Post Your Own Theories About ANYTHING In This Thread

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I'm trying to theorize why the Americans (and others) celebrate 'independence' with fireworks when the explosions are so eerily similar to an evening in a war zone.

It's not that crazy if you think about it. For one, independence is usually the result of war, so to manipulate/reinterpret the explosive imagery from warfare into something beautiful/celebratory allows you to kinda observe the occasion with beautiful imagery while also paying homage and recognizing what  got you there. 
It's actually pretty dope if you think about it that way. Thanks. 
Originally Posted by Discoduck

Originally Posted by 510hayward

What if that light you see when you are dying, is just a vagina and you are being reborn?

wow one of the simplest yet very interesting theory! im guessing our brains stop working or atleast it resets after we enter the white light thats why we dont get to remember our past lives and also when we die it takes about 9months before we see the white light in that case that explains why there are spirits wondering around

But that's assuming we retain our physical bodies through different lives. However, since we are being born again, we would most likely be born to a different set of parents, which would produce a different body. At the very least it would produce a different brain. Which means that physical transference is impossible.

The only logical assumption is that our souls or psychological makeup are transferred. Which would make the most sense.

But if you are born again, would you be someone who just started "life"? Or are you part of a cycle, and you are someone who had already died? Is everyone part of a cycle? It's kind of like the chicken and the egg...
Originally Posted by Discoduck

Originally Posted by 510hayward

What if that light you see when you are dying, is just a vagina and you are being reborn?

wow one of the simplest yet very interesting theory! im guessing our brains stop working or atleast it resets after we enter the white light thats why we dont get to remember our past lives and also when we die it takes about 9months before we see the white light in that case that explains why there are spirits wondering around

But that's assuming we retain our physical bodies through different lives. However, since we are being born again, we would most likely be born to a different set of parents, which would produce a different body. At the very least it would produce a different brain. Which means that physical transference is impossible.

The only logical assumption is that our souls or psychological makeup are transferred. Which would make the most sense.

But if you are born again, would you be someone who just started "life"? Or are you part of a cycle, and you are someone who had already died? Is everyone part of a cycle? It's kind of like the chicken and the egg...
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by I Live In Texas

I see what you're saying and it is an interesting theory, nonetheless. But I feel it's flawed due to the fact that we know how stars are formed, what they're made up of, and how they end. I think black holes are rips in the universe we're living in that lead to a "tub" or "sea" of other soap bubble universes we're apart of or connected to.

I see what you are saying and we do know how stars are formed and what they are made up of, yet there is still so much about space, subatomic physics, and the actual scale of ours and other universes shape and geometry that actual science has come to terms with, I wouldn't totally discredit it. Science just did the big bang and noticed that there are some particle that exist and destruct faster than we can detect. What if that could be everything that ever existed happening instantaneously, and moving through time is really us experiencing the aftermath of a big bang. 
Are you referring to anti-matter or dark energy? I think I know what you mean, but I can't quite wrap my brain around it. Really thinking about what space was like before the Big Bang has my mind feeling like the frying egg in the skillet they show in anti-drug commercials.
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by I Live In Texas

I see what you're saying and it is an interesting theory, nonetheless. But I feel it's flawed due to the fact that we know how stars are formed, what they're made up of, and how they end. I think black holes are rips in the universe we're living in that lead to a "tub" or "sea" of other soap bubble universes we're apart of or connected to.

I see what you are saying and we do know how stars are formed and what they are made up of, yet there is still so much about space, subatomic physics, and the actual scale of ours and other universes shape and geometry that actual science has come to terms with, I wouldn't totally discredit it. Science just did the big bang and noticed that there are some particle that exist and destruct faster than we can detect. What if that could be everything that ever existed happening instantaneously, and moving through time is really us experiencing the aftermath of a big bang. 
Are you referring to anti-matter or dark energy? I think I know what you mean, but I can't quite wrap my brain around it. Really thinking about what space was like before the Big Bang has my mind feeling like the frying egg in the skillet they show in anti-drug commercials.
Originally Posted by imthekang

Originally Posted by Cant Break The Unbreakable

Originally Posted by saint lt

i feel that way about my kinect i unhook it after i finish playing it because i don't want to be watched by someone through the camera.
it sounds farfetched but anything is possible.

[h1]Microsoft Files Patent For Software That Allows The Government To Spy on All Personal Digita Communications [/h1]

damn i cant believe i skipped this.....i thought about this years first came to my mine when all this HD technology start coming out on t.v.'s........i always thought that every t.v. had a camera or/and a mic......everybody isnt caught by snitching...."enemy of the state"............but anyways i totally agree with the posts above....

