Post Something You Know That We Don't Because Of Your Job

Originally Posted by eyegiantjackpot

95% of the Trailer Voice actors you hear in movie previews get recorded at my studio, by me and 3 other engineers.

75% of the dudes work from home, and I record them remotely, possibly meaning they are sitting around in their undies, or getting a "trouser friendly kiss" from some young pricey female while they are on the mic.

The Top 2% of Voice Talents make anywhere from 2 to 5 grand per session, and a session is anywhere from 5 to 25 min long.

Most of them do 5 to 8 sessions a day.

Add that one up.
where do i sign up?
Originally Posted by HANNSUM

i don't work but my friend told me mac users have lower avg iq compared to pc users.

which means mac users aren't as smart.

it's true because mac made it "easy" for all these ordinary people.

Man, what? 

I hate people who only consider others smart based on what school they get in, IQ numbers, tests, etc.

Non-creative, by the book mofos. 

But then again...I'd prefer a Mac.
As an aspiring graphic designer, clients, please please please PLEASE have idea on what you want. I can't speak for everyone, but I enjoy coming up with my own concepts for a project. But if you tell me, oh I want some letters, or my name, etc., that +$@! is time consuming and prolongs the project even further. Tell me what you want, how you want it, and we go from there.
Fishoil vitamin pills, from the company NBTY are handled so carelessly its disturbing.

Its crazy how careless and unorganised pharmaceuticals companies and people who work at these pharmaceuticals don't know their jobs. But they're dealing with people health and lives daily.
-Do not, check bags in for a flight.

-If u have to check bags in, make sure ur name is legible all over that $#*%@.

-Dont buy expensive luggage if u cant carry it on a plane.

-If ur at a hotel, ask for extra sheets, they tend not
to change them often, and never clean the comforter
and the food they serve in hotel cafe's are usually left
overs from a day or two or three.
Originally Posted by Super Producer J

People have no clue how prescription, or medical in general, insurance works.

Enlighten us.

and mother +%%% all those damn environmentally-friendly soccer moms who'd bring a pile of those reusable cloth bags..

Lol why? You just sound lazy.

Originally Posted by The Notorious Bum

(Wells Fargo)
People think its okay to come and deposit big amounts of moneyseparately or each day because they wont get monitored WRONG, you'reaccounts are being watched!

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

fraij da 5 11 wrote:

Oh and make sure you DONT bring only your DEBIT card to a hotel, bring a freaking CC. Its a pain in the %%% with debit cards on the hotels part as well as your own.
what if you have a debit card with a visa logo on it? is that frowned upon? 
Its not about that, a hotel is gonna authorize x amount of credit on your CC but if its a debit card it puts a hold on the credit (money) in the account. Ive seen so many debit cards either get declined because they dont have the $600 (or however much money) in the account OR it puts a hold on almost all of their money then they go and use that same card at a restaurant and they use it as a debit card and causes it to overdraft.

Usually these people get pissed at the hotel for holding money on their account but this is why they should know better in the first place. 

If you wanna pay with your debit card for the hotel, thats fine, you can bring it with you to check out of the hotel and youll see the exact amount on the bill withdrawn from your checking acct, but get a CREDIT card authorized when you check in.

i work for a car rental company i HATE it when people ask if a debit card w/ a visa/mastercard logo is a credit card. NO its a debit card w/ a logo!!!!!!! you no damn well what the difference is dont play dumb (nothing personal to anyone, just a vent)

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by Super Producer J

People have no clue how prescription, or medical in general, insurance works.

Enlighten us.

and mother +%%% all those damn environmentally-friendly soccer moms who'd bring a pile of those reusable cloth bags..

Lol why? You just sound lazy.

Originally Posted by The Notorious Bum

(Wells Fargo)
People think its okay to come and deposit big amounts of moneyseparately or each day because they wont get monitored WRONG, you'reaccounts are being watched!


I think its if anything over 9k is deposited at once they need to report to irs. People try to deposit 3 to 4k at a time thinking they won't get monitored or checked, but the banks will notice.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by Super Producer J

People have no clue how prescription, or medical in general, insurance works.

