Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

so  hit a 100 stops and no evo item fml
They've got to be very very rare, except for the 7 day streak bonus... really hoping that theory is true so we at least get one/week. My 7 day streak should be coming up again on Saturday.
I hit a kings rock on 7th day spin and yesterday I got upgrade circuit around 100 spin of the day. Such a pain in the ***. Especially for rural area players with minimal stops 
Hit my 7 day pokestop streak this morning and no evo item. I currently have 2 each of Dragon Scale and Up-Grade sitting in my bag. I spin close to 50 stops a day and have not received an evo item in the past 3 days. I would think that there is no cap to the number of evo items you can carry at once, right?
I wish i knew lol, but i would guess no as long as you have space in your bag you should be good 
I hit a kings rock on 7th day spin and yesterday I got upgrade circuit around 100 spin of the day. Such a pain in the ***. Especially for rural area players with minimal stops 
Hit my 7 day pokestop streak this morning and no evo item. I currently have 2 each of Dragon Scale and Up-Grade sitting in my bag. I spin close to 50 stops a day and have not received an evo item in the past 3 days. I would think that there is no cap to the number of evo items you can carry at once, right?
I got a Dragon Scale on the first night of Gen 2 dropping (Feb 16), which was a pleasant surprise. I got a King's Rock on the morning of the 18th, which was a 7-day spin, but I didn't make the connection at the time. At that point, I was thinking "wow, guess they won't be THAT uncommon after all..."

Haven't seen one since 
 Now, I'm not REALLY complaining, because 2 is better than 1 or none, but still, it's frustrating to have some of these Gen 2 evolutions held up just waiting for these rare items to randomly drop. I've got multiple high-IV mons with enough candy to evolve, but they're starving for evolution stones 
I got a Dragon Scale on the first night of Gen 2 dropping (Feb 16), which was a pleasant surprise. I got a King's Rock on the morning of the 18th, which was a 7-day spin, but I didn't make the connection at the time. At that point, I was thinking "wow, guess they won't be THAT uncommon after all..."

Haven't seen one since 
 Now, I'm not REALLY complaining, because 2 is better than 1 or none, but still, it's frustrating to have some of these Gen 2 evolutions held up just waiting for these rare items to randomly drop. I've got multiple high-IV mons with enough candy to evolve, but they're starving for evolution stones 
yea i could finish up the gen 1 to 2 evo's if i just had the damn stones. Luckily I work/run at lunch in a downtown city area so there's tons of stops to spin, but it's a pain in the *** to have to keep discarding items to be able to spin. 
I got a Dragon Scale on the first night of Gen 2 dropping (Feb 16), which was a pleasant surprise. I got a King's Rock on the morning of the 18th, which was a 7-day spin, but I didn't make the connection at the time. At that point, I was thinking "wow, guess they won't be THAT uncommon after all..."

Haven't seen one since 
 Now, I'm not REALLY complaining, because 2 is better than 1 or none, but still, it's frustrating to have some of these Gen 2 evolutions held up just waiting for these rare items to randomly drop. I've got multiple high-IV mons with enough candy to evolve, but they're starving for evolution stones 
yea i could finish up the gen 1 to 2 evo's if i just had the damn stones. Luckily I work/run at lunch in a downtown city area so there's tons of stops to spin, but it's a pain in the *** to have to keep discarding items to be able to spin. 
I hear that. I kinda wish you could set in your preferences which items to auto-reject (like the basic potions) so you don't have to fool with tossing those out every few stops if you're maxing out your bag limit.
shaw333 shaw333 Same here, I work in Downtown so during lunch/leaving work I am able to take advantage of the amount of stops. I'll just have to keep spinning and discarding. It does add another level of things to accomplish, which is good so the game has more layers before it becomes stale.
No bueno. With no guaranteed trigger for it to happen, it's *possible* some of us will never seen another evolution stone again...
Didn't an evo item on my 7th day streak (today).

Haven't gotten 1 yet :smh:

Kind of salty about it :lol:
Didn't an evo item on my 7th day streak (today).

Haven't gotten 1 yet :smh:

Kind of salty about it :lol:

Wow I just realized this game is gonna be crappy again. The 1st day of the new release, there were 2nd gen EVERYWHERE. All different types too. Game just reverted back to this for me

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And yes still haven't gotten an Evo item. I'm salty as hell and fed up with this bull :lol:
They'll probably hit us with an easter event :

Higher chance of getting evo item
Half the distance to hatch eggs
More "eggs" pokemon (togepi, eggxecute, maybe chansey...)
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not getting one in 400-500 spins is insane though. I feel like every event, like Vday and the gen 2 launch spawns are way out of wack that 1st day or 2, then they basically trickle back down to never seeing what was promised again 
not getting one in 400-500 spins is insane though. I feel like every event, like Vday and the gen 2 launch spawns are way out of wack that 1st day or 2, then they basically trickle back down to never seeing what was promised again 
This. I mean damn, some of those evolves that take a hundred or so candies, it's not like having more than 1 or 2 extra pop up is gonna have people completing their dex's in a day. I hate it. I've seen like 8 charmander in the wild and 3 of them were from an event. Seen 3 dratini. I can already tell there are 20-30 gen 2 mons that will follow this pattern :rofl:
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Wow, 0.14% for all Evolution items is remarkably close to the 0.16% I estimated earlier with @shaw333  's numbers.

A 0.14% chance of getting an Evo item is the same as one every 715 spins
  (on average, could be more or less)
 As far as drop changes on February 17th go, we observed a change in number of evolution items that dropped. Something was probably amiss during the launch and Niantic dialed back as soon as they realised it.
I guess that helps explain why I got an item on the launch night for Gen 2, and only one since then...
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IF you are lucky enough to receive an Evolution item, here is the breakdown on what your chances are of getting each one:
[table][tr][td]Sun Stone[/td][td]24%[/td][/tr][tr][td]King's Rock[/td][td]18%[/td][/tr][tr][td]Dragon Scale[/td][td]12%[/td][/tr][tr][td]Upgrade[/td][td]18%[/td][/tr][tr][td]Metal Coat[/td][td]27%[/td][/tr][/table]
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