Post your tales of Simpin , Thirst , Dirty Mackin or Stalking

Originally Posted by Furrell

Originally Posted by FinallyFamous

Originally Posted by Mitsui

I remember a while ago when I was trying to get at this girl who has been having problems with her boyfriend, and they were at the point of breaking up. I was texting her a lot, but I knew she couldn't break up with her boyfriend for good.

And I can't believe I did this, but I created a fake female Facebook account and started to flirt with her boyfriend to break them up even more. This went on for a good whole week. This boyfriend did not suspect a thing. During this period of time, I was also texting the girl mad crazy.

In a way, I was flirting with both her and her boyfriend at the same time.

Then one day she texted me saying she broke up with him for GOOD this time, and sent me like a thousand
's. I call her, and she said she went on her boyfriend's MSN and found a HUGE convo between him and this 'girl'. And she was crying like crazy on the phone, and I felt mad guilty, but bittersweet because they broke up for good and my plan worked.

Lowest thing I've ever done.


SON, please tell me you smashed. 

not that it really makes a difference.. 
Originally Posted by Furrell

Originally Posted by FinallyFamous

Originally Posted by Mitsui

I remember a while ago when I was trying to get at this girl who has been having problems with her boyfriend, and they were at the point of breaking up. I was texting her a lot, but I knew she couldn't break up with her boyfriend for good.

And I can't believe I did this, but I created a fake female Facebook account and started to flirt with her boyfriend to break them up even more. This went on for a good whole week. This boyfriend did not suspect a thing. During this period of time, I was also texting the girl mad crazy.

In a way, I was flirting with both her and her boyfriend at the same time.

Then one day she texted me saying she broke up with him for GOOD this time, and sent me like a thousand
's. I call her, and she said she went on her boyfriend's MSN and found a HUGE convo between him and this 'girl'. And she was crying like crazy on the phone, and I felt mad guilty, but bittersweet because they broke up for good and my plan worked.

Lowest thing I've ever done.


SON, please tell me you smashed. 

not that it really makes a difference.. 
Freshman year of HS went out with this girl for the whole first semester. I carried books walked her to class each class. I was so sprung off her.
I had to wait so long just to kiss her. I had soo many other girls that wanted to date me too. SMDH  
Freshman year of HS went out with this girl for the whole first semester. I carried books walked her to class each class. I was so sprung off her.
I had to wait so long just to kiss her. I had soo many other girls that wanted to date me too. SMDH  

Originally Posted by StreetSmarts

Yall remember that doing it wrong thread when i referenced not doing it right, well i have all time lows.

Rewing to Senior year of high school 2008 when aim on the sk's was
. So I live in la so i was in the chat rooms for different cities and $%%@ like Gardena, Compton, Los Angeles, whatever was a local name basically and where the hoodrats would be plentiful. So we would hit up girls from the chat rooms on that tmail game, send pix and wait for reply if pass their +@@@!%$ standards basically. So i come across a picture of one redbone who calls herself Kayla. We chop it up and her pix was right so im like
 and when she wifed a +!!+@ within a hour i was  all
 so i rolled with the punches. We would talk for hours on end on the phone and I bought her minutes two times before i actually met any entity in person. I would even send it online throough with a message that said i love you babe
 silly of me right. So eventually after many flakes she said she was at her grandmothers house which was like a 10 minute walk/ 5 minute run from my house.....I ran. But omw their she was aiming me like look, im about to go to the mall but my cousin is there so you can DO WHATEVER YOU WANT WITH HER AND IDC. so naturally im just abut ready to jizz on anything and im dashing down the backstreets now tryna get there. I arrive to this

" the cousin." so we talking im like how long ago did she leave blah blah blah you know tryna meet my girl finally and all and shorty was trying %!+@ so bad it was sad. I eventually let her give me head smh, and she was babysitting her nephew or some lil ninja and kiss lil boy after doming me
.  after head she just kept tryna %!+@ a young gangster but i wasn't putting my children no where in her  fat slimy daycare facility.
come to find out she was the cousing and played ya boy for $50. Another L for chocolateboi.... but it doesnt stop there in fact my aim chat room journeys were just beginning

                  This is the story of the Proposed Katoya Stewart and London Smith.
So me and my boy D was always in the chats looking for issues( jawns to hit) and what not and always sharing our greatest and latest developments with our tmail scores. On one occasion he showed me some pictures of this broad  Katoya well i gotta go imma finish the rest after this final and try to find pics for the second part to be continued

