POWER THREAD (Sun., Starz)

I have had big problems with them making the show so gruesome the last two episodes. It's not Spartacus. The show has a huge female fanbase, and it did nothing to advance the story. You knew what was going to happen to Charlie and Julio, so why drag out their death scenes. It was totally unnecessary.

It was fine because the season has been very dry so it could've used the edge.
Getting shot in the head would've been to perdictable

She need to fix them damn teeth
Pretty sure big homie that got pistol whipped at Tommy's stash house is going to tell Tommy what happened. And dude they cuffed with zip ties.
If Dre lives...the show is W.O.A.T.

Tariq, Tommy and now Ghost all know K been around. And Tommy and Tariq both know "Slim" is Kanan.

Julio's death gotta come up (but that's Tommys dumb *** fault for not taking his phone) You can get a burner for a car but not a phone?)

I'm telling you...my gut tells me Tommy flips on Ghost because of the Chicago instructions...he can't kill him but I can see them parting ways.

And the SAO is still after him. Jaime was left off but they can still prosecute him...bad for stern and chi city business.
Sloppy writing, 50 Cent acting was terrible. Horrible way to get Kanan to leave the show...

Everyone else did an outstanding job.
50's acting was goofy on this episode.

Soon as he slammed Ghost on the car. :lol:

50 ain't built to show sympathy either. That's another reason why they shoulda just let him burn in that warehouse. He's a cold killer, let him go out like that. Now they ruined his character.
Kanan's biggest flaw just got exposed. He's really not as tough deep down, and jukebox showed that. She's the only character that was able to expose that. Now, she's done it in front of Ghost and now he can figure him out a bit easier. He said that bs about killing Shawn again if he had to. I don't believe that line. If he really felt that way, he wouldn't have cared if Dumbriq lived or died. Jukebox certainly didn't care. Kanan developed a soft spot for Dumbriq and realized exactly how much he really wasn't there for Shawn in a strange way. I think he had a last minute change of heart in the car when Ghost explained that he chose to spare his life by sending him to jail rather than kill him. Another example of how the writing shows that Ghost has some "master" plan that no one seems to understand. This whole idea of this ***** playing chess while others are playing checkers is starting to get stale tho.
You mention the original idea of a Kanan and Ghost episode. Those were probably my favorite scenes of the episode — I loved them having to work together since we’ve heard about it, but never really seen it. Did you look at this as your chance to give Kanan some redemption? And what’s next for him? He walks away, and while I assume he’s going to return, it’s a fitting place to leave him if you did.
And that was by design. This is a season about redemption. So I think it’s important for the audience to know that Ghost and Kanan at one point loved each other. One thing you will learn is why Ghost sent Kanan to jail. There’s a real brotherhood between these two men. Hopefully, people will see when they go into rob the stash house that they work really well in concert, these two know each other, and they know how to do things together. 50 and I talked about this extensively; Kanan is very attached to Tariq. And at the end of the day, he makes a choice against his own best interests and whenever you do that, you will pay for that. So the best version of this was to kill Tariq and kill Ghost like Jukebox wanted. He gets his revenge on Ghost and Tariq is out of the picture… it evens it up. As far as Kanan is concerned, Ghost killed Shawn (Sinqua Walls), he didn’t. That must sound crazy, but in his mind, Ghost corrupted Shawn. So Shawn’s death is really a result of making the kid soft. Whereas, he has taken possession of Tariq and really stolen Ghost’s son out from under him. The fitting end of that story was to kill Tariq right in front of Ghost to make Ghost feel what Kanan feels. Unfortunately, though, Kanan loves Tariq. In a lot of ways, Tariq is the criminal son he never had. So it’s a really nice moment, it’s a good choice that he makes, but it’s against his own best interests. The only person in that room who has Kanan’s interests in mind is Jukebox. When he comes in the room, she says, “This is for his 10 years that you stole.” She’s the only one. Kanan has dropped that all together because he just wants to save Tariq’s life.
So, 50 goes into his soliloquy about him killing his son and being able to do it again; that he's not a good person cause he wasn't raised like that...but now he's "over" it?


