Post Something You Know That We Don't Because Of Your Job

Court House
-Judges can make up whatever sentencing they deem fit as long as it's within the guidelines of the courts
-We can see pretty much every bit of information about u in the court case system
-When you get a record expunged, we can still see your info, just cant edit it
-Public Defenders and DA's/ADA's/Judges are all coo w/ eachother for the most part. You can get convicted, go to jail till sentencing and the 3 a fore mentioned parties will head to lunch on the judge's ticket

-9/10 we don't care about your personal life or problems
-Every excuse you give the judge has been heard before, he/she's just bein lenient and not really carin b/c of the work load.

-When we don't feel like workin hard overnight, we say we don't have any rooms available
-We have extra pillows, blankets, etc, just don't feel like gettin em
-The garage isn't full half the time, we just want the tip for valet
-The nicer u are to us, the better ur "perks" as far as room service/valet/concierge/shuttle service
-Don't use the glass cups if you don't wash them out first
-Come in loud w/ ur friends and u will be quoted an outrageous price
Originally Posted by larrivee7

Originally Posted by BootsieCollins85

private engineering company as a land surveyor
This is not a camera, we aren't taking your picture. All the faces you make, and hand signals you throw up are pointless. Plus you just look like a weirdo.
Didn't know there were any other surveyors on here
.  Where you located? I'm doing mostly geology/geotech. work at my current job, but I was on a survey crew all through school.  Loved it.

My favorite was when I was in school and we had surveying lab on campus.  People would be walking and not paying attention or on the phone, and literally almost fall backwards when they realized they were about to walk in front of the gun.  I guess they thought the laser was gonna cut their head off
This is what i came in here to say
. a theodolite doesn't take pictures, shoot terminator lasers, etc. and walking in front of it doesn't ruin my work. i guess i'll contribute something:


geodetic benchmarks are EVERYWHERE. they're metal slugs cemented into the ground, usually rock, and have a real-world sea level elevation on them. even in what seems like the middle of nowhere, one of these is nearby so that elevations can always be determined.

if a gps satellite's internal clock is out by as little as 1/100000th of a second, its accuracy skews about 6km (approx 4 miles)
Originally Posted by kvsm23vs24


Magic Moutain

- if your friekn fat, dont make us have to push the damn belt harvest and lock your seat. lose some weight before getting on the ride.

-if you complain to me, i will call security to kick you out without a refund.

- at times the rides arent open and i waited outside and when people asked if it will open i say no or yes depending if youre a jerk or not. Like if someone is like "wttf why aint this open" i go sorry technical diificulties, it ill be closed" in reality were at the ride just chillin.

- if you sound like a B, i will tell you to get out of line and go to the back.

- if a ride is broken, the workers dont really know whats the problem. at times your depending on a 17 year old to control the ride.

-there are many fine hunies at Magic, and i will help them with whatever they want.

- if your a guy and a B, and ask me where something is, il say sorry idk.

Costco Food demonstrator

-you think youre slick grabbing more than one sample? i memorize your ***

- customers are allowed to get as many samples as they want, dont push it makes you seem needy.

- let me fill all my damn tray of samples, dont be reaching trying to grab samples when im clearly trying to have a distance from you.

-i dont give a F, if you been waiting for a while for food. its F'ing free, you keep asking me how long it takes, il say 10 more minutes.

- say thank you, youre getting free food, dont act like you deserve the shiit.

you are a ++%@##$ loser.
Originally Posted by DT43

from my various past jobs and internships....

-don't print out those fake coupons online and try to use them at grocery stores. the cashiers are given a list of fraudulent coupons to look out for, and if anything looks suspicious they'll just reject it on sight.

-the food in the "organic" aisle is overpriced and honestly not that different from the normal food in most cases.

-medical insurance companies are OD greedy, they're basically the main cause for our health insurance problems.

-for engineers/architects... when you get to the workforce you wont really need to remember anything you learned in your first 2 years of college. or a lot that you learned in the last 2 years, for that matter. when you get hired, most companies will just assume you forgot everything and will put you up on what you actually need to know.

Im a intern for USDA (HQ) IT department and really dont use much of what I learned in school...most problems we rely heavily on google ..
Originally Posted by Food4Thgt

Originally Posted by DT43

from my various past jobs and internships....