1. The picture above is the cousin that gave you whop top?
2. Please hurry & come back to finish the second story 

1.yes thats here
2. Stewart.My Friend had forwarded pics she sent him and was like u can get at her i dont care so I was like
 . She was like who u get my aim and i was like out the chatroom and presto she was mine. I was 18/m/gardena and she was 21/f/ inglewood so that was a very exciting a/s/l to deal with .Her aim handle was Rid3umsl0w, and oh how i anticipated to be rode by her when I saw them pics


 was like damn this girl on me we on. So we start talking more and more and im inner simp couldn't resist. I mean we would talk for hours on end on the computer and she would text me throughout the day. We sung to each other and dedicated songs. I was falling for this But there was always a problem or roadblock whenever it was time to meet up, thats when i should of seen the early warning signs but things got sketchy ones are started pressing her more and more to meet you know and be "normal"
. All the while she was talking to D to and eventually she came to some big dramatic emotional crossroads but chose up on me. He wasnt caring he had his slew of victims by the day growing rapidly.

 So each and everytime there was a chance to meet always got a lame excuse or the !$@%% was too far or something. you know how they be flaking man. So anyway oh yeah btw her voice was more whoopi goldbergish than beyonisque. remember that part. So anyways one day she said she was kinda near me in compton. So me being the thirstbot I was hope on the next metro down avalon to meet up. I was so excited i didnt even eat dinner. all on the ride home i was calculating the route and tryna get their asap. She was at her grandmas house and I was to take one bus and meet her and take this to the first level. Simple right? wrong. Well anyway she  was talking to me half the way there and half way into my expedition she started not replying to those aim so fast, and not  answer calls. 
 Im halfway crushed at this point, but my inner simp wouldnt let me give up just yet. So im walking through the streets of compton around the neighborhood killing time, avoiding gang confrontation, and most importantly tryna see wassup with my babe. So Eventually the phone is picked up and  the voice is like. I have a confession to make..

I am a man. immediately i felt disgusted and like hulk garurumon kicked my heart out the digital portal. I took my black @%! home. Cause the voice on the phone was describing what I was wearing and trying to apologize to me and what not. Im like #$** u weirdo leave me alone. So i rush home and call my boy look like its a dude and he played us 
 He was in awe too But as he claims that first night he aim her she met real late at night or whatever so i was just sure it was a woman it couldnt be a sham. Nonetheless it was like you feel in love with me why should it matter im sorry and all that gay *+%+. Im not tryina hear none of that nahaamean im tryna erase the painful memories out and move on and my minds just racing. 
      This is the part where my @%! shoulda got on and moved on but that inner simp held out. I get a call later and it was like it was my cousing playing a trick and shes so sorry blah blah lah i fall for it.
 So we back on cool terms slowly but surely our roller coaster offf lovve was back rolling. Now during the course of our relationship her bestfriend London was in the picture. She had a aim too and this broad was banging. London Smith

so I was like damn shes a %+***+% 10  i want her but all the while mostly I was on Katoya still. So me and here started talking more and more after 3 way calls and kept tryna lure my simpple @%! from her so eventually I hop on the london train she tells me the pictures she sent was fake.(true) and all kinds of things and with each more my heart wanted london more and more. Now London Smith Claimed to be a nurse and what not from Lancaster but she was always in La .  so i was like cool I can meet on the weekends or something and kick it with my boo baby ya know? wrong thisgirl was the biggest flake in the world. More excuses and lies and what not and I was sad. Look it got so bad i was playing digital girl by jamie foxx and dream and kanye to cure the pain. I learned the song in like a week. And other songs off that Jamie foxx cd like Overdose, and Passing me by , the symbolism and strong themes addressed me so it was all i could do to quickly fix the simping.  