XBOX Kinect: its a online camera that stays on even when your xbox is "powered off"......electricity is still running for the kinect even when its off.....and just like unbreakable ^ said it will help ads, who's living in this particular household, any legal activities, convicts in the home, and name it..... and its soooooooo funny after you played a game on kinect it ask's the player if you like to upload your image online....LOL....and if you decide to do otherwise, oh well, it already saved your pics anyways.

Wii: you create mini me's on the game before starting.....more then likely the whole family will eventually have a character. now the wii console has a close idea to who lives at this property and a good idea to who looks like what.....better get them taxes showing the right numbers...

Now i bet some of you are saying. "well, if im not doing anything wrong i dont have anything to worry about." all means think what you think, do what you want to do brotha'...but why is it like this? what direction is this society going in? what privacy DO I have? twitter follows me....facebook watches me while im watches me while im cell phone goes with me everywhere not to mention it has a "GPS".....and i know im forgetting some...

its funny sometimes how people think there the only person watching what their pretty sure im being watched Dwayne Carter would say "i know the feds listening, homie what money?"-I'm on one..

if its toooo good then its bad for you.....i.e. sweets, candy, xbox, fast food, going name it....


Good points my dude 
Originally Posted by imthekang

Originally Posted by Cant Break The Unbreakable

Originally Posted by saint lt

i feel that way about my kinect i unhook it after i finish playing it because i don't want to be watched by someone through the camera.
it sounds farfetched but anything is possible.

[h1]Microsoft Files Patent For Software That Allows The Government To Spy on All Personal Digita Communications [/h1]

damn i cant believe i skipped this.....i thought about this years first came to my mine when all this HD technology start coming out on t.v.'s........i always thought that every t.v. had a camera or/and a mic......everybody isnt caught by snitching...."enemy of the state"............but anyways i totally agree with the posts above....

XBOX Kinect: its a online camera that stays on even when your xbox is "powered off"......electricity is still running for the kinect even when its off.....and just like unbreakable ^ said it will help ads, who's living in this particular household, any legal activities, convicts in the home, and name it..... and its soooooooo funny after you played a game on kinect it ask's the player if you like to upload your image online....LOL....and if you decide to do otherwise, oh well, it already saved your pics anyways.

Wii: you create mini me's on the game before starting.....more then likely the whole family will eventually have a character. now the wii console has a close idea to who lives at this property and a good idea to who looks like what.....better get them taxes showing the right numbers...

Now i bet some of you are saying. "well, if im not doing anything wrong i dont have anything to worry about." all means think what you think, do what you want to do brotha'...but why is it like this? what direction is this society going in? what privacy DO I have? twitter follows me....facebook watches me while im watches me while im cell phone goes with me everywhere not to mention it has a "GPS".....and i know im forgetting some...

its funny sometimes how people think there the only person watching what their pretty sure im being watched Dwayne Carter would say "i know the feds listening, homie what money?"-I'm on one..

if its toooo good then its bad for you.....i.e. sweets, candy, xbox, fast food, going name it....


Good points my dude 
It's been an interesting 20 pages.

For my part, I really feel like believers in the three major religions are all actually praising the same God; there are only different names and doctrines.

I definitely believe time travel is possible.  If anything, I feel like people from the future walk amongst us but are gone before we can realize they're not of our time.  Think about it: The future could be an a decade from now or even just an hour from now.  And since time is relative, we may never know how many people or beings are bouncing back and forth through the space time continuum.
It's been an interesting 20 pages.

For my part, I really feel like believers in the three major religions are all actually praising the same God; there are only different names and doctrines.

I definitely believe time travel is possible.  If anything, I feel like people from the future walk amongst us but are gone before we can realize they're not of our time.  Think about it: The future could be an a decade from now or even just an hour from now.  And since time is relative, we may never know how many people or beings are bouncing back and forth through the space time continuum.
Originally Posted by creamOfDacrops

When Kobe retires, and the Clippers suck for another two years.. the Clippers will run LA.

Doubt it, lakers has too much history to be overrun by a team such as the clippers.
Originally Posted by creamOfDacrops

When Kobe retires, and the Clippers suck for another two years.. the Clippers will run LA.

Doubt it, lakers has too much history to be overrun by a team such as the clippers.
I feel as if Life was created only for me, like events that take place and creatures were created just for my purpose.

the united states will be the only civilization that never crumbles and will even be around near the end of the sun.

I believe women were here before man. it just makes more sense than man coming first. And because ancient men knew women came before him they created a system to pull them out the lime light, just look at how all the major biblical prophets were males and even the names given tor her has man in it such as WOman WOmen and FEmales.

I feel the most mind blowing thing to ever in this galaxy is to experience being born from a woman as a male.

