Please Help Me Get My Phone Back!

im gonna be around alexandria today....what do i get if i get it back?
so nothing happening with this phone situation? i know some dudes with nothing better to do that will go get it back in the alexandria area
Originally Posted by racerx

im gonna be around alexandria today....what do i get if i get it back?

a very sincere thank you.


in all seriousness, what would you guys want in return? (not including a date)
NT kills me....No disrespect you the OP...but if this was a guy in this situation, this thread would be FLOODED with "L" pics and GIF's
its a G1 though, phone is old and you could probably find it for less than 75 bucks, only hassle is if didnt save your contacts
besides that, I wouldnt sweat it, buy another

are you waiting to find this phone and not using anything at the moment?
Originally Posted by angelzdope

Originally Posted by racerx

im gonna be around alexandria today....what do i get if i get it back?

a very sincere thank you.


in all seriousness, what would you guys want in return? (not including a date)

Somebody send me a PM when the pies are being delivered.

I just got a great idea. What if you try to become friends with some of the employees from that dump you ate at. You should be able to point out the personthat served you and try to get their address.
Or you could have that person followed one day when they leave work. If that person lives where your phone says its at then you have your culprit. Im sure youcould scare the person into giving you your phone back or you could go to their manager.

Too bad that all this work is worth more than that phone, but if you really want it back go with this suggestion.

You can thank me via ustream.
Patrick Williams
1001 N Vail St
Alexandria, VA 22304-1939

Systems Administrator
Dante Consulting

I would have done been at his door. Even if it was a pre-paid. It's the principle.
I guarantee his son is sitting in his room texting his friends.....
im in minnesota. no help here.
if you roll into the front door, theres a few options once there. to prove that the phone is yours, if its at the house that is, call it or activate the soundthing. get the cops involvement somehow, by forcing said thief to call cops, then the cops would solve it by just getting your phone back(pending 100%confirmation that it is there). the alarm setting off once you are at the door as well works.

if you got a person that works at a pizza shop can just go there with a fake pizza, aka a few frozen pizzas oven heated, and brought to the person s door wouldbe a fun prank without actual calling pizza shops. there are many options that would be safe, but one is always do it during the daytime.

will be following this closely as well
Originally Posted by angelzdope

Originally Posted by seventh letter

First of all dude/chick isn't a thief.. finders keepers

2nd.. it's just a celly.. don't you have insurance on it?

just cop a new one.

insurance just means I get the replacement at a discount. not for free. plus I'd have to start over with my contacts and everything else in the phone.

No, you can get your contacts back, they're saved in your gmail account, so just log in to the computer. and click on the contacts tab, and they should bethere.
Originally Posted by angelzdope

Originally Posted by racerx

im gonna be around alexandria today....what do i get if i get it back?

a very sincere thank you.


in all seriousness, what would you guys want in return? (not including a date)

good luck finding a dude that's not related to you help you get your phone back..

you deserve to have the n00dz posted on the interwebs...

you only post in PYPs anyway, and you want NT to help you? c'mon...

i know i will probably get flamed but whatever..
Originally Posted by NationalTruckerDave

Originally Posted by angelzdope

Originally Posted by racerx

im gonna be around alexandria today....what do i get if i get it back?

a very sincere thank you.


in all seriousness, what would you guys want in return? (not including a date)

good luck finding a dude that's not related to you help you get your phone back..

you deserve to have the n00dz posted on the interwebs...

you only post in PYPs anyway, and you want NT to help you? c'mon...

i know i will probably get flamed but whatever..
Originally Posted by tree4twenty

Patrick Williams
1001 N Vail St
Alexandria, VA 22304-1939

Systems Administrator
Dante Consulting

I would have done been at his door. Even if it was a pre-paid. It's the principle.
I guarantee his son is sitting in his room texting his friends.....

Gottdamm! Found out his position and the company of his job.

im surprised nobody has went and the phone for her yet. OP your not even offering a date or cash dudes not gonna help LOL.
Originally Posted by AF1 Beast

Originally Posted by tree4twenty

Patrick Williams
1001 N Vail St
Alexandria, VA 22304-1939

Systems Administrator
Dante Consulting

I would have done been at his door. Even if it was a pre-paid. It's the principle.
I guarantee his son is sitting in his room texting his friends.....

Gottdamm! Found out his position and the company of his job.


NT Detectives @ work yet again...
OP should offer a date as a reward, otherwise no one is riskin a possible suburban buttwhoopin for a antiquated android phone.
seeing the type of neighborhood it is, i don't see why going to the place with a few friends (no foolishness) and explaining the situation would be aproblem. just because they haven't gone out of there way to give it back doesn't necessarily mean they wouldn't be decent enough to give it back ifthe rightful owner came knocking.
go to the door, demand it, and, while the door is open, send off the alarm function and see if you can hear it.
LOL U gotta take this as a BIG L

1.U lost ya phone
2.U ate at cheesecake factory
3.U got them using up ya minutes still
4.U called the cops and they told u to take the L
5.U don't wanna spend $100 to get a brand new one
6.I know u got some naked pics in there some where thats gonna be on the net soon LOL

Just give up
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

i live in be down to join some nters to get the phone back.
OP take solewoman with you to get the phone the woman got them hands
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