   One day i was literrally sick in bed cause she wouldnt reply to my calls and wasnt signed on aim for a week. on the last day of her absence she told me she was in new york with family and what not and my simp @%! forgave her. And told her i missed her soo and held on for a couple more weeks. Eventually katoya sent me real pics?!


she sent these on christmas so i was in the spirits but away with my family. she flaked some more but i was happy to be reunited. One more element she has a cousin named "Andre" this gay boy who was a mediator. One point when I went to the church he was there and to her aunties apartment was there too and would always cover for her. to this day I think it was him playing a sick joke and was tryna turn me out 
. eventually I moved on i got tired of the katoya figure playing my heart and leading me on 

i was sad. now you see why I was trolling for like a whole year. i was not smashing ya guys I came down hard. And wouldnt let myself get up i was a class act of a simp. Moral of the story if you not smashing dont try to smash internet broads you will get sucked into a vortex of lies fake pixs and possibly gay guys.

As for me I recovered been through 2 relayships since and am a proud father of a beautiful little girl and have a girlfriend to die for. Do i regret it? Kinda, but it made me a better man and when i did start smashing again I was a dog and on everything and making up for lost time


Originally Posted by StreetSmarts

Yall remember that doing it wrong thread when i referenced not doing it right, well i have all time lows.

Rewing to Senior year of high school 2008 when aim on the sk's was
. So I live in la so i was in the chat rooms for different cities and $%%@ like Gardena, Compton, Los Angeles, whatever was a local name basically and where the hoodrats would be plentiful. So we would hit up girls from the chat rooms on that tmail game, send pix and wait for reply if pass their +@@@!%$ standards basically. So i come across a picture of one redbone who calls herself Kayla. We chop it up and her pix was right so im like
 and when she wifed a +!!+@ within a hour i was  all
 so i rolled with the punches. We would talk for hours on end on the phone and I bought her minutes two times before i actually met any entity in person. I would even send it online throough with a message that said i love you babe
 silly of me right. So eventually after many flakes she said she was at her grandmothers house which was like a 10 minute walk/ 5 minute run from my house.....I ran. But omw their she was aiming me like look, im about to go to the mall but my cousin is there so you can DO WHATEVER YOU WANT WITH HER AND IDC. so naturally im just abut ready to jizz on anything and im dashing down the backstreets now tryna get there. I arrive to this

" the cousin." so we talking im like how long ago did she leave blah blah blah you know tryna meet my girl finally and all and shorty was trying %!+@ so bad it was sad. I eventually let her give me head smh, and she was babysitting her nephew or some lil ninja and kiss lil boy after doming me
.  after head she just kept tryna %!+@ a young gangster but i wasn't putting my children no where in her  fat slimy daycare facility.
come to find out she was the cousing and played ya boy for $50. Another L for chocolateboi.... but it doesnt stop there in fact my aim chat room journeys were just beginning

                  This is the story of the Proposed Katoya Stewart and London Smith.
So me and my boy D was always in the chats looking for issues( jawns to hit) and what not and always sharing our greatest and latest developments with our tmail scores. On one occasion he showed me some pictures of this broad  Katoya well i gotta go imma finish the rest after this final and try to find pics for the second part to be continued

1. The picture above is the cousin that gave you whop top?
2. Please hurry & come back to finish the second story 

1.yes thats here
2. Stewart.My Friend had forwarded pics she sent him and was like u can get at her i dont care so I was like
 . She was like who u get my aim and i was like out the chatroom and presto she was mine. I was 18/m/gardena and she was 21/f/ inglewood so that was a very exciting a/s/l to deal with .Her aim handle was Rid3umsl0w, and oh how i anticipated to be rode by her when I saw them pics


 was like damn this girl on me we on. So we start talking more and more and im inner simp couldn't resist. I mean we would talk for hours on end on the computer and she would text me throughout the day. We sung to each other and dedicated songs. I was falling for this But there was always a problem or roadblock whenever it was time to meet up, thats when i should of seen the early warning signs but things got sketchy ones are started pressing her more and more to meet you know and be "normal"
. All the while she was talking to D to and eventually she came to some big dramatic emotional crossroads but chose up on me. He wasnt caring he had his slew of victims by the day growing rapidly.

 So each and everytime there was a chance to meet always got a lame excuse or the !$@%% was too far or something. you know how they be flaking man. So anyway oh yeah btw her voice was more whoopi goldbergish than beyonisque. remember that part. So anyways one day she said she was kinda near me in compton. So me being the thirstbot I was hope on the next metro down avalon to meet up. I was so excited i didnt even eat dinner. all on the ride home i was calculating the route and tryna get their asap. She was at her grandmas house and I was to take one bus and meet her and take this to the first level. Simple right? wrong. Well anyway she  was talking to me half the way there and half way into my expedition she started not replying to those aim so fast, and not  answer calls. 
 Im halfway crushed at this point, but my inner simp wouldnt let me give up just yet. So im walking through the streets of compton around the neighborhood killing time, avoiding gang confrontation, and most importantly tryna see wassup with my babe. So Eventually the phone is picked up and  the voice is like. I have a confession to make..