Enlighten us.

and mother +%%% all those damn environmentally-friendly soccer moms who'd bring a pile of those reusable cloth bags..

Lol why? You just sound lazy.

Originally Posted by The Notorious Bum

(Wells Fargo)

People think its okay to come and deposit big amounts of money
separately or each day because they wont get monitored WRONG, you're
accounts are being watched!


about the insurance thing, i bill people out for dental insurance, and my boss did not get paid because insurance companies are REALLY stingy

its known you should see a dentist every 6 months, for example

a patient saw us on 1/10/2010 and came back for a second cleaning on 7/05/2010

i billed the insurance company, and they said it was within 6 months so they didnt pay us, my boss was heated

this also happened, we checked a patient if she was covered under a specific insurance, they said she was insured, so my boss did the cleaning for her, and we billed her out and got paid, then the insurance company sent a letter a month later saying she wasnt coverd and my boss had to pay back the check they sent him, even though it was the insurance company's mistake in the first place, the patient was then homeless so we couldnt contact her in any way, so my boss gave her a free cleaning and lost the money he shouldve gain
Originally Posted by MeloVP

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

We will never cure "cancer"

On a brighter and more specific note; Sickle cell anemia is one of many diseases that will be cured by genetically engineered stem cells.

This is NOT true. You should know cancers are caused by a diversity of factors genetic, environmental, and viral. We already have "vaccines" for certain cancers. I believe with research in molecular bio/ immunology researchers can develop specific chemicals that help our immune system specifically target cancerous cells with minimal harm to our body.

Nothing is impossible in science, it just takes time.
Well, just as you said it's a multi-factorial disease. We do have cures for some and treatment to prevent some such as vaccines for HPV, but we will never cure "cancer" as in a one cure all drug because it's multi-factorial. Too many causes and too many differing abnormal genetic expression patterns to have a cure all.

That's what I meant, but just wanted to simplify it.

So, we might, but not in our lifetime.
There really is only one underlying root cause. The only role genetics play is that they determine how susceptible a person is to a certain type of cancer. Many people have cured cancer but mainstream western medicine wont have any of it because "alternative medicine" is not lucrative. 

Stop please my sides hurt

seriously. I doubt this kid even took Bio 101 (or the equivalent)
[font=Verdana,Helvetica,Sans-serif]In 2001, Gregory announced to the world that he had been diagnosed with a rare form of Cancer. He refused traditional medical treatment – chemotherapy –and with the assistance of some of the finest minds in alternative medicine, put together a regimen of a variety of diet, vitamins, exercise, and modern devices not even known to the public, which ultimately resulted in his reversing the trend of the Cancer to the point where today he is 100% Cancer free.[/font]

if that matters
It doesn't. Especially if you don't provide a peer reviewed source. Who the eff is greg? Oh and my grandfather tried a lot of alternative meds too and he still died from lung cancer. If you take cancer bio at the graduate level then you will understand. Cancer is  multi-factorial.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by The Notorious Bum

(Wells Fargo)
People think its okay to come and deposit big amounts of moneyseparately or each day because they wont get monitored WRONG, you'reaccounts are being watched!


I always wondered this about my b of a acct..

Especially with ally since that's govt owned

^@PhD I took that anecdote from +!*% gregory's website..what's your affinity for peer-reviewed sources? This is the internet bro I'm not looking for scholarly articles
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by wanksta23

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

We will never cure "cancer"

On a brighter and more specific note; Sickle cell anemia is one of many diseases that will be cured by genetically engineered stem cells.

im curious to know why you say this?
i have read that we HAVE found numerous cures for cancer and even HIV/AIDS but the gov. wont let it be released because were over populated...i know this is on some over the top +%$, doesn't mean i believe in it
Read below. Cancer is multi-factorial, there is no cure all, but we do have treatments that works for some sub-types. HIV/AIDS is very hard to cure because the virus is always mutating.