Humans will be overtaken by technology in about 30yrs and there will be a epic battle between humans and drone like machines. Just look at how fast technology is advancing.

The meaner you are the more successful you are in the world, nice people get overlooked.
I feel as if Life was created only for me, like events that take place and creatures were created just for my purpose.

the united states will be the only civilization that never crumbles and will even be around near the end of the sun.

I believe women were here before man. it just makes more sense than man coming first. And because ancient men knew women came before him they created a system to pull them out the lime light, just look at how all the major biblical prophets were males and even the names given tor her has man in it such as WOman WOmen and FEmales.

I feel the most mind blowing thing to ever in this galaxy is to experience being born from a woman as a male.

Humans will be overtaken by technology in about 30yrs and there will be a epic battle between humans and drone like machines. Just look at how fast technology is advancing.

The meaner you are the more successful you are in the world, nice people get overlooked.
almost forgot...

The truth about life and religion is spread amongst the three books( bible,quran,torah). forgive my spelling

Free market capitalism is just another term for get how you live....
almost forgot...

The truth about life and religion is spread amongst the three books( bible,quran,torah). forgive my spelling

Free market capitalism is just another term for get how you live....
Originally Posted by I Live In Texas

Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by I Live In Texas

I see what you're saying and it is an interesting theory, nonetheless. But I feel it's flawed due to the fact that we know how stars are formed, what they're made up of, and how they end. I think black holes are rips in the universe we're living in that lead to a "tub" or "sea" of other soap bubble universes we're apart of or connected to.

I see what you are saying and we do know how stars are formed and what they are made up of, yet there is still so much about space, subatomic physics, and the actual scale of ours and other universes shape and geometry that actual science has come to terms with, I wouldn't totally discredit it. Science just did the big bang and noticed that there are some particle that exist and destruct faster than we can detect. What if that could be everything that ever existed happening instantaneously, and moving through time is really us experiencing the aftermath of a big bang. 
Are you referring to anti-matter or dark energy? I think I know what you mean, but I can't quite wrap my brain around it. Really thinking about what space was like before the Big Bang has my mind feeling like the frying egg in the skillet they show in anti-drug commercials.
lol yes i am. Our understanding of space is the same as our understanding of water on our planet. We know that water is roughly 75 percent of our planets makeup much like what we have ascribed to as "dark matter'' of  our university pretty much holds the same ratio. We are learning about the ocean's new species on almost a daily basis yet there is so much more to even look at. 
I think a fundamental problem with science and big bang theory is that this theory presupposes that there was nothing before. I think we might have to look at it like the universe was in another state of being before the big bang occurred and the big bang was the transfer of energy into another state. Much like the many states of matter (liquid, gas, solid, plasma)
Originally Posted by I Live In Texas

Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by I Live In Texas

I see what you're saying and it is an interesting theory, nonetheless. But I feel it's flawed due to the fact that we know how stars are formed, what they're made up of, and how they end. I think black holes are rips in the universe we're living in that lead to a "tub" or "sea" of other soap bubble universes we're apart of or connected to.

I see what you are saying and we do know how stars are formed and what they are made up of, yet there is still so much about space, subatomic physics, and the actual scale of ours and other universes shape and geometry that actual science has come to terms with, I wouldn't totally discredit it. Science just did the big bang and noticed that there are some particle that exist and destruct faster than we can detect. What if that could be everything that ever existed happening instantaneously, and moving through time is really us experiencing the aftermath of a big bang. 
Are you referring to anti-matter or dark energy? I think I know what you mean, but I can't quite wrap my brain around it. Really thinking about what space was like before the Big Bang has my mind feeling like the frying egg in the skillet they show in anti-drug commercials.
lol yes i am. Our understanding of space is the same as our understanding of water on our planet. We know that water is roughly 75 percent of our planets makeup much like what we have ascribed to as "dark matter'' of  our university pretty much holds the same ratio. We are learning about the ocean's new species on almost a daily basis yet there is so much more to even look at. 
I think a fundamental problem with science and big bang theory is that this theory presupposes that there was nothing before. I think we might have to look at it like the universe was in another state of being before the big bang occurred and the big bang was the transfer of energy into another state. Much like the many states of matter (liquid, gas, solid, plasma)
Originally Posted by 510hayward

What if that light you see when you are dying, is just a vagina and you are being reborn?

I have to re-read this thread.

I had a bunch of interesting thoughts last night when I was rude...but I always forget to keep a notepad handy...smgdh
Originally Posted by 510hayward

What if that light you see when you are dying, is just a vagina and you are being reborn?

I have to re-read this thread.

I had a bunch of interesting thoughts last night when I was rude...but I always forget to keep a notepad handy...smgdh
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