I am a man. immediately i felt disgusted and like hulk garurumon kicked my heart out the digital portal. I took my black @%! home. Cause the voice on the phone was describing what I was wearing and trying to apologize to me and what not. Im like #$** u weirdo leave me alone. So i rush home and call my boy look like its a dude and he played us 
 He was in awe too But as he claims that first night he aim her she met real late at night or whatever so i was just sure it was a woman it couldnt be a sham. Nonetheless it was like you feel in love with me why should it matter im sorry and all that gay *+%+. Im not tryina hear none of that nahaamean im tryna erase the painful memories out and move on and my minds just racing. 
      This is the part where my @%! shoulda got on and moved on but that inner simp held out. I get a call later and it was like it was my cousing playing a trick and shes so sorry blah blah lah i fall for it.
 So we back on cool terms slowly but surely our roller coaster offf lovve was back rolling. Now during the course of our relationship her bestfriend London was in the picture. She had a aim too and this broad was banging. London Smith

so I was like damn shes a %+***+% 10  i want her but all the while mostly I was on Katoya still. So me and here started talking more and more after 3 way calls and kept tryna lure my simpple @%! from her so eventually I hop on the london train she tells me the pictures she sent was fake.(true) and all kinds of things and with each more my heart wanted london more and more. Now London Smith Claimed to be a nurse and what not from Lancaster but she was always in La .  so i was like cool I can meet on the weekends or something and kick it with my boo baby ya know? wrong thisgirl was the biggest flake in the world. More excuses and lies and what not and I was sad. Look it got so bad i was playing digital girl by jamie foxx and dream and kanye to cure the pain. I learned the song in like a week. And other songs off that Jamie foxx cd like Overdose, and Passing me by , the symbolism and strong themes addressed me so it was all i could do to quickly fix the simping.  

   One day i was literrally sick in bed cause she wouldnt reply to my calls and wasnt signed on aim for a week. on the last day of her absence she told me she was in new york with family and what not and my simp @%! forgave her. And told her i missed her soo and held on for a couple more weeks. Eventually katoya sent me real pics?!


she sent these on christmas so i was in the spirits but away with my family. she flaked some more but i was happy to be reunited. One more element she has a cousin named "Andre" this gay boy who was a mediator. One point when I went to the church he was there and to her aunties apartment was there too and would always cover for her. to this day I think it was him playing a sick joke and was tryna turn me out 
. eventually I moved on i got tired of the katoya figure playing my heart and leading me on 

i was sad. now you see why I was trolling for like a whole year. i was not smashing ya guys I came down hard. And wouldnt let myself get up i was a class act of a simp. Moral of the story if you not smashing dont try to smash internet broads you will get sucked into a vortex of lies fake pixs and possibly gay guys.

As for me I recovered been through 2 relayships since and am a proud father of a beautiful little girl and have a girlfriend to die for. Do i regret it? Kinda, but it made me a better man and when i did start smashing again I was a dog and on everything and making up for lost time

Originally Posted by StreetSmarts

Originally Posted by StreetSmarts

Yall remember that doing it wrong thread when i referenced not doing it right, well i have all time lows.

Rewing to Senior year of high school 2008 when aim on the sk's was
. So I live in la so i was in the chat rooms for different cities and $%%@ like Gardena, Compton, Los Angeles, whatever was a local name basically and where the hoodrats would be plentiful. So we would hit up girls from the chat rooms on that tmail game, send pix and wait for reply if pass their +@@@!%$ standards basically. So i come across a picture of one redbone who calls herself Kayla. We chop it up and her pix was right so im like
 and when she wifed a +!!+@ within a hour i was  all
 so i rolled with the punches. We would talk for hours on end on the phone and I bought her minutes two times before i actually met any entity in person. I would even send it online throough with a message that said i love you babe
 silly of me right. So eventually after many flakes she said she was at her grandmothers house which was like a 10 minute walk/ 5 minute run from my house.....I ran. But omw their she was aiming me like look, im about to go to the mall but my cousin is there so you can DO WHATEVER YOU WANT WITH HER AND IDC. so naturally im just abut ready to jizz on anything and im dashing down the backstreets now tryna get there. I arrive to this