You need to stop listening to or going to where ever you are getting that info from. Bad source. lol we DO NOT have a cure for all cancer sub-types and we do not have a cure for all forms of HIV/AIDS.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

We will never cure "cancer"

On a brighter and more specific note; Sickle cell anemia is one of many diseases that will be cured by genetically engineered stem cells.

This is NOT true. You should know cancers are caused by a diversity of factors genetic, environmental, and viral. We already have "vaccines" for certain cancers. I believe with research in molecular bio/ immunology researchers can develop specific chemicals that help our immune system specifically target cancerous cells with minimal harm to our body.

Nothing is impossible in science, it just takes time.
Well, just as you said it's a multi-factorial disease. We do have cures for some and treatment to prevent some such as vaccines for HPV, but we will never cure "cancer" as in a one cure all drug because it's multi-factorial. Too many causes and too many differing abnormal genetic expression patterns to have a cure all.

That's what I meant, but just wanted to simplify it.

So, we might, but not in our lifetime.
One universal cause of most cancers has to do with the integrity of the cell cycle....if we can develop  a drug that stabilizes it for life, we may be able to prevent all forms of cancer for good.

Good luck finding a drug that stabilizes cell proliferation in only cancer cells and not your normal rapidly proliferation cells. Chemotherapeutics already targets rapidly proliferating cancer cells, but we can see that it only goes so far. Remember cancer cells are still your cells, just out of control. Even a slow growing cancer cell can soon wreck havoc if you do not target its other needs besides cell cycle induction. Although you could survive longer the cancer cells still have the ability to break through the basement membrane because of no contact inhibition and will metastasize. 
LOL you completely missed the point......this is a preventative measure I suggested. A lot of cancers are caused by mutations in genes that govern the cell cycle check points eg. P53/ cyclins etc. This drug would be employed way before our cells become cancer cells.

No, man I get your point. It's just stabilizing the cell cycle is not going to prevent cancer, it might prevent the uncontrolled growth which is a big help, but won't stop you from having genomic mutations that always occur randomly. Cancer is caused by an accumulation of genetic mutations that hit certain genes to give the cancer cell uncontrolled growth, and immortality. You not only need hits to Ras and p53 or other cell cycle controlling genes, but the cancer cell needs activated telomerase, non-responsiveness to apoptosis, non-functioning Rb, angiogenesis, no contact inhibition, etc... Stabilizing the cell cycle is a large help, but not the only factor that can attribute to tumor formation.

Plus I was saying what kind of drug you going to take to "stabilize" the cell cycle when many many many different cells in your body have slow growth while others have rapid growth? Stabilizing all of them would cause rapidly growing cells to slow down and you would have many problems.

Get it? Or am I missing something? Your comments are welcomed so keep em coming. Its thoughts like that, that keep me and many others trying to find a miracle cure.
Originally Posted by MeloVP

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by The Notorious Bum

(Wells Fargo)
People think its okay to come and deposit big amounts of moneyseparately or each day because they wont get monitored WRONG, you'reaccounts are being watched!


I always wondered this about my b of a acct..

Especially with ally since that's govt owned

Who is this Gregory? Can you link? Oh and peer-review articles are a must for any scientific research theory/hypothesis/fact. Internet is the only place I get mine. I do not have hard-copy subscriptions to scientific journals.
If you want to fight or argue a ticket/citation, do it in court not right there on the scene because you will NEVER win
Originally Posted by CJ003

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

fraij da 5 11 wrote:

Oh and make sure you DONT bring only your DEBIT card to a hotel, bring a freaking CC. Its a pain in the %%% with debit cards on the hotels part as well as your own.
what if you have a debit card with a visa logo on it? is that frowned upon? 
Its not about that, a hotel is gonna authorize x amount of credit on your CC but if its a debit card it puts a hold on the credit (money) in the account. Ive seen so many debit cards either get declined because they dont have the $600 (or however much money) in the account OR it puts a hold on almost all of their money then they go and use that same card at a restaurant and they use it as a debit card and causes it to overdraft.

Usually these people get pissed at the hotel for holding money on their account but this is why they should know better in the first place. 

