Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

I got a ******* 110CP Eevee from a 10K egg. Almost threw my damn phone into traffic.
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Dropped this guy off to level up the gym. Got it to 3 before I got bored and left. Come back today and he's still holding it down and high level snorolax, vaporeon, and electabuzz joined the gym. Currently level 7 as you can see under 5k prestige from lvl 8 :pimp:
very actually found that dropping off something around 1k cp and killing it with something half, maybe less. I. E. 1k jolteon, and my 500 cp graveler with mud shot. You get way more gym xp doing that, and use less potions reviving him.
Hype is definitely dying down ..used to be way more people at the park early last week
read about this earlier :smh:

But those people are bad parents with or without Pokemon :lol:

For sure. It's just fascinating how many stories are tied with pokemon. Scary part is that this is tame augmented reality.. wait till we get google contact lenses..
Where in the dfw are you located? I have caught 2 snorlax in the same spot a week apart.

East FW. I have one already CP9xx, just need another one that's either stronger or some candies to lower up

Ended up using that travel site pokemon location thing and drove out to catch a Snorelax that wasn't actually there. It picked up every other mon but that Snorelax didn't exist
Pokemon Go's first Articuno seems legit, but the devs say it didn't come from them

Much hubbub has been raised about Pokemon Go's first sighting of the legendary bird, Articuno. So much so that Kaitlyn Covey, who claimed to receive the Pokemon as a gift from developer Niantic Labs, held a Twitch stream to prove it was legit. Which … kinda worked?

Covey's stream was off to a bit off a rough start, with her trainer journal (which logs all the Pokemon a player encounters, as well as the items received from PokeStops) failing to show Articuno. Then there was the email Covey supposedly received from Niantic, which spelled Articuno as "Articundo." Apparently even emails need minor text fixes every now and then.

Still, the Articuno sure looks like it's really in Covey's collection, with appropriate moves, animation, and even the right cry. Covey restarted the app as well and logged into an iPhone version, which should clear up any concerns about a temporary faking or Android-only hack.

That all being said, a representative for Niantic responded to Geek.com's inquiry about the Pokemon, claiming that it was not from the company. "It’s either a spoof or someone hacked the game," the rep said. The rep also said that the team is "looking into it."

It's possible that Covey and her friend (who hosted the Twitch stream) are lying, but what the heck, I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. If they are telling the truth, my guess would be that some overzealous customer service rep not familiar with Pokemon actually did gift Covey with Articuno, not realizing the significance of what they'd done. You're free to disagree of course, and we'll be watching and hunting for the truth of the matter as the things develop.

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cant get this app to load man. sitting on a blank screen for the pass 20 mins ... no roads, stops, mons, animation, or anything.

Niantic is Crap!
Damn there was like 5-6 stops and a gym where I work but it all got taken away. Seems like more Pokemon spawning in higher quantities now though. Had a few waves of 5-10 pidgey/ratata with occasional low squirrels, nidoran m/f, etc

Screen shot of one wave earlier
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That's a nice group of mons :pimp: but no stops around you gonna be out of balls by the end of your shift :lol:
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