What can you tease for the last few episodes?
The show takes some very unexpected turns. There are some stories and certain deaths that we have laid in that people have been asking for and anticipating, but the way that everything happens is going to be not exactly what you expected. We really believe in fearless storytelling and so there’s going to be a lot of people with big reactions. The final two episodes are probably the best penultimate and finale we’ve done. We really ratcheted up the storytelling to a 15. At the end of The Italian Job, Seth Green’s character says he wants speakers so big they’ll blow a girl’s clothes off. It’s like that. [Laughs] It’s going to be that intense of an ending. I really like people to feel it.

Who y'all think is going to die? Y'all figured everything out so far, so tell me who's going to die. and how so I can make some bets. :lol:
julio gets all the respect in the world after this episode

Julio is the most loyal dude on this show. They could have done more with character, instead they turn him into a mindless *****. How you see a ***** like Dre who you know been talking about you behind your back saying you was with the Feds longer than anyone, kicking it in secret with the biggest enemy of your crew and have a convo with him about it?

He said TOmmy told them to kill Kanan on site, but instead you walk off? :smh: They did him dirty and I don't understand why. Another thing I don't get is why he was able to keep the 718 tat, or why he would want to keep it. They let Ghost buy his freedom, fine ok. Why does he still get to rep them, and why are they so pressed about him walking around free so to speak? Yall took the money so get over that ****. It's not like Julio is out there talking **** about them.

You mean to tell me NOW is when Kanan suddenly chooses to have a heart?


I'm done with this show.

lmao...I felt the same way, but true talk you can tell he had a soft spot for the kid. Riq is who Sean should have been, and every time Riq talked **** about Ghost, Kanan loved him more and more. Sean was always going on and on about Uncle G this, and Uncle G that. Ghost had Sean's heart, not Riq has Kanan's/Slim's.

and why wouldn't tommy to call and check in on his business back home
or ghost after dude told him he's out
wonder what happens when ghost has to tell tommy he robbed him :lol:

This part I didn't understand at all. It's one thing if you think your phone might be tapped, but just buy a burner, or do what they did in the pilot episode and switch all the phones out. I don't see how that made any sense at all.

Once Tommy hears it was for Riq, they will be ok I'm sure, :lol:. I did find it funny that Ghost was up there no mask no nothing, lol.

Yea this ep was terrible.

If Kanaan Tommy and Dre turn into the Superfriends after this :lol:

Dre can't be a part of that, after they find out about Julio. By the way, didn't Dre say not to make it look like a Toros Locos hit? Why the **** would they peel his tattoo off? That is so damn obvious, :rofl:

It felt like we missed a couple episodes. Everyone had attitudes out of nowhere. Jukebox being so mad at Kanan didn't make any sense. Lala being passive aggressive about Shawn came out of left field too
I kept saying this about shorty. She is acting like Ghost tried to kill her or something. I think the biggest thing is the fact that she sees Kanan getting too soft with Riq, and she doesn't like it. It looks weak to her. You saw Ghost's face when he found out Jukebox had Riq. That ***** crazy and her name ring bells :rofl:


Julio revealed that Tommy told him that Kanaan was not to be trusted, and Dre is new to the business in the first place. He's an outsider. So why would Julio reveal his cards and THEN believe anything out of Dre's mouth afterwards :lol: if Courtney's gonna kill Julio off, then fine, but don't reduce his character to an idiot. Julio was suspicious of Dre off rip. Seeing him w/ Kanaan shoulda been the nail in the coffin.

And in the preview Tommy confronts Dre who plays dumb then Tommy pulls the gun out on him. So I'm going to assume they're not spoiling & Dre survives that encounter, which is absolutely absurd :lol: More tomfoolery to come

My question is... where the heck is Kanan's parole officer while he's out here sipping lean, smoking weed & making illegal money? :lol:

If he was wrongly convicted/imprisoned would he still need a PO after being release?

I think Julio almost murking all them threw dude off

Ain't even know Julio had hands like that

If he wasn't doing all that rah rah probably could've got away

I kept saying shut the **** up *****, lol

I said the same exact **** man.

I was like Ghost is trying to go legit this dude is going to forgive the millions of dollars he gave Tasha , make him CEO and get him paid but he is still mad? So is he trying to go legit or not? Wtf....