" the cousin." so we talking im like how long ago did she leave blah blah blah you know tryna meet my girl finally and all and shorty was trying %!+@ so bad it was sad. I eventually let her give me head smh, and she was babysitting her nephew or some lil ninja and kiss lil boy after doming me
.  after head she just kept tryna %!+@ a young gangster but i wasn't putting my children no where in her  fat slimy daycare facility.
come to find out she was the cousing and played ya boy for $50. Another L for chocolateboi.... but it doesnt stop there in fact my aim chat room journeys were just beginning

                  This is the story of the Proposed Katoya Stewart and London Smith.
So me and my boy D was always in the chats looking for issues( jawns to hit) and what not and always sharing our greatest and latest developments with our tmail scores. On one occasion he showed me some pictures of this broad  Katoya well i gotta go imma finish the rest after this final and try to find pics for the second part to be continued

1. The picture above is the cousin that gave you whop top?
2. Please hurry & come back to finish the second story 

1.yes thats here
2. Stewart.My Friend had forwarded pics she sent him and was like u can get at her i dont care so I was like
 . She was like who u get my aim and i was like out the chatroom and presto she was mine. I was 18/m/gardena and she was 21/f/ inglewood so that was a very exciting a/s/l to deal with .Her aim handle was Rid3umsl0w, and oh how i anticipated to be rode by her when I saw them pics




i was like damn this girl on me we on. So we start talking more and more and im inner simp couldn't resist. I mean we would talk for hours on end on the computer and she would text me throughout the day. We sung to each other and dedicated songs. I was falling for this But there was always a problem or roadblock whenever it was time to meet up, thats when i should of seen the early warning signs but things got sketchy ones are started pressing her more and more to meet you know and be "normal"
. All the while she was talking to D to and eventually she came to some big dramatic emotional crossroads but chose up on me. He wasnt caring he had his slew of victims by the day growing rapidly.

 So each and everytime there was a chance to meet always got a lame excuse or the %%$*% was too far or something. you know how they be flaking man. So anyway oh yeah btw her voice was more whoopi goldbergish than beyonisque. remember that part. So anyways one day she said she was kinda near me in compton. So me being the thirstbot I was hope on the next metro down avalon to meet up. I was so excited i didnt even eat dinner. all on the ride home i was calculating the route and tryna get their asap. She was at her grandmas house and I was to take one bus and meet her and take this to the first level. Simple right? wrong. Well anyway she  was talking to me half the way there and half way into my expedition she started not replying to those aim so fast, and not  answer calls. 
 Im halfway crushed at this point, but my inner simp wouldnt let me give up just yet. So im walking through the streets of compton around the neighborhood killing time, avoiding gang confrontation, and most importantly tryna see wassup with my babe. So Eventually the phone is picked up and  the voice is like. I have a confession to make..

I am a man. immediately i felt disgusted and like hulk garurumon kicked my heart out the digital portal. I took my black $@* home. Cause the voice on the phone was describing what I was wearing and trying to apologize to me and what not. Im like !+*% u weirdo leave me alone. So i rush home and call my boy look like its a dude and he played us 
 He was in awe too But as he claims that first night he aim her she met real late at night or whatever so i was just sure it was a woman it couldnt be a sham. Nonetheless it was like you feel in love with me why should it matter im sorry and all that gay #!!*. Im not tryina hear none of that nahaamean im tryna erase the painful memories out and move on and my minds just racing. 
      This is the part where my $@* shoulda got on and moved on but that inner simp held out. I get a call later and it was like it was my cousing playing a trick and shes so sorry blah blah lah i fall for it.
 So we back on cool terms slowly but surely our roller coaster offf lovve was back rolling. Now during the course of our relationship her bestfriend London was in the picture. She had a aim too and this broad was banging. London Smith



so I was like damn shes a %#!*!$+ 10  i want her but all the while mostly I was on Katoya still. So me and here started talking more and more after 3 way calls and kept tryna lure my simpple $@* from her so eventually I hop on the london train she tells me the pictures she sent was fake.(true) and all kinds of things and with each more my heart wanted london more and more. Now London Smith Claimed to be a nurse and what not from Lancaster but she was always in La .  so i was like cool I can meet on the weekends or something and kick it with my boo baby ya know? wrong thisgirl was the biggest flake in the world. More excuses and lies and what not and I was sad. Look it got so bad i was playing digital girl by jamie foxx and dream and kanye to cure the pain. I learned the song in like a week. And other songs off that Jamie foxx cd like Overdose, and Passing me by , the symbolism and strong themes addressed me so it was all i could do to quickly fix the simping.  

