Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

Incomplete list via reddit


Aerial Ace: 25 -> 30

Air Cutter: 25 -> 30

Ancient Power: 30 -> 35

Aqua jet: 15 -> 25

Blizzard: 60 -> 100

Bubble: 15 -> 25

Bubble Beam: 25 -> 30

Bug Buzz: 50 -> 75

Bulldoze: 30 -> 35

Confusion: 12 -> 15

Cross Chop: 55 -> 60

Cross Poison: 20 -> 25

Dazzling Gleam: 45 -> 55

Dig: 55 -> 70

Dragon Pulse: 50 -> 65

Draining Kiss: 15 -> 25

Drill Peck: 30 -> 40

Drill Run: 40 -> 50

Earthquake 60 > 100

Fire Blast: 60 -> 100

Fire Fang: 7 -> 10

Fire Punch: 35 -> 40

Flame Wheel: 35 -> 40

Flamethrower: 50 -> 55

Flash Cannon: 55 -> 60

Gunk Shot: 60 -> 65

Heat Wave: 60 -> 80

Hurricane: 60 -> 80

Hydro Pump: 60 -> 90

Hyper Beam: 70 -> 120

Ice Beam: 50 -> 65

Ice Punch: 35 -> 45

Ice Shard: 12 -> 15

Icy Wind: 15 -> 25

Leaf Blade: 45 -> 55

Moon Blast: 60 -> 85

Mud Bomb: 25 -> 30

Mud Slap: 6 -> 15

Megahorn: 55 -> 80

Night Slash: 25 -> 30

Ominous Wind: 25 -> 30

Play Rough: 50 -> 55

Petal Blizzard: 50 -> 65

Power whip: 60 -> 70

Psychic: 50 -> 55

Rock Smash: 5 -> 15

Seed Bomb: 30 -> 40

Shadow Ball: 40 -> 45

Sludge Bomb: 50 -> 55

Sludge Wave: 60 -> 70

Solar Beam: 70 -> 120

Stomp: 25 -> 30

Stone Edge 55 > 80

Thunder: 65 -> 100

Thunderbolt: 50 -> 55

Twister: 15 -> 25

Water pulse: 30 -> 35

X-Scissor: 30 -> 35


Aqua tail: 50 -> 45

Body Slam: 50 -> 40

Bug Bite: 6 -> 5

Discharge: 40 -> 35

Dragon Claw: 40 -> 35

Frost Breath: 12 -> 9

Iron Head: 40 -> 30

Lick: 10 -> 5

Metal Claw: 12 -> 8

Mud Shot: 12 -> 6

Poison Jab: 15 -> 12

Pound: 8 -> 7

Psycho cut: 15 -> 7

Scratch: 10 -> 6

Shadow Claw: 16 -> 11

Vine whip: 10 -> 7

Water gun: 10 -> 6

Wing attack: 12 -> 9

Zen Headbutt: 15 -> 12
So i did not know/realize I could collect coins when I place a Mon at a gym til now
Neither did I.

But correct me if wrong, but you can essentially collect only 10 coins/20 hours (if knocked off your gym), unless you can stay there for 20 hours you'd get the grand amount.
Pretty much done with this game

Got old quick

Where can I sell my account or does no one buy them?
So i did not know/realize I could collect coins when I place a Mon at a gym til now
Neither did I.

But correct me if wrong, but you can essentially collect only 10 coins/20 hours (if knocked off your gym), unless you can stay there for 20 hours you'd get the grand amount.
I think you can collect once every 21 hours, but the amount depends on how many gyms you have Pokemon at.
so when do you collect coins? As soon as you take a gym over? I've never done it so I'm not sure
As far as I understand you should collect your pokecoins and dust as soon as you have as many gyms taken over that you can hold at once (max you can takeover at one time is 10, unless this was changed). In my experience I'm lucky to get to 3 different gyms before the first one I took over starts getting attacked. Therefore I hit 2-3 gyms and then collect my 20-30 coins and dust. Some days I don't have much time to play so I just hit 1 gym, collect and keep it moving. Timer resets every 21 hours. I'm sure if I played in the middle of the night I could hit 4-5 before they get taken down. 
mine is doing it a lot. Also, animation is slower and leggy during capture. I'm probably going to delete and reinstall soon.
I'm going to wait it out till the next update

The Animations are a little laggy for mine too. So I might just do the reinstall sometime this week
So wasnt sure if taking a gym while still having a countdown timer will make you eligible for a collection. I assumed you had to be at zero first before taking over gyms. Grabbed a couple gyms and had under an hour left. Once it hit zero i was able to collect, surprisingly no one took over it as i was waiting for the counter.
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Id be lucky to have a Pokemon in a gym for a full hour around my way. Longest I've stayed in one was for like 4-5 hours during an over night shift at work and that's only because 2 of my coworkers were holding it down with a 2200 snorlax and 2600 dragonite lol.
They definitely made it a lot harder to catch stuff. I wasted like 30 balls on bulbausors. That **** is ridiculous.
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