-don't print out those fake coupons online and try to use them at grocery stores. the cashiers are given a list of fraudulent coupons to look out for, and if anything looks suspicious they'll just reject it on sight.

-the food in the "organic" aisle is overpriced and honestly not that different from the normal food in most cases.

-medical insurance companies are OD greedy, they're basically the main cause for our health insurance problems.

-for engineers/architects... when you get to the workforce you wont really need to remember anything you learned in your first 2 years of college. or a lot that you learned in the last 2 years, for that matter. when you get hired, most companies will just assume you forgot everything and will put you up on what you actually need to know.

Im a intern for USDA (HQ) IT department and really dont use much of what I learned in school...most problems we rely heavily on google ..

Argriculture is serious business....
This is in Canada btw I'm not sure how it is anywhere else...

For most provinces and territories the stat bar for CC debt is 5-7 years. If you've gone into default on a loan (and consequently end up in first or third party collections) it can only reflect on your credit bureau for that period of time as an outstanding/unpaid debt HOWEVER your account can still be active for collections and they have every right to keep calling you, your employer or family members. In certain provinces, companies are not permitted to call your place of employment without consent. They can also pull a credit bureau on you every 6 months and that will show up on the inquiry line of your cb regardless whether the debt appears on your cb or not.

If you acknowledge your debt within the 7 years you restart the stat bar.

There are no statute of limitations on student loans. If you request a settlement on a student loan instead of paying the balance off in full (principle + interest) you are risking not getting further government assistance/funding if you want to return to school.

If you're an uncooperative +*!%$*+ I will recommend a judgement be placed on your account and legal action be taken against you. This can be done in less than 48 hrs.
Used to work for Enterprise car rental. the break even on most econ-full size cars is $8.64 a day, meanwhile you're getting "hooked up by the cool enterprise dude" for 53.99 while the board says 69.99, yeaaaa. Employees are only rated on how well the sell insurance and as a branch what the customer service score is. Complain to Area Managers or RVPs, region vice presidents. they just instantly give refunds, bc ERAC makes so much money it doesnt matter.

I currently work at Johnson and Johnson, that place is wild. The have a 63% market share on toiletries/baby products, yadda yadda yadda. They have whole marketing/sales divsions that exclusively use to push products. They make us sign all these confidentiality waivers about not releasing/selling info that could damage the company's rep. If I could find out how to sell this info i'd be all about it. I know what products are dropping early/ what problems they have just by walking by any random printer or Xerox machine and looking thru the printouts. Johnson and Johnson makes most of CVS's store brand products ie baby powder, athletes foot cream. same with Walmart's Equate brand.
Also J&J makes like 48 variations of KY jelly, but not condoms. They want you making babies to buy powder and desitin and no more tears shampoo etc.
They make Aveno, Neutrogena, Edge shaving gel, Reach toothbrushes, Listerine, Shower to Shower, Tylenol, Motrin, Immodium AD, Zyrtec.........
Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

Originally Posted by kvsm23vs24


Magic Moutain

- if your friekn fat, dont make us have to push the damn belt harvest and lock your seat. lose some weight before getting on the ride.

-if you complain to me, i will call security to kick you out without a refund.

- at times the rides arent open and i waited outside and when people asked if it will open i say no or yes depending if youre a jerk or not. Like if someone is like "wttf why aint this open" i go sorry technical diificulties, it ill be closed" in reality were at the ride just chillin.

- if you sound like a B, i will tell you to get out of line and go to the back.

- if a ride is broken, the workers dont really know whats the problem. at times your depending on a 17 year old to control the ride.

-there are many fine hunies at Magic, and i will help them with whatever they want.

- if your a guy and a B, and ask me where something is, il say sorry idk.

Costco Food demonstrator

-you think youre slick grabbing more than one sample? i memorize your ***

- customers are allowed to get as many samples as they want, dont push it makes you seem needy.

- let me fill all my damn tray of samples, dont be reaching trying to grab samples when im clearly trying to have a distance from you.

-i dont give a F, if you been waiting for a while for food. its F'ing free, you keep asking me how long it takes, il say 10 more minutes.