He is, he just doesn't want to be a puppet for Stern.

Dre the only dude on the show that ain't hit ish lmao...

He stay turning down P, or just acting like it don't phase him.

It didn't really make sense. So Ghost knew Jukebox growing up also. Jukebox was Kanan's cousin, and the reason she wanted to do it originally was to get back at Ghost for having him locked up. She wanted to kill him, not the money. That was Kanan's idea. But it flipped to she wanted the money badly. Why? She was making at least $60,000 as a cop. Now think back to where she was staying with the chick? And she had been robbing local drug dealers and involved herself in local hustles.

Kanan also didn't have her in on the Dre money. So what was Kanan doing with that money?

And the fight in the fire, they sure did want to kill each other.

When she found out GHost was "rich" that swtiched from just killing him to extorting him and then killing both him and Riq. I thought Kanan was giving her and the other dude a taste of that 50k a week joint.

Pretty sure big homie that got pistol whipped at Tommy's stash house is going to tell Tommy what happened. And dude they cuffed with zip ties.

Of course they will.
I have the descriptions of the remaining four episodes.

You Lied to My Face

As Ghost moves forward with his new business venture, the entire St. Patrick family is thrust into a new role in the public eye. Tasha seeks out Silver's help and their relationship deepens. When Tommy returns to New York, Dre talks himself into a promotion. And when Mak tells the whole prosecution team they're suspended, they start to form new alliances to find and take down Greg's real killer.

It's Done

When Ghost sees that the location for his new business is in a gang-infested area, he has to re-team with Tommy to clean it up. As Tommy threatens war with the Jimenez, his organization starts to destabilize. Feeling the clock ticking, Mike makes a last ditch effort to pin Greg's murder on someone else as Angela tries to rally a team to take him down. Tommy learns the truth about his family. And, unhappy at home, Tariq looks to some old friends for excitement.

That Ain't Me

When Ghost realizes he's getting screwed in his new business deal, he starts playing dirty in the clean world. After meeting her new boss, Angela explores her other options. Dre makes big moves against Tommy's organization. Tommy gets proof about his family that paints Kate in a whole new light. And with people after him and his life spinning out of control, Tariq hatches a plan to escape.

You Can't Fix This

When tragedy befalls the St. Patrick family, Ghost and Tommy seek retribution. Tasha tries to keep things together at home until she realizes it will be on her to prevent further disaster, causing her to seek help from an unlikely ally. Meanwhile, Angela uses her own investigative skills and resources to figure out what Ghost is hiding and return of an old friend heralds a call to war.
If they kill the daughter...wasn't it enough having Tariq flip her the double?

St Patrick family ain't that big. So it's either Tariq or the daughter that dies.

Seems like Angela lives from the spoilers and maybe larenz I don't age Tate will be her partner
Reading that interview Courtney did with EW, I see why 50 is on IG venting about Starz.

Courtney asked Starz for 12 eps and they said no, that's why ep 6 had so much in it, it was supposed to be two different eps.
Reading that interview Courtney did with EW, I see why 50 is on IG venting about Starz.

Courtney asked Starz for 12 eps and they said no, that's why ep 6 had so much in it, it was supposed to be two different eps.
They need to take their talents to Netflix. That would be dope.
Isn't it's highest rated show?

It is actually, and all of these networks have been doing dumb **** like this. Sacrificing the quality of the show forcing them to shorten their season episodes to 7, or 8 and preventing them from increasing their episodes from 10-12.
If Dre lives...the show is W.O.A.T.

Tariq, Tommy and now Ghost all know K been around. And Tommy and Tariq both know "Slim" is Kanan.

Julio's death gotta come up (but that's Tommys dumb *** fault for not taking his phone) You can get a burner for a car but not a phone?)

I'm telling you...my gut tells me Tommy flips on Ghost because of the Chicago instructions...he can't kill him but I can see them parting ways.

And the SAO is still after him. Jaime was left off but they can still prosecute him...bad for stern and chi city business.

Ghost wants out of the game anyways. So i think he would be cool with that. Tommy wants in. Kanan wants in and so does dre. Seems like there's gonna be a little scuffle there
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