   One day i was literrally sick in bed cause she wouldnt reply to my calls and wasnt signed on aim for a week. on the last day of her absence she told me she was in new york with family and what not and my simp $@* forgave her. And told her i missed her soo and held on for a couple more weeks. Eventually katoya sent me real pics?!


she sent these on christmas so i was in the spirits but away with my family. she flaked some more but i was happy to be reunited. One more element she has a cousin named "Andre" this gay boy who was a mediator. One point when I went to the church he was there and to her aunties apartment was there too and would always cover for her. to this day I think it was him playing a sick joke and was tryna turn me out 
. eventually I moved on i got tired of the katoya figure playing my heart and leading me on 

i was sad. now you see why I was trolling for like a whole year. i was not smashing ya guys I came down hard. And wouldnt let myself get up i was a class act of a simp. Moral of the story if you not smashing dont try to smash internet broads you will get sucked into a vortex of lies fake pixs and possibly gay guys.

As for me I recovered been through 2 relayships since and am a proud father of a beautiful little girl and have a girlfriend to die for. Do i regret it? Kinda, but it made me a better man and when i did start smashing again I was a dog and on everything and making up for lost time

Cant see the pics
Originally Posted by StreetSmarts

Originally Posted by StreetSmarts

Yall remember that doing it wrong thread when i referenced not doing it right, well i have all time lows.

Rewing to Senior year of high school 2008 when aim on the sk's was
. So I live in la so i was in the chat rooms for different cities and $%%@ like Gardena, Compton, Los Angeles, whatever was a local name basically and where the hoodrats would be plentiful. So we would hit up girls from the chat rooms on that tmail game, send pix and wait for reply if pass their +@@@!%$ standards basically. So i come across a picture of one redbone who calls herself Kayla. We chop it up and her pix was right so im like
 and when she wifed a +!!+@ within a hour i was  all
 so i rolled with the punches. We would talk for hours on end on the phone and I bought her minutes two times before i actually met any entity in person. I would even send it online throough with a message that said i love you babe
 silly of me right. So eventually after many flakes she said she was at her grandmothers house which was like a 10 minute walk/ 5 minute run from my house.....I ran. But omw their she was aiming me like look, im about to go to the mall but my cousin is there so you can DO WHATEVER YOU WANT WITH HER AND IDC. so naturally im just abut ready to jizz on anything and im dashing down the backstreets now tryna get there. I arrive to this

" the cousin." so we talking im like how long ago did she leave blah blah blah you know tryna meet my girl finally and all and shorty was trying %!+@ so bad it was sad. I eventually let her give me head smh, and she was babysitting her nephew or some lil ninja and kiss lil boy after doming me
.  after head she just kept tryna %!+@ a young gangster but i wasn't putting my children no where in her  fat slimy daycare facility.
come to find out she was the cousing and played ya boy for $50. Another L for chocolateboi.... but it doesnt stop there in fact my aim chat room journeys were just beginning

                  This is the story of the Proposed Katoya Stewart and London Smith.
So me and my boy D was always in the chats looking for issues( jawns to hit) and what not and always sharing our greatest and latest developments with our tmail scores. On one occasion he showed me some pictures of this broad  Katoya well i gotta go imma finish the rest after this final and try to find pics for the second part to be continued

1. The picture above is the cousin that gave you whop top?
2. Please hurry & come back to finish the second story 

1.yes thats here
2. Stewart.My Friend had forwarded pics she sent him and was like u can get at her i dont care so I was like
 . She was like who u get my aim and i was like out the chatroom and presto she was mine. I was 18/m/gardena and she was 21/f/ inglewood so that was a very exciting a/s/l to deal with .Her aim handle was Rid3umsl0w, and oh how i anticipated to be rode by her when I saw them pics




i was like damn this girl on me we on. So we start talking more and more and im inner simp couldn't resist. I mean we would talk for hours on end on the computer and she would text me throughout the day. We sung to each other and dedicated songs. I was falling for this But there was always a problem or roadblock whenever it was time to meet up, thats when i should of seen the early warning signs but things got sketchy ones are started pressing her more and more to meet you know and be "normal"
. All the while she was talking to D to and eventually she came to some big dramatic emotional crossroads but chose up on me. He wasnt caring he had his slew of victims by the day growing rapidly.

