Post Your Controversial Beliefs

Originally Posted by JPioneer

I believe that someday we will have a World Government due to the fact that the power has been slowly concentrating for the whole history of mankind. I don't believe that our generation will see it though.

I agree. I just hope that the generation who does see that day is strong enough to revolt and have a true revolution. Iranians almost got to that point during the last elections, and I believe that they're in one of the last regions strong enough to revolt against a government. But the world as a whole is becoming softer and more scared, leaving governments to do what they please. The US wouldnt be able to have a revolution, that's for sure
- I am a Christian but I cannot support a ban on gay marriage. I am also pro-choice.

- I hate the polarization of political parties in this country. We are democratic republic for a reason. Balance is the key.

- I am fully disappointed with the quality of presidential candidates we have had to choose from the last two elections. I feel like I have to settle for the better candidate. Yet I will always support whoever is currently in office. I cant understand hating our own leader.

- I believe in absolute truths.
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

-People expect too much from government, government is, was and will always be the organized application of force (or the threat thereof) and nothing more. It is not your family, it is not your benefactor, it cannot plan a successful economy, it can create a job that does not require that other jobs be destroyed through taxation. Put simply, government has and never will create additional wealth in a society.

-While socialists are too confident in government's abilities to create wealth and prosperity, many libertarians overlook the fact that government, can increase the total level of happiness in society. Transferring a modest amount of wealth (by taxing very wealthy people, which is different from taking incomes) to the truly needy (most welfare dollars go to middle class households, wealthy households and corporation and farms), it would create more utility then would be lost through the taxation (taxation always is a cost, it is never a benefit by itself like some on the left seem to believe).

-We should be like Europe in terms of political speech. The terms fascist and socialists have become slurs but the fact is that we have many of both in this country. Most of the hard left wing folks on MSNBC, want government to dominate the means of production, that makes you a socialist. People like O'Reilly and Hannity, who want to solve every problem with coercion and are therefore fascists, should be called that.. Because both terms have become slurs, pointing out that someone is a fascist or a socialist is considered "name calling," even though both terms are, frequently and unfortunately, the most accurate.

- (this is not very controversial on NT but in much of America it is) People who idolize America's "Founding Fathers" to the point that they want our policies to be based only on their views, are out of their minds. People like Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, James Madison, et al. represented one of the greatest gathering of minds and of ideas and The Constitution that they wrote and pledged to defend, is worth defending and should serve as a set of constraints and guidelines today but some people take fidelity to the Constitution too far (and usually are selective in what really matters in the thing any way) and they have distorted history by elevating the Founders to a mythological status. Furthermore, reading aloud, antiquated quotes from the Founders and drawing on a black board does not make you a vessel through which the Founders' wishes flow. 

Bioshock is better than Halo and I love Halo.

Resident Evil 5 is kinda racist, not as bad as some said (usually people who did not even play the game) but between Sheva's body paint, the fact that many opponents in modern day Africa are armed with spears and the way the crowd acted before they were infected shows that the game is definitely devoid of racism.

QFT everything except the Halo part.
I have to disagree with two points that have been mentioned.

One is that "over population" is a serious long term problem. Children are a net cost to a household.society but adults are usually net producers and considering the history of technology and ideas (from the beginnings of agriculture to present day) more people means greater potential for economic improvement through increasing levels of specialization and trade and more people means more ideas.

The biggest worry related to growing populations is a depletion of natural resources but natural resources are potentially anything and our society has found ways of turning previously worthless and/or plentiful things into very useful things through the application of technology. Also, the most crowded countries tend to be the wealthiest countries. Niger has 50 or so people per square miles and Chas has less than 20, Germany has 500 and Japan has over 700 people per square mile. Even China and India, have less people per square miles then most Western European Countries. Even if we adjust for arable land (excluding deserts and high mountains and arctic regions) the US and Canada are also crowded and even many African countries that have desert covered areas are still fairly empty of people relative to industrialized countries. Finally, birth rates fall as affluence rises so through economic growth, population growth can level out and will grow logarithmically instead of exponentially if the standard of living rises in the world's most popoulus, poor countries like India and China and Brazil.

