Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

last night there was ppl sniping the gym over by Boat House Row in philly lol Homies and i were cooking on the bench posted up and a member from Blue team popped out yelling yall still weak thats why we just took the gym again LOLOL

it was classic few mins later we took it right back and they left 

fun times. been out there lurking till 1am past few days body been killing in work lol

Genos/Pats area was popping with pokemon last night to 
Man ... I just beat a gym and when I was finish another dude was already in it. SMH

Two ?

When I evolve an Evee do I get the same CP to what was evolved or does it come with a different CP altogether?

Also to join a gym that has already occupied by my team to leave my pokemon, how do you do it?

So how does gym work man? Do I have to actually attack and defend or is it done automatically?

This is confusing me. LoL

I might go to a gym today and get waxed just to see what's all about.

My max level pokemon is a damn Pinsir CP 383. SMH. I'm almost level 10.

Gyms go by a prestige system.

If the gyms controlled by another team, you have to fight and beat the trainers in them to bring down their prestige. If there are a lot of leaders/trainers in a gym, it could take a while and plenty of /revives/potions.

So you fight and every win brings the gyms prestige down, if you use a lower CP against the gyms pokemon the more prestige you take down. For every 2,000 prestige you remove, it also removes a trainer in the gym.

Keep doing it until all are gone and it becomes vacant then you can place your own pokemon in there and it becomes your gym.

In this scenario, you use 6 Pokemons to take them out and might have to fight multiple times depending how many are in there.

If the gym is already controlled by your team color then you increase prestige by "training" which means fighting the trainers in there and winning. The same goes prestige-wise, the lower the CP the more prestige you earn and level up the gym. Every 2,000 levels up a gym and every level allows an extra gym leader.

You do this to place your own Pokemon in there.

In this scenario, you only use one Pokemon.

Once you takeover a gym, do not forget to quickly claim your rewards at the shop (PokeCoins & StarDust). The rwards multiplies depending on how many gyms you occupy when you claim them and I believe you can occupy up to ten gyms.

And CPs go up when evolved.
NYC is totally out of control right now. Almost every major park in or around the Manhattan area has clusters of Poke stops that are being lured almost 24/7 with many trainers occupying the area.

Heard some crazy things about Central Park. Buddy of mine caught Dragonite last night.

Went to the LIC Piers again last night didn't come back with anything too crazy. Got back around 2am, but started around 11:30pm. I suspect the best time to be going is during prime time hours.

On my way to work I saw Dragonair appear on my nearby and spent 15 mins looking for it. I think I walked too far and it disapeared from my nearby. Feels batman.
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Spend a majority of my time at work and there is absolutely nothing nearby 24/7.

Im only level 4. Don't even see a point in playing now 

Dudes are way ahead
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Yeah I've realized after trying to feed them raz them balls start curving on you for no damn reason
Yeah I've realized after trying to feed them raz them balls start curving on you for no damn reason
i noticed my throws curve by accident if i use my thumb... just the way it is if your holding the phone with one hand and swiping with the thumb thats on that same hand.
Yeah, I've also noticed that it's getting much harder to catch Pokemon now. Even when I use my index finger and make sure to go straight up, the Pokeball still curves.
After working on my curve ball, I can't go back to the straight ball, because I either overshoot or undershoot and waste balls. I dropped down to under 100 Pokeballs for the time since downloading it last week.

but as far as difficulty catchin. No way a cp10 Pidgey should be breaking out :lol:
Just hit lvl 10

Got Lyme disease [emoji]128567[/emoji] so I haven't been able to play much...word to the wise wear bug spray

Highest lvl Pokemon i have is a pidgeot cp 437

Some of y'all are flourishing
Just hit lvl 10

Got Lyme disease [emoji]128567[/emoji] so I haven't been able to play much...word to the wise wear bug spray

Highest lvl Pokemon i have is a pidgeot cp 437

Some of y'all are flourishing

[emoji]128514[/emoji]. Lyme disease? TF? Did you go rolling around in the Grass to look for Bublasor or some ****?

Ouchea catching the fade from real life varmints.
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