Pizza delivery driver urinates on customer's doorstep for not tipping (video)

Still threatening to beat people up outside of malls because you're mad you didn't get your size? Stay Classy.
And :rolleyes at being so far from reality that we are convoluting the esteem one holds their mother in and how the treat her, to that of the waitstaff. Yea, great comparison there.

You are ignorant and continue to prove that. You have never served tables yet seem to think it only consist of breaking food from point A to point B and grabbing a soda.

You belittle folks and don't come across as an enjoyable person to be around.

Who hurt you?

Guess how many ***** I give about your opinon of me though. In this thread or any other one you carry your salt too.
you give no damns about his opinion, yet you took the time to quote him minutes after he posted.

interesting logic
You quoted me 26 minutes after I posted too, and answered that reply 3 minutes after it went up. Apparently we are all near a computer or internet connected device.
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I'll let you guys squabble, but why do people keep bringing up what servers are doing for their job? Every argument you're using can be used to support the fact that employers are paying them criminally low wages, which is somehow not wrong AT ALL to you guys and that the damn customer who is already paying for the food should tip because of all the work these low earning people are doing.

It's not the customers job to make sure they make money. It's the employer. You guys don't see the blatant exploitation of the North American tipping system by underpaying the servers? An up-to-par or mediocre job doesn't deserve a tip. We need to stop calling it a tip too. Because it's not. If no one tipped they would raise the price of the food? That right there is just blatantly saying that we already are paying more for the price of the food, and the people that don't tip (even if their service was just OK or worse) are going to end up paying for it anyway. Whether it's worse service next time or a loogie in their salad.

I don't see how, "Alright man, you did your job the way you're supposed to and aren't grossly under qualified or messed up my simple order. Here's a tip for being adequate!" is okay. I always tip. Even though 99% of the time I don't feel good about it. Maybe if my waiter did some magic tricks or moon walked to and from my table. Otherwise they are just doing their regular job. If I were to make requests that actually did make them go beyond their job and our table had a large complicated order. I would easily tip. Way more than usual and actually feel like it wasn't just giving away money.
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I think someone described it well in one of the previous threads. We all know delivery people have low wages and the tips make up for it. People were saying they shouldn't have chose that job then, that would be real great then there would no longer be any kind of delivery service available. There was also talk of just increasing their wages to eliminate the tipping system but we don't live in a damn vacuum / bubble. You can't just change one thing and expect other things not to change. I'm sure restaurants would increase their food prices and that would make people even more mad. The weird thing is, people seem to leave big tips in the haircut threads.
If nobody is willing to be a delivery man because of the low wages the business will be forced to raise pay or find ppl willing to do the job for low wages and be okay with not being tipped.

As far as I see it those are the options and outcomes. If you willingly choose to take a job that does not pay good that's on you. Expecting to get paid extra by the ppl you're serving or delivering to or assuming you're deserving of a tip is ridiculous.
A server's job is to give you the food and drinks you pay for anything extra deserves to be tipped.
Exactly what is the "extra"? You just said you tip accordingly cuz you drink a lot and then say it's a servers job to bring you your drink. What are you tipping accordingly for?
You are ignorant and continue to prove that. You have never served tables yet seem to think it only consist of breaking food from point A to point B and grabbing a soda.
You belittle folks and don't come across as an enjoyable person to be around.
Who hurt you?
W/e they do it's their job that they applied for and agreed to. They could be stopping a terrorist attack in the back, delivering babies, and curing cancer what that got to do with me eating my meal and only paying for that?

You tip your doctor? EMTs? Nurses? Firemen? Cops? Janitors? Guess what everybody that works has a lot of **** to go through that you wouldn't necessarily know about just by seeing them do their job a few times. Using your logic you should be tipping every single person you come across when you look for their service. Should be tipping your librarian to your garbage man.
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I don't really get how this is complicated.

You do a decent job serving (keep the drinks filled/get my order vaguely right in a restaurant/deliver my pizza in less time than USPS) and you get a decent tip, which is a service fee. Like it, don't, that's what it is and has always been.

You do a great job (steer me away from a bad dish/deliver my pizza in under 30min like the good old days) you get a little extra, for extra service.

You **** up, you get my *** to kiss, and I'm probably not coming back so you can bust kids in my quesadilla. You have performed poor service and I'm not giving you a reward for it or another chance to do it.


