Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

you dont know what u saying papi ....

although the update sucks - thats one thing Niantic fixed ... Vap arent OP anymore.
as long as you can spam squirt gun 3 times as fast as any other attack it's op. They should have slowed it down, and dropped the hp not the power of the attack. Why vaporeon has a such a huge hp boost compared to jolteon or flareon is beyond me.
A 1500 Blastoise ran away from me earlier today after 1 razzberry and 1 ultra ball 
. But got a CP 100 Venasaur and later got a CP 1000 Charizard right as I was heading home 
. Would've been cool to get all 3 og evolutions in 1 day. 
Shiiiiiiiii atleast you can even run into those Pokemon. I still haven't seen a charmander in the wild
I'm level 21
It's only cause I was in Central Park 
. Gonna miss it when I go back to Dallas 
So has anyone set back the time on their phone to get more time with incense or a lucky egg?
as long as you can spam squirt gun 3 times as fast as any other attack it's op. They should have slowed it down, and dropped the hp not the power of the attack. Why vaporeon has a such a huge hp boost compared to jolteon or flareon is beyond me.
its cool ... 

I play the game too ...

You aren't lying to me ...

Carry on ....
its cool ... 

I play the game too ...

You aren't lying to me ...

Carry on ....
Yeah the update damn near destroyed Vap-Gawd. Any move that could have possibly been associated with it got nerfed. Water gun, Aqua tail, hydro pump, and water pulse are all bad. My man slowbro even indirectly took an L as a result.
too weak. My Raichu, electabuzz and jolteon all are only good for gym leveling.

They shouldn't tho cause water types seem to be most plentiful outside of the birds and rats

you dont know what u saying papi ....

although the update sucks - thats one thing Niantic fixed ... Vap arent OP anymore.

But they still everywhere. Gyms will have 3 Vaporeons guaranteed
Theres a high chance theyre cheating some way...aint no way in hell someone gonna catch a high cp mon while on the crapper unless they live in a high dense area
Seen a dude at my local gym leave 2 mons there.. Is that some sort of hack (was like level 30+ and left 2 ******* dragonites at 3000+CP :stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface: )
Ever steal a gym and then watch it come under fire but see absolutely no one around tapping at their phone?
Lol, I couldn't even take down a 1k cp poliwrath with an 800 cp electabuzz last night. Why electric pokemons are so weak in this game is beyond me. On the flip side, that poliwrath will be my next thing I evolve.
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