Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

A venasaur popped op on my radar. Man I got off the freeway and did a few rounds. Never found it. Ghastly showed up as well, couldn't get it.

On the other hand, cubine is popular on here and people seem happy to be getting him. Dude pops up like crazy in my hood :lol:
keepin it real, i respect that. youre not afraid of getting banned? some dude in here was doing the GPS cheat and he got banned for a little while and learned his lesson LOL
as of right now they ban based on location. if you're appearing in drastically different locations, you'll get soft banned. I got soft banned for a few hours when i spoofed to Paris. Spoofing your location to realistic locations relative to where you actually are doesn't get you banned. From work I can spoof to most parts of NYC no problem. From home i can spoof to most parts of Philadelphia and South/Central Jersey with no issues.  But what i'm doing here isnt even that. This tweal just lets me explore the area im already at without moving, it mirrors what would be happening if i was actually walking. 
keepin it real, i respect that. youre not afraid of getting banned? some dude in here was doing the GPS cheat and he got banned for a little while and learned his lesson LOL
as of right now they ban based on location. if you're appearing in drastically different locations, you'll get soft banned. I got soft banned for a few hours when i spoofed to Paris. Spoofing your location to realistic locations relative to where you actually are doesn't get you banned. From work I can spoof to most parts of NYC no problem. From home i can spoof to most parts of Philadelphia and South/Central Jersey with no issues.  But what i'm doing here isnt even that. This tweal just lets me explore the area im already at without moving, it mirrors what would be happening if i was actually walking. 
that makes sense. sounds cool. hope they dont update their cheating detection down to exact location
Yeah, spoofing and the dpad hack are 2 different things.

The controller hack emulates actual footsteps

The spoof jumps your location
good. ban their device's while you're at it so they can't make another account unless they have another device :smh:
good. ban their device's while you're at it so they can't make another account unless they have another device
Yeah, spoofing and the dpad hack are 2 different things.

The controller hack emulates actual footsteps

The spoof jumps your location

the game is tracking everything you're doing .. if the pedometer in the iPhone isn't working while your dude is traveling 20 miles a day, that's something i'm sure that can be a red flag. (only on phones that have a pedometer of course)
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