 So each and everytime there was a chance to meet always got a lame excuse or the %%$*% was too far or something. you know how they be flaking man. So anyway oh yeah btw her voice was more whoopi goldbergish than beyonisque. remember that part. So anyways one day she said she was kinda near me in compton. So me being the thirstbot I was hope on the next metro down avalon to meet up. I was so excited i didnt even eat dinner. all on the ride home i was calculating the route and tryna get their asap. She was at her grandmas house and I was to take one bus and meet her and take this to the first level. Simple right? wrong. Well anyway she  was talking to me half the way there and half way into my expedition she started not replying to those aim so fast, and not  answer calls. 
 Im halfway crushed at this point, but my inner simp wouldnt let me give up just yet. So im walking through the streets of compton around the neighborhood killing time, avoiding gang confrontation, and most importantly tryna see wassup with my babe. So Eventually the phone is picked up and  the voice is like. I have a confession to make..

I am a man. immediately i felt disgusted and like hulk garurumon kicked my heart out the digital portal. I took my black $@* home. Cause the voice on the phone was describing what I was wearing and trying to apologize to me and what not. Im like !+*% u weirdo leave me alone. So i rush home and call my boy look like its a dude and he played us 
 He was in awe too But as he claims that first night he aim her she met real late at night or whatever so i was just sure it was a woman it couldnt be a sham. Nonetheless it was like you feel in love with me why should it matter im sorry and all that gay #!!*. Im not tryina hear none of that nahaamean im tryna erase the painful memories out and move on and my minds just racing. 
      This is the part where my $@* shoulda got on and moved on but that inner simp held out. I get a call later and it was like it was my cousing playing a trick and shes so sorry blah blah lah i fall for it.
 So we back on cool terms slowly but surely our roller coaster offf lovve was back rolling. Now during the course of our relationship her bestfriend London was in the picture. She had a aim too and this broad was banging. London Smith



so I was like damn shes a %#!*!$+ 10  i want her but all the while mostly I was on Katoya still. So me and here started talking more and more after 3 way calls and kept tryna lure my simpple $@* from her so eventually I hop on the london train she tells me the pictures she sent was fake.(true) and all kinds of things and with each more my heart wanted london more and more. Now London Smith Claimed to be a nurse and what not from Lancaster but she was always in La .  so i was like cool I can meet on the weekends or something and kick it with my boo baby ya know? wrong thisgirl was the biggest flake in the world. More excuses and lies and what not and I was sad. Look it got so bad i was playing digital girl by jamie foxx and dream and kanye to cure the pain. I learned the song in like a week. And other songs off that Jamie foxx cd like Overdose, and Passing me by , the symbolism and strong themes addressed me so it was all i could do to quickly fix the simping.  

   One day i was literrally sick in bed cause she wouldnt reply to my calls and wasnt signed on aim for a week. on the last day of her absence she told me she was in new york with family and what not and my simp $@* forgave her. And told her i missed her soo and held on for a couple more weeks. Eventually katoya sent me real pics?!


she sent these on christmas so i was in the spirits but away with my family. she flaked some more but i was happy to be reunited. One more element she has a cousin named "Andre" this gay boy who was a mediator. One point when I went to the church he was there and to her aunties apartment was there too and would always cover for her. to this day I think it was him playing a sick joke and was tryna turn me out 
. eventually I moved on i got tired of the katoya figure playing my heart and leading me on 

i was sad. now you see why I was trolling for like a whole year. i was not smashing ya guys I came down hard. And wouldnt let myself get up i was a class act of a simp. Moral of the story if you not smashing dont try to smash internet broads you will get sucked into a vortex of lies fake pixs and possibly gay guys.

As for me I recovered been through 2 relayships since and am a proud father of a beautiful little girl and have a girlfriend to die for. Do i regret it? Kinda, but it made me a better man and when i did start smashing again I was a dog and on everything and making up for lost time

Cant see the pics
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