Second, I do not think that world government is inevitable or even very likely. There have been times when political control has expanded and the number of independent states have shrunk but there are time when exactly the opposite happens. Prior to the First World War, Europe had about 20 indepdent nations and now it has about 50. Furthermore, many places were colonies of European countries and the number of independent states in the World in 1914 was about a quarter of the number today. Empires rise but they also fall and the number of independent states in given area or in the World has fluctuated for thousands of years and will probably do so for thousands of years to come.
I pray/believe in God but also believe in the Evolution theory, and that once your heart stops beating, you're dead, there is no afterlife or heaven, just silence.........
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

I pray/believe in God but also believe in the Evolution theory, and that once your heart stops beating, you're dead, there is no afterlife or heaven, just silence.........

well you will never know the answers until you die, right?

yeah i am an absurdist now.

Absurdism is a philosophy stating that the efforts of humanity to find meaning in the universe ultimately fail (and hence are absurd), because no such meaning exists, at least in relation to the individual. "The Absurd", therefore, is commonly used in philosophical discourse to refer to the clash between the human search for meaning and the human inability to find any. In this context absurd does not mean "logically impossible," but rather "humanly impossible.
in this day and age of expansive scientific research, why are religious teachings and scriptures still being preached?
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

I pray/believe in God but also believe in the Evolution theory, and that once your heart stops beating, you're dead, there is no afterlife or heaven, just silence.........
i believe I'm a Consciousness that cannot die or be born...
i'm One, yet part of a Whole...
- I honestly believe marriage is pointless and nothing but a title. And you shouldn't have to pay large sums of money to get out of one either
- humans weren't made to be in monogamous relationships
- Valentines Day is the most biased and materialistic holiday there is, men are never appreciated besides fathers day (what if you have no kids?)
- black people are the most hated race on the planet yet every other race loves to try to immitate or be like us

- Fox News is flat out racist
- alot of people don't fully understand the complexities of rap music and will never appreciate the good it has done for society or those who are very talented at it (Nas, Jay, Lupe, Luda). Few non-rap fans actually make the effort to learn about the hip hop culture and simply judge based off the negative aspects of it
- African, Asian and European history should be taught in school just as much as US History is . Too many clueless young people in the world today
- abstinence only sex education will no longer work in this day in age
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

- I honestly believe marriage is pointless and nothing but a title. And you shouldn't have to pay large sums of money to get out of one either
- humans weren't made to be in monogamous relationships
- Valentines Day is the most biased and materialistic holiday there is, men are never appreciated besides fathers day (what if you have no kids?)
- black people are the most hated race on the planet yet every other race loves to try to immitate or be like us

- Fox News is flat out racist
- alot of people don't fully understand the complexities of rap music and will never appreciate the good it has done for society or those who are very talented at it (Nas, Jay, Lupe, Luda). Few non-rap fans actually make the effort to learn about the hip hop culture and simply judge based off the negative aspects of it
- African, Asian and European history should be taught in school just as much as US History is . Too many clueless young people in the world today
- abstinence only sex education will no longer work in this day in age
By far the best post in this thread.
Originally Posted by superflyinchopstickninja

black people complain the most and pull the race card too often.

lets see where this goes :tongue:
*takes a look at our past history in this country*..........ohhhhhhhh okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk foh
"In God We Trust" should have been removed from our paper currency a long long time ago.
I get annoyed when Jews say, "Six million Jews died in the Holocaust." Well, another six million non Jews were murdered too, but you don't mention them. Why try to monopolize suffering?

black people are the most hated race on the planet yet every other race loves to try to immitate or be like us
"Not that old fallacy."

Using the past to predict the future is stupid, unreliable and idiotic. This goes out to all the Economist, statistician and anyone involved with risk analysis.
-Alien lifeform exsists, they've visited Earth before, and will visit again.
-Humans are on the brink of reaching a higher level of consciousness.
-Religious beliefs were implemented as a Code of Conduct.
-Multiple/Paralell Universes exsist, gravity is shared throughout each, which inturn is the reason why the force is so weak.
-Freeway Ricky Ross was used as a government pawn, and thought how to create and distribute crack cocaine by the government.
-Niketalk is the greatest internet forum ever.
Originally Posted by Sighfur

I just want to commend you for takin all our jokes about your girl in stride.
I dont think most dudes would take it as well as you do. Kudos to you.
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