10 minutes instead of 45.
The question I have for the the non-tippers is what is your expectations of service when technically all you have paid for is food?
just to play devil's advocate again: i think the service is a representation of the restaurant and if they aren't doing the job that they took up, i should have all the rights to complain to their company/manager. im the company's business and if they can potentially lose my business/ their profits because one of their workers isn't performing the job like they should regardless of tips then they should be replaced. if the service is still not up to par then i wouldn't go to the restaurant again because of poor service.
These threads bring out the true character or lack of character in some people on here and its not just about the tip.

Some of you just come across as scumbags.
Still threatening to beat people up outside of malls because you're mad you didn't get your size? Stay Classy.

And :rolleyes at being so far from reality that we are convoluting the esteem one holds their mother in and how the treat her, to that of the waitstaff. Yea, great comparison there.
You don't have to tip and a waiter doesn't to keep refilling your drink every time its empty.

Just like the pizza guy doesn't have to deliver your pizza in 10 minutes instead of 45.

The question I have for the the non-tippers is what is your expectations of service when technically all you have paid for is food?

That's their job. The employer pays them for the service they do. Why do we need to pay for the food AND the wage?

If employers are going to underpay drivers, servers, or wait staff, they should do it themselves. Not get the already paying customer to foot another bill. A tip used to be an option, but even the biggest slouch gets tips. North America is the only region that still has this skewed view on tipping. If you go overseas good service is given without the expectation of an incentive. It's gotten so bad in North America that even the laziest and most poor service gets tipped.

These threads bring out the true character or lack of character in some people on here and its not just about the tip.
Some of you just come across as scumbags.

Yup. I can understand people like my parents who are frugal and cheap but that's just their life style. If they go to a restaurant, they would buy 1 dinner, take it to go and share it at home. If they don't tip, I can understand because all they wanted was the food and not the service. But those people who splurge in restaurants demanding things from the servers and the bill comes out to $100+ then have the audacity to not tip... well those people are the definition of scumbags. I tend to not associate with people with this mindset because based on my experience they are just freeloaders.

I agree completely with this scenario. If you're making constant requests and demands and end up with a very large order, you definitely should tip, but even the smallest and simplest order that may have been the last priority showing up to your table late while cold still expects a tip because if you don't you are Hitler status to that restaurant.
You don't have to tip and a waiter doesn't to keep refilling your drink every time its empty.

Just like the pizza guy doesn't have to deliver your pizza in 10 minutes instead of 45.

The question I have for the the non-tippers is what is your expectations of service when technically all you have paid for is food?

That's their job. The employer pays them for the service they do. Why do we need to pay for the food AND the wage?

If employers are going to underpay drivers, servers, or wait staff, they should do it themselves. Not get the already paying customer to foot another bill. A tip used to be an option, but even the biggest slouch gets tips. North America is the only region that still has this skewed view on tipping. If you go overseas good service is given without the expectation of an incentive. It's gotten so bad in North America that even the laziest and most poor service gets tipped.

These threads bring out the true character or lack of character in some people on here and its not just about the tip.
Some of you just come across as scumbags.

Yup. I can understand people like my parents who are frugal and cheap but that's just their life style. If they go to a restaurant, they would buy 1 dinner, take it to go and share it at home. If they don't tip, I can understand because all they wanted was the food and not the service. But those people who splurge in restaurants demanding things from the servers and the bill comes out to $100+ then have the audacity to not tip... well those people are the definition of scumbags. I tend to not associate with people with this mindset because based on my experience they are just freeloaders.

I agree completely with this scenario. If you're making constant requests and demands and end up with a very large order, you definitely should tip, but even the smallest and simplest order that may have been the last priority showing up to your table late while cold still expects a tip because if you don't you are Hitler status to that restaurant.

I'm not tipping for poor service period. However I drink alot therefore I make my server work so I tip accordingly. I don't understand why someone would have the same expectations of service that I have when they don't tip.

A server's job is to give you the food and drinks you pay for anything extra deserves to be tipped.
Still threatening to beat people up outside of malls because you're mad you didn't get your size? Stay Classy.
And :rolleyes at being so far from reality that we are convoluting the esteem one holds their mother in and how the treat her, to that of the waitstaff. Yea, great comparison there.

You are ignorant and continue to prove that. You have never served tables yet seem to think it only consist of breaking food from point A to point B and grabbing a soda.

You belittle folks and don't come across as an enjoyable person to be around.

Who hurt you?
Still threatening to beat people up outside of malls because you're mad you didn't get your size? Stay Classy.
And :rolleyes at being so far from reality that we are convoluting the esteem one holds their mother in and how the treat her, to that of the waitstaff. Yea, great comparison there.

i find it cute how you remember things someone on an internet messageboard posts from months ago. must have alot of time on your hands out there in oklahoma.

and to answer your question, if i were to wait on a line to buy a pair of sneakers at a store that has a 1 pair limit and someone wasn't playing by the rules and violated store policy and bought multiples, he would sell me one of those pairs for retail plus tax one way or another and corporate would be called on that store for their shady business tactics.

but hey good job on changing the subject from you carrying yourself as a cheap scumbag to putting it on me. you get a special gold star for today.
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