If you wanna pay with your debit card for the hotel, thats fine, you can bring it with you to check out of the hotel and youll see the exact amount on the bill withdrawn from your checking acct, but get a CREDIT card authorized when you check in.

i work for a car rental company i HATE it when people ask if a debit card w/ a visa/mastercard logo is a credit card. NO its a debit card w/ a logo!!!!!!! you no damn well what the difference is dont play dumb (nothing personal to anyone, just a vent)


Thing is, ive actually heard from store employees and whatnot that it is in fact like a credit card, really people..customers are not always out to get you lol.
about the insurance thing, i bill people out for dental insurance, andmy boss did not get paid because insurance companies are REALLY stingy

its known you should see a dentist every 6 months, for example

a patient saw us on 1/10/2010 and came back for a second cleaning on 7/05/2010

i billed the insurance company, and they said it was within 6 months so they didnt pay us, my boss was heated

this also happened, we checked a patient if she was covered under aspecific insurance, they said she was insured, so my boss did thecleaning for her, and we billed her out and got paid, then theinsurance company sent a letter a month later saying she wasnt coverdand my boss had to pay back the check they sent him, even though it wasthe insurance company's mistake in the first place, the patient wasthen homeless so we couldnt contact her in any way, so my boss gave hera free cleaning and lost the money he shouldve gain

Interesting. This reminds me of that long health care thread that was on here a while ago. That's crazy how that works, it seems insurance companies have everyone by the balls in every field.
Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by MeloVP

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by The Notorious Bum

(Wells Fargo)
People think its okay to come and deposit big amounts of moneyseparately or each day because they wont get monitored WRONG, you'reaccounts are being watched!


I always wondered this about my b of a acct..

Especially with ally since that's govt owned

Who is this Gregory? Can you link? Oh and peer-review articles are a must for any scientific research theory/hypothesis/fact. Internet is the only place I get mine. I do not have hard-copy subscriptions to scientific journals.

and I understand that but I'm not trying to dispute facts I'm not a scientific expert by ANY means
Originally Posted by BootsieCollins85

private engineering company as a land surveyor


This is not a camera, we aren't taking your picture. All the faces you make, and hand signals you throw up are pointless. Plus you just look like a weirdo.
Didn't know there were any other surveyors on here
.  Where you located? I'm doing mostly geology/geotech. work at my current job, but I was on a survey crew all through school.  Loved it.

My favorite was when I was in school and we had surveying lab on campus.  People would be walking and not paying attention or on the phone, and literally almost fall backwards when they realized they were about to walk in front of the gun.  I guess they thought the laser was gonna cut their head off
In charge of Used Car Inventory at a Dealership
*We laugh when someone gets screwed
*Most salespeople dont have a life.
*if they tell you "thats the price the dealer payed for the vehicle therefore i cant sell it cheaper" 98% of the time it's a lie
*If you buy a fast/nice looking/luxurious car most likely it had been abused before you bought it by the salespeople/techs/managers

(2008 Infiniti M45)
Originally Posted by MeloVP

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by MeloVP

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by The Notorious Bum

(Wells Fargo)
People think its okay to come and deposit big amounts of moneyseparately or each day because they wont get monitored WRONG, you'reaccounts are being watched!


I always wondered this about my b of a acct..

Especially with ally since that's govt owned

Who is this Gregory? Can you link? Oh and peer-review articles are a must for any scientific research theory/hypothesis/fact. Internet is the only place I get mine. I do not have hard-copy subscriptions to scientific journals.

and I understand that but I'm not trying to dispute facts I'm not a scientific expert by ANY means
I know. Don't trip. Interesting guy. Although it says nothing about the sub-type of cancer or his treatment method, so I can't really comment on it. Umm what I can say is, I never said we couldn't treat and cure some sub-types of cancer. Of course we can there are many 5+ year survivors of cancer. But, there is no one drug cure all and I don't think there ever will be one at least not in our life-time.
Originally Posted by HANNSUM

^never said they're idiots. just not as smart.

