Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

hatched an elekid from a 5k egg. definitely was not expecting since elekid was a 10k egg hatch earlier.

with regards to evolution items, so this gen 2 thing is now about 2 wks old (post valentine) and ive gotten 4 evo items. so its totally random. if it is on the 7th day streak only, i should only have 2. tomorrow is my 7th day streak so we shall see....
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hatched an elekid from a 5k egg. definitely was not expecting since elekid was a 10k egg hatch earlier.
it was but they changed some

heres a updated chart from reddit 

Worst thing about this whole game is the stupid "going to fast" thing that comes up when you driving :lol:

I would play a lot more if it let me do it while driving lmao
Originally Posted by rollout  
I just had a revelation as I was driving to work this morning. I was spinning Stops, thinking about those statistics posted yesterday, and realized that those are the odds of getting each individual item, which is different  than odds of getting it with each spin.

Using data collected on items dropped per stop, we know that the number of items dropped averages just over three items per stop, excluding stop bonuses... Multiplying that times the 0.14% rate from before, we get a probability of 0.44% chance of getting an evolution item at a given Stop, though that chance COULD be higher if stop bonuses affect your chance of getting an evolution item.

tl;dr, corrected number is STILL less than a 1% chance... it's comparable to one item every 227 stops, which IS a lot better than the 715 I thought it was before.

Yeah, that link mentions that "Egg drop rates are obviously bigger than 0.83%, the number is so low due to full bags!" So if you have an empty slot for an egg, you have a much better chance of getting one than what's shown here. Several people have mentioned that they might as well have left eggs out, since they have no impact on other items dropped- they are completely independent.
welp i did another 150+ and didnt get anything again
I only averaged 34 stops/day this weekend, and I'm guessing that average drops during weekdays. If a person averages 32.5 spins per day, they should see an evolution item about once a week. I haven't gotten an item since 2/18, but hopefully I'll get another soon. My friend got an Up-Grade around that same time (2/18) but has since gotten 2 Sun Stones... It sounds like you're getting robbed spinning 150+/day and not getting anything 
7th day spin

No item

**** you niantic how about that
I didnt get one either and its been about 650 spins since my last one. beyond annoying
No evo item on 7th day spin for me, either. Guess that theory is thoroughly debunked
finally got a larvitar

gotta finish walking this togepi and larvitar will be my buddy until i get a ttar 
I saw my first larvitar on the scanner today and got over to that stop real quick and was able to catch it. Trash IVs, but at least I have one in case I never see another one. Dratinis are very rare around here, so I had given up on bothering with it a long time ago, but yesterday I saw/caught two (used Pinap berries), and I started walking my good one. Dragonite, here I come... (65 candies to go)
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no 7th day streak evo item here either. completely random. i still dont know how i got the 4 items i got in just a matter of 2 weeks since it started.
Got tired of having to delete unwanted items so Niantic got me for 9.99 for coins. 50 stops in already today and no item. Getting really fn annoyed by it. There needs to be some sort of way to gauge when you will get one, especially with the amount of flipping stops I've had. Evolved a Chinchou to a Lanturn for gen 2 #63
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