POWER THREAD (Sun., Starz)

Now watch Tariq not tell what really happened like the lil dummy he is. You know who your dad is and what he's capable of but you keepin secrets when he could make moves to help you out and potentially save your life, and now you get your lil sis killed :smh:
Oh yea Tasha look wack af from now on :smh: she was over the edge messing with cornball, but now discussing her plans and all that with dude, and playing Ghost she's just flagrant now.

And how you gonna call yourself independent when you gotta rely on alimony to do what you want? :rofl: dumb ***
Oh yea Tasha look wack af from now on :smh: she was over the edge messing with cornball, but now discussing her plans and all that with dude, and playing Ghost she's just flagrant now.

And how you gonna call yourself independent when you gotta rely on alimony to do what you want? :rofl: dumb ***
And she was like, "yea we got a prenup but ima get mine." lol bish how, using ya zesty lawyer dude to fight it in court??
Tasha turned mad dumb...
Don't really get Ray Ray going on his killing spree just cuz the robbery went wrong...

I was gonna post the same thing

I guess his angle will be revealed later cause I don't see it

just like jukebox came outta nowhere, she was tougher than kanan and ghost combined
Now watch Tariq not tell what really happened like the lil dummy he is. You know who your dad is and what he's capable of but you keepin secrets when he could make moves to help you out and potentially save your life, and now you get your lil sis killed :smh:
this. if Ghost does find out the truth, I bet he enlists the help of Kanan.
like others have said, this show used to be better but now there are so many glaring plot holes and poor writing, its annoying af. still watch it though...
So we went through season after season of Tasha looking at Ghost like he wasn't ish because wanted to go clean.

But now???

"I want to go clean. Like, for real :D:D:D"

:smh: @ Tasha. Is it oochie wally wally or is it one mic?
So Tariq can step in and try and save some random white woman but sit back in watch his sister get shot to death???

And why is Ghost and Tasha such horrible parents? 1 kid got murdered, 1 kid is a damn addict at the age of 15, and 1 kid has been at the grandmas house since season 1 episode 1!!!

The hell is going on with this show Power?! :smh:
I dipped on the thread for the last 3-4 episodes.
I have been pretty critical of the show and especially Courtney(deservingly so).
I forget which episode it was that I was giving it high marks while the general consesus was still doggin it and....well I wanted to watch for a bit without any fan interaction and see what was what after some time had passed.
I saw the show heading in a direction that was pretty good and, well I didn't want to taint that perception before I had a chance to Really decide for myself.

Now that I have that out of the way, time to catch up on the thread.

I just finished tonight's episode.
Personal feelings: Man this is as good as I've seen Power since the early days.

Tonight's episode was brilliant. I like that it's found a way to be taken serious again. Killing Reina and promoting Angie while isolating Tommy and bringing him and his Father together while Tate's character shows his dirty side and pulls Ghost back to the dirty life just as he thought things were clean....man all good stuff.

Kanaan though, who were the guys he racked up at the end? I need to watch this one again, maybe the last two.
Just kill dre already

If tariq doesn't sing like a bird next episode and spill all the beans just to have them go to war with the Mexicans I'm done w this show.

Ollll no snitching ***.Your pops runs New York , he'll handle ray rays *** real quick.
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