it's true though from my experience lol

yeah i know 
 iono why i used the word idiot. its the first thing that came to mind.
i like macs though. my setup would be a macbook pro + imac to design and have multimedia on, and a beast power pc to code on 

best of both worlds
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by CJ003

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

fraij da 5 11 wrote:

Oh and make sure you DONT bring only your DEBIT card to a hotel, bring a freaking CC. Its a pain in the %%% with debit cards on the hotels part as well as your own.
what if you have a debit card with a visa logo on it? is that frowned upon? 
Its not about that, a hotel is gonna authorize x amount of credit on your CC but if its a debit card it puts a hold on the credit (money) in the account. Ive seen so many debit cards either get declined because they dont have the $600 (or however much money) in the account OR it puts a hold on almost all of their money then they go and use that same card at a restaurant and they use it as a debit card and causes it to overdraft.

Usually these people get pissed at the hotel for holding money on their account but this is why they should know better in the first place. 

If you wanna pay with your debit card for the hotel, thats fine, you can bring it with you to check out of the hotel and youll see the exact amount on the bill withdrawn from your checking acct, but get a CREDIT card authorized when you check in.

i work for a car rental company i HATE it when people ask if a debit card w/ a visa/mastercard logo is a credit card. NO its a debit card w/ a logo!!!!!!! you no damn well what the difference is dont play dumb (nothing personal to anyone, just a vent)


Thing is, ive actually heard from store employees and whatnot that it is in fact like a credit card, really people..customers are not always out to get you lol.

Yes it can ACT as a credit card, you can run the DEBIT card as a CREDIT card and the register or w.e will basically interpret the $$$ in your account as CREDIT from a lender.

So say you look at your BOM accounts, you got $1500 available CREDIT on your BOM MasterCard CC.  And then you got $500 showing in your CHECKING account.

You have 2 separate cards for those 2 accounts right? one just says DEBIT above your VISA or MC logo.  When so and so swipes your DEBIT card when you're checking in to a hotel or doing w.e. the register thinks that you have $500 available CREDIT, when in fact its putting grip on half a stack (or more, overdrawing you or declining your card.) in your checking account.

And I know customers arent trying to get anyone normally, they just think they're smarter than someone telling them that their DEBIT card is not the same thing as a CREDIT card.
Originally Posted by Sid Lugar

I work Retail

-If customers are rude, be sure that they will never forget you and whatever you buy will get messed with on purpose.

-Certain electronics should not be bought because they have been dropped many times.

-Most of the items you purchase are extra dirty and filled with bateria from people doing all kinds of nasty stuff. Think about that the next time you grab those fruit snacks for your kid or that donut.

-Please don't pay for a 2 dollar poster board for your car wash with a 100 dollar bill. Thats a instant insult and you cause a lot of time to be wasted for me or whomever to get your 98 dollar change.

-When the store closes, its not really empty. There are a good 5-10 people inside organizing it at night so when it opens in the morning, it looks neat. Think about that next time you put a item in a random spot because you don't care.

-People who come to do a layaway at 9:55 when we close at 10 will get extra bad treatment. I will make faces, suck my teeth, or drop your items in boxes and toss them when they get upstairs. You will forever be on my pissed off list and you will not get good customer service.
You're a piece of %%%!.
people dont know how to tell you how to get to there own house (i deliver appliances) if it wasnt for gps on my phone i would not deliver anything
Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by MeloVP

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

and I understand that but I'm not trying to dispute facts I'm not a scientific expert by ANY means
I know. Don't trip. Interesting guy. Although it says nothing about the sub-type of cancer or his treatment method, so I can't really comment on it. Umm what I can say is, I never said we couldn't treat and cure some sub-types of cancer. Of course we can there are many 5+ year survivors of cancer. But, there is no one drug cure all and I don't think there ever will be one at least not in our life-time.
he had lymphoma

if it was up to me, i wouldn't waste time and resources on a cure all, i think individual cancers should be attacked, individually

it seems sort of far fetched to come up with one pill that'll cure any type of cancer
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