Yes, it's ****** up that the restaurant industry passes on the responsibility to pay their employees a living wage on the the consumer. Yes, sometimes the tip thing gets out of hand. (A tip jar in a BK? What did you do besides hand me a bag and reply to a text?) Yes, some people that work for tips feel entitled to them just for not pissing in your lemonade.

That's no reason to cheat the people that do legitimately try and earn a service fee in their service job by performing good service.

What the ****?

Yup, it's as basic as this. Which is why I said what I said when getting deliveries. When I have to come downstairs or ourtside you gets nathan. When I'm in a restaurant, I tip unless you screw up for the aforementioned reasons.
I just picked up Ihop to go

Should I have tipped the cashier?

why is their a tip line under the receipt?
and what about to tip mug at Dunkin Donuts?

am I expected to tip them too?

The chinese take out spot got a tip jar too. For why?
Whenever I go to a restaurant I have the option of ordering to go or sitting down and having a waitress. That choice of sitting down and having my food served to me constitutes an understanding that I'm going to tip for the service of being waited on as long as said service is satisfactory.

Waitresses and pizza guys are maybe the only professions where it is legal for an employer to pay them less than standard wages because of tips. How people can know that and still not tip is being a douchebag, Bringing up doctors and firemen is just an idiotic justification to be cheap, doctor's and firemen's pay is not based on tips so why bring it up.

When you sit down at a restaurant you receive more service than you if you order to go or if you go a fast food restaurant therefore I believe a tip is expected. Now at the same time places like Starbucks and whatnot I'm not tipping. Why? Because they are provided a decent wage by their company. If I order takeout I'm not tipping unless I get hooked up with something while I wait.

To me if you go to a restaurant and you don't tip all you deserve is to have your order taken and your food brought out to you and that's it. You should only see your waitress twice in that circumstance, when you order and when you get your food. That's their job, if you aren't tipping and you expect anything other than that you should have got it to go.
why is their a tip line under the receipt?

A lot of places will print out the same receipt wether you take out, sit down or order delivery.

We should just abolish the tipping system in this country and raise the prices of these services to compensate for the wages, which is basically what tipping does.
why is their a tip line under the receipt?

A lot of places will print out the same receipt wether you take out, sit down or order delivery.

We should just abolish the tipping system in this country and raise the prices of these services to compensate for the wages, which is basically what tipping does.
this is what I've said in EVERY tipping thread.
it's the ONLY thing that makes sense.
with delivery, maybe they can just approximate gas used.

it's really stupid to have something up in the air like this.
Whenever I go to a restaurant I have the option of ordering to go or sitting down and having a waitress. That choice of sitting down and having my food served to me constitutes an understanding that I'm going to tip for the service of being waited on as long as said service is satisfactory.

Waitresses and pizza guys are maybe the only professions where it is legal for an employer to pay them less than standard wages because of tips. How people can know that and still not tip is being a douchebag, Bringing up doctors and firemen is just an idiotic justification to be cheap, doctor's and firemen's pay is not based on tips so why bring it up.

When you sit down at a restaurant you receive more service than you if you order to go or if you go a fast food restaurant therefore I believe a tip is expected. Now at the same time places like Starbucks and whatnot I'm not tipping. Why? Because they are provided a decent wage by their company. If I order takeout I'm not tipping unless I get hooked up with something while I wait.

To me if you go to a restaurant and you don't tip all you deserve is to have your order taken and your food brought out to you and that's it. You should only see your waitress twice in that circumstance, when you order and when you get your food. That's their job, if you aren't tipping and you expect anything other than that you should have got it to go.

So because they do their job coherently and systematically, they deserve a tip. Why are you giving the employer a pass to pay them a criminally low wage? You just admitted to paying for their work and not just the food. That's not a tip. That's a fee.

