Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

So any updates yet? I been away for awhile. is the grand jury hearing the case and when will they make their decision?
This thread slowed a lot in the last 24hrs.
It's the weekend.

I don't know King. I don't think it's that at all.
The passion is gone, again!
This is what infuriates me about the struggle, about the revolution.
You have so many hangers on, and so few really about the cause.
During the 24/7 news coverage, the spotlight, the time when it's cool to tweet #'s and rep for the cause, everybody is down. Hell, Get them both (hangers on and real reps) in a room when stihs is a hit topic, you can't tell the difference between the hangers on and the real reps.

When the smoke clears, you can tell the difference then easily, the ones left are the ones who care. Nobody is left in this thread now, and the sad part is, so many people got banned, that were down for the cause, that wanted to see change, and they didn't agree with HOW it should be changed, so they got kicked or banned.

All the cosigners that agreed with all the strong minded posters and the real reps, well they didn't get banned, but now they are gone, because the topic isn't hot anymore, and we have nothing left to discuss at 3:05am CST. When CNN was covering this case 24/7 a little more than 32 hours ago, man, you'd get 5 posts per minute. Now everyone's on "weekend". The struggle doesn't get weekends off, it doesn't get

I was afraid of this tread becoming the normal "hot thread" because it was moving and posts were going in.

Damn, back to square one.
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^^^Or cosigners making those not about the struggle feel like they were a part of the struggle. 232 pages later, what happened?

I know there was a difference made somewhere in America, somewhere in MO, somewhere in Ferguson. I believe that.

I'd be lying if I said I WAS surprised NT gave up when the caMERAS STOPPED ROLLING.

It's only cool here, if it's cool.

#staywoke though?
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i think its just becuz ferguson has seemingly calmed down a bit. the accounts that are usually lighting up with info are quiet as far as i can see. and you know the media has backed off. the only window into that world is closing. the question now becomes, whats the next steps and how to proceed imo.  this officer has STILL not been arrested, this is reminiscent of zimmerman all over again smh. let you or me (not racially, i just mean us regular people) shoot someone in broad daylight, in "self defense" or not... and we'd STILL be in jail. cops and their unfair rules have to stop. AND! someone needs to answer for ferguson's militarized police response these past 2 weeks. how much tax dollars did they waste? how many people got hurt? reparations need to be made. i hope the people of ferguson file a HUGE civil suit
They actually don't have to answer for the policies being militarized.

I read that police agencies applied for government supplied military surplus on account if terrorism. This was something that was brought into play due to 9/11 and a way for local police to defend us in wake of a homeland attack.

Here is the issue:
The military grade weapons and what-not have to be used within a certain amount of time or they must be returned.

The ferguson police used these protestors as an excuse to use and therefore keep the military grade articles that they received.

They can basically say anything they want as a reason for having to use the military weapons.

Btw... I think it's a pile of BS
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I'm just waited for a decision from the grand jury and I think most of Ferguson is too. If they choose not to indict I'm sure it'll get crazy again.
^^^Or cosigners making those not about the struggle feel like they were a part of the struggle. 232 pages later, what happened?

I know there was a difference made somewhere in America, somewhere in MO, somewhere in Ferguson. I believe that.

I'd be lying if I said I WAS surprised NT gave up when the caMERAS STOPPED ROLLING.

It's only cool here, if it's cool.

#staywoke though?

What do you want to discuss? :nerd:

There has not been any new info that wasn't already posted in the last 5 pages of this thread.

You want people to post just to post? This ain't TAN!
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^^^Or cosigners making those not about the struggle feel like they were a part of the struggle. 232 pages later, what happened?

I know there was a difference made somewhere in America, somewhere in MO, somewhere in Ferguson. I believe that.

I'd be lying if I said I WAS surprised NT gave up when the caMERAS STOPPED ROLLING.

It's only cool here, if it's cool.

#staywoke though?

The gist of the movement is this.

- Let's not buy sneakers in September - whether you buy 1 pair a month or 10.

- Instead, let's donate that money, or a part of it, to the Michael Brown fund.

- While supporting the movement we bring awareness to our cause.

- Not buying from the big businesses is just another way to show solidarity to the black community who is organizing a don't spend money day. 
Post a link to the thread, if you made one, and I'll definitely participate.

Be warned, the same deflectors in this thread took it to that thread.

I asked for all their input and help to fine tweak the movement and got trolled.

NT is full of people who rather tear you down instead of helping you up.


You mind using your influence on IG to use #nosneakerseptember to help the movement.

We can discuss it at Pollo Inka or Roscoes...my treat.
"Cops aren't racist tho"


I feel like this gives an insight into the culture of the entire department. If this hate filled idiot has been there 35 years imagine how many more share his same ignorant views.

Bruuuhhhh :x :x

And he was working the protest...

And been on the force for 35 years?

Like... Come on son...

:smh: :smh:

This is a prime example of SYSTEMATIC oppression...

The guy that arrests you has this view...

The jury that judges you has people with this view...

The judge who sentences you has this view.

The HR manager may have this view

The bank loan officer may have this view.

And they can inflict their pain without even saying ONE WORD...

Y'all think we're just making this up?

Wow. That thread went downhill fast. :smh:

Did you say @Methodical Management is starting a fund? :nerd:
dudes were in there hating for no reason...

^^^Or cosigners making those not about the struggle feel like they were a part of the struggle. 232 pages later, what happened?

I know there was a difference made somewhere in America, somewhere in MO, somewhere in Ferguson. I believe that.

I'd be lying if I said I WAS surprised NT gave up when the caMERAS STOPPED ROLLING.

It's only cool here, if it's cool.

#staywoke though?

What do you want to discuss? :nerd:

There has not been any new info that wasn't already posted in the last 5 pages of this thread.

You want people to post just to post? This ain't TAN!

I don't want to discuss anything.
My point was, meh.....nevermind.
The thing about that videois thatthe police is gonna want us to think that this cop is alone in thinking this way. This guy was a cop for 35 years and we are suppose to believe he's the only one who yhinks this way?
The thing about that videois thatthe police is gonna want us to think that this cop is alone in thinking this way. This guy was a cop for 35 years and we are suppose to believe he's the only one who yhinks this way?
What's funny about people is this.

I forget who said this in the thread but it was something like "Good cops who don't speak out are just as bad as the bad cops." 

You have the ignorant posters who reply "You can't judge the good cops by the few bad ones."

Yet these same people say "Why don't you protest against black on black violence."

Essentially, black people should hold themselves accountable for ALL black people, good or bad, however, Cops, should only be accountable for good cops, not the bad ones.

Their logic is a nutshell.

This thread has opened my eyes to all the closeted racism behind screen names. These same people will be the first to fake like US on line at a sneaker store or out and about.
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