- say thank you, youre getting free food, dont act like you deserve the shiit.

you are a ++%@##$ loser.

calm down.

i should have worded it more specifically. but im too lazy.
I work as Medical Lab Assistant in Pathology so...
* I wont violate any HIPAA regulations but many a celebrity has anal warts, multiple abortions or prosthetic penis'. On the sad part, you can handle a cancer case and know that in a year or so that person is gonna be on the news/TMZ next year dead.
* There have been pool balls, candles, tree braches, candles and of course dildo stuck in men's rectums for surgical removal but none of the object are ever asked to be returned.
* In a surgery there is a charge for pathology services which can be from determining if tissue is cancerous to just identifying that an object swallowed by a child is a nickel. So it goes from something potentially life saving/changing to just adding money to a hospital bill.
* In an autopsy, it isnt all nice and clean like on TV. They using bolt cutters to cut out the spine. They hollow out the chest/abdomen taking out everything. The use a power saw to take out the brain. Its so mind trippy to see that it seems unreal. But the first few times I seen it and desceased had it eyes open it kinda stayed with me for a few days.
* If you are getting part of your colon removed they have you clean out your system for a reason. If there is a trauma case where colon is removed without the patient preparing themselves they have to squeeze out ca-ca out the colons. Not very nice to smell at all.
* Although I kinda consider myself pro-choice, seeing a dead fetus over and over makes me never wanting to be part of that situation.
Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ

Best Buy-Computer Specialist
1. We sell restore cd for your comp, even though you can make your on. But we won't let you know how to make them.
2. If your really rude and come of as a cheap bum. I won't give you free anti-viruses that is mandatory with your purchase.
3. I will flirt with married women while there husband are in TV section. I've been successful 3 times on grabbing the #.
4. I've dropped plenty of laptops on the floor and act like nothing happen.
5. I expect any Asian customer that walks in, will never buy any kind of warranty. I Even made a bet with my co-workers if they can sell a warranty to any Asian customer i'll give them $20 its been 2 months no one hasn't won yet.
6. When someone ask me for a discount, I repeat what they say in a louder tone. Every one looks at the guy. Making him look like a cheap bastard.
7. I look at your shoes to see you got money.
8. I'm honest when i want to be honest, i lie when i want to lie.
9. Best Buy doesn't care about customer service, they only care about they can get to your money so they can capitalize and profit.
That $35 usb cable you just bought only cost the employee about $1.35 - That's how BB makes money.

Most (not all) of you people sound hella lazy. It's as if you expect to get paid to do nothing and then get a pat on the head for it.

I mean, if you know damn well you're going to be working with the general public then don't be mad when someone asks a question or is a @##+.

Furthermore, quit having the whole "I have power so I'm going to do this" pertentious attitude...we get it, you can spit in our food/kick us out/con us/etc...

I know when I worked at a pizza place I did my job, talked with the co-workers, and went home.
Allstate Insurance - CA

Save a lot of money by claiming you drive 5,000 or 7,000 miles, Premium you pay is heavily computed by the miles you drive. Shady companies/agencies won't even ask you how much you drive, just rate you at 12,000 or higher.

Actually go with a company that has agents/offices if you build a relationship with the staff or agent you will get hooked up with the best premium.

Don't go on theses websites looking for quotes for auto insurance unless your serious. Each office has to shell out $12 for the lead and it sucks when you just hang up on us.

Keep a low comprehensive deductible, they are the most common claims and the difference between a $500 deductible and $100 is only a couple dollars a month. Collision on the other hand, keep it at $500 for the most part.
Originally Posted by AirCommanderMarsFiend


Most (not all) of you people sound hella lazy. It's as if you expect to get paid to do nothing and then get a pat on the head for it.

I mean, if you know damn well you're going to be working with the general public then don't be mad when someone asks a question or is a @##+.

Furthermore, quit having the whole "I have power so I'm going to do this" pertentious attitude...we get it, you can spit in our food/kick us out/con us/etc...

I know when I worked at a pizza place I did my job, talked with the co-workers, and went home.
was thinkin the same thing
Originally Posted by 18th letter

Smuggling drugs onto an airplane is not as difficult as you might think.
That's because nobody smuggles drugs out of the U.S.

Try that at an airport in the West Indies/Central/South America. The German Shepards will be waiting for you

*there are actually some sales reps whocrack 6 figures a year just selling phone.... too bad its not me

I dont get that...why is that possible

- Grips and gaffers do not know what they are doing half of the time
- Yes i can put your lighting and grip order together , i just do not want to cuz you are not paying me for it.
- Film students really have no clue about what it takes to light and grip a shoot.
- Yes i know why your generator is not working, cuz you are over amping it.
- If you call me with a equipment list 10 min before i go home, i can make your shoot a nightmare.
Too many to list.....