Again, how is the customer a d-bag, but the employer isn't and gets a pass for underpaying them? That service that the wait staff does is their job. A tip USED to be a form of gratuity for beyond satisfactory service. But just because someone isn't inept they deserve a bonus?
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As a pizza deliverman myself I feel for the guy. I've been real upset at customers giving the wrong address and not picking up their phone, then having to make the trip back, or just people taking forever, not answering their door. Always dumb things, people pay me in quarters and stuff. It gets annoying, but I don't like to tip either so w.e.
I've delivered in hurricane weather and holidays not gotten tipped so it gets annoying. You'll tip someone walking from the kitchen to your table, but not someone preparing your food, driving to your house, walking out in the rain or heat, wasting their own gas, so you can conveniently not leave your house. If anything you should tip more!
Whenever I go to a restaurant I have the option of ordering to go or sitting down and having a waitress. That choice of sitting down and having my food served to me constitutes an understanding that I'm going to tip for the service of being waited on as long as said service is satisfactory.
Waitresses and pizza guys are maybe the only professions where it is legal for an employer to pay them less than standard wages because of tips. How people can know that and still not tip is being a douchebag, Bringing up doctors and firemen is just an idiotic justification to be cheap, doctor's and firemen's pay is not based on tips so why bring it up.
When you sit down at a restaurant you receive more service than you if you order to go or if you go a fast food restaurant therefore I believe a tip is expected. Now at the same time places like Starbucks and whatnot I'm not tipping. Why? Because they are provided a decent wage by their company. If I order takeout I'm not tipping unless I get hooked up with something while I wait.
To me if you go to a restaurant and you don't tip all you deserve is to have your order taken and your food brought out to you and that's it. You should only see your waitress twice in that circumstance, when you order and when you get your food. That's their job, if you aren't tipping and you expect anything other than that you should have got it to go.
But if you take a job that you know relies on tips and there's no laws against cheap or non-tippers, why would you get mad when a customer doesn't tip? stop complaining and get another job that pays you an hourly wage. they have no one to blame besides themselves.
all u think of is projects when u hear of nyc or sometihng u dumb f*^*. if i dont wanna tip thats my choice. im not giving extra money when im paying tax plus delivery fee. like i said i understand youre a white boy who continues to get supported by your parents but not over here in the les buddy. and i aint broke and i aint rich i just refuse to pay extra when im already paying extra. keep asking your parents for money u spoiled rich brat lol

lets get some facts straight

im from nyc.
i worked in dominos in city hall when i was 15 and i know EXACTLY how les dudes tip. luckily i worked inside and didnt do deliveries but heard the treatment.
im south east asian. not white. my parents came to this country with no money and have been working there ***** off till they couldnt. right now its me and my brother that support the WHOLE family. my parents cant work due to age and health problems, so no, not entitled. I bust my *** working and have worked multiple tipping jobs and appreciate the graciousness most people give. My fam struggled there whole lives but we work hard enough to have some luxuries. one of those luxuries being able to afford to partake in services that REQUIRE tipping. If not we would cook at home every single damn day. i never received an allowance and never asked my family for money because i know what a dollar is worth. that dollar to me is worth just as much to someone working for tips. if your starving one day and broke, why would you even consider getting delivery. wouldnt it make financial sense to pick up some food at the grocery to save even more extra money? and as cheap and broke as you sound, i HIGHLY doubt you would be the kind of person to even donate money that you would supposedly save from not tipping. lets not kid anyone, youre not going to put aside a couple dollars every time you order takeout and at the end of the year just donate it. a cheapass is a cheapass. dont get it confused with being a humanitarian because you feel that your better than the next guy. see where never tipping gets you in life. dont tip your barber, dont tip your waiters, dont tip your delivery guys, dont tip your taxi driver, dont tip anyone. im happy to receive that extra service from them when theyre more than happy to help someone who appreciates there service.
As a pizza deliverman myself I feel for the guy. I've been real upset at customers giving the wrong address and not picking up their phone, then having to make the trip back, or just people taking forever, not answering their door. Always dumb things, people pay me in quarters and stuff. It gets annoying, but I don't like to tip either so w.e.


I've delivered in hurricane weather and holidays not gotten tipped so it gets annoying. You'll tip someone walking from the kitchen to your table, but not someone preparing your food, driving to your house, walking out in the rain or heat, wasting their own gas, so you can conveniently not leave your house. If anything you should tip more!

I've delivered in hurricane weather and holidays not gotten tipped so it gets annoying. You'll tip someone walking from the kitchen to your table, but not someone preparing your food, driving to your house, walking out in the rain or heat, wasting their own gas, so you can conveniently not leave your house. If anything you should tip more!

That's savage. If I ordered out during a hurricane I would give a great tip. That's pretty harsh that someone wouldn't. Holidays too. The mail man deserves a tip around the holidays too because of the sheer chaos and enormous amounts of extra work there is during that time of year. Especially when your packages from loved ones arrive timely.

I can't stand how a tip is expected in every single situation though. Even when service is underwhelming or just barely acceptable. As soon as the tip doesn't come, the customer is immediately the villain. I just tip all the time to avoid that label even if I don't feel it was worth it. If someone is genuinely personable and nice I don't feel bad about tipping them for typical service either.
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