- No I m not gonna tell you how to light the stage, that your job. Unless you are going to pay me for it.
- I generally know more then 75% of the grips and gaffers that come to stage.
- I know why your light is flickering , but I am not gonna tell you.
- I can do wrap patrol but it will cost you $500
- I rather be shooting on location then at stage.
- Production managers , Production Coordinators, and most Producers really do not know allot about the industry.

there is allot stuff I can mention

oh and btw, Rihanna dose coke and smokes weed while on set.
If I'm out of my district and I catch you running a red light, or something petty like that, I wont pull you over.

Remember in Superbad how the cops turned the sirens on just to run those red lights? Yup, I do that every day. Matter of fact, it was 9:50 last night and the closest McDonalds was exactly 10 minutes away and it just so happened to close at 10:00. Better believe I turned on those sirens and ran every light just to get my Milkshake.

99% of the time, If a cop pulls you over for speeding or any other type of traffic violation and you give us a sob story, we will let you off the hook. Throw in some tears just for good measure though.

No matter what you heard, there is no quota that a police officer need's to reach at the end of the month. I know Officers in my station that haven't given a ticket out in 5 years.

Gamestop - You dont ever have to reserve any game. We ALWAYS get way more then the actual pre-ordered amount.
i agree with all the grocery store comments

paper and cloth bags are a %+#++

also if your nice i can give you a very nice discount...i havent paid for groceries for 2 years
Originally Posted by Ben Roethlisberger

99% of the time, If a cop pulls you over for speeding or any other type of traffic violation and you give us a sob story, we will let you off the hook. Throw in some tears just for good measure though.

even if im a dude?
Interesting read still in school so I dont have much to add as of yet

Mechanical Engineering/Aerogel Applications

-Engineers are the worst possible people you can come to with anything dealing with writing (written paper etc)
Becuase of this when you're required to write some sort of paper for an engineering professor what would get you a c- in a normal class will get you an A.

-an Aerogels is 90-99% air and cost waaaaaayyy too much but the number of applications it has are ridiculous. The easiest way to make one is from Rapid Supercritical evaporation. They look cool as heck though

-what you major in during your undergraduate years probably wont be what you are doing during the time you reach the workforce.

-sammichs are delusious
Originally Posted by Ben Roethlisberger

Remember in Superbad how the cops turned the sirens on just to run those red lights? Yup, I do that every day. Matter of fact, it was 9:50 last night and the closest McDonalds was exactly 10 minutes away and it just so happened to close at 10:00. Better believe I turned on those sirens and ran every light just to get my Milkshake.

99% of the time, If a cop pulls you over for speeding or any other type of traffic violation and you give us a sob story, we will let you off the hook. Throw in some tears just for good measure though.

No matter what you heard, there is no quota that a police officer need's to reach at the end of the month. I know Officers in my station that haven't given a ticket out in 5 years.

Cops (and firetrucks) running red lights just for the sake of it is nothing new in NYC, although we do indeed hate stopping for you.

Ive actually tried making up some *%%%%$*! stories, they actually work. i have a few extra "i just donated blood" stickers and they never fail.

I cant believe theres no quota though...can someone confirm on this? no ticket in 5 years?

those dudes must be chilling during their shifts everyday
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

if you're a seafood company sending in over 10gs a day to be processed by an armored truck company we will notify the FBI and they will catch you...

the managers who process commerical deposits at night to send in are +!@+*$$ idiots...why do you put 20 staples in a $20 bill and the reciept that goes with it?

new money smells like +@+$...

please don't write on your money...

whoever makes these counterfiets isnt really good at it...

armored trucks are robbed damn near every week on the west coast...TX and CA stay gettin hit up

wrongggg. lol im not goin into details
Originally Posted by badmoonRison

Yo Wells Fargo dude, I've been wondering this for a while: Do banks go out of their way to hire good-looking females as bank tellers?   
I don't work at Wells Fargo but I work at a bank as a manager... and yes I hire the good looking ones. You should see the line up I got right now

It's not just banking though... being good looking has lots of perks.
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