POWER THREAD (Sun., Starz)

You can pretend this season has been good all you want. Ratings don't mean anything. Empire gets high ratings.

Why we gotta even be a critic to critique? We all got eyes and a functioning brain.

But bruh did you add spaces or do I gotta go back and rep this man for making progress on that front?
It's on next week
That's the end of the episode
Kanan killed Sean cause Ghost became his father.

Kanan took Tariq from GHOST

that's the finale and it's the greatest, most corniest dialogue on TV (not being sarcastic either)
Tariq is a moron, like father like son

This show is trash. Other than the girl dying the whole episode was forgettable actually I don't even remember what was said or done prior to that
One thing that's always bothered me about this show is that you can't get a grasp on how much time has passed. Like I literally don't know how much time has passed since season 1. I swear Power must be shot in The Land Of Always Winter. ****** out here living beyond The Wall
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One thing that's always bothered me about this show is that you can't get a grasp on how much time has passed. Like I leterally don't know how much time has passed since season 1. I swear Power must be shot in The Land Of Always Winter. *****s out here living beyond The Wall

lol. It be too humid for Tommy to be in them dresses he be rocking.
kanan didn't kill him for a reason

he saw something in tariq he didn't see in his own son

but you right tariq not the smart one, it's you

thanks for enlightening me
I did ... Now shut up ... he didn't kill him for many reason... you need t9 go back and watch the show ....
Ghost killed him in 1st season i thnk the lady maria who dropped her trays wen she heard ghost voice on tv at wrk is wife ?? Not sure bout to go bck n watch szn 1... lol
Another wild theory is O-dog is somehow connected to Breeze. Ghost and Tommy mentioned him a lot these past few seasons, and if they going back to the pilot to add storylines, I wouldn't be surprised. First on screen scene between Ghost and Tommy they mention Breeze. Who knows, but out of all the **** Power drags out before revealing, they let us know quick *** hell O-Dog was dirty. :lol:
Where can I watch this show free? I just finished season 2 on hulu to find out the show is already mid season 4.
Who the hell is miguelito

Yea I don't remember enough S1 for that to mean anything :lol:

Ghost killed him in 1st season i thnk the lady maria who dropped her trays wen she heard ghost voice on tv at wrk is wife ?? Not sure bout to go bck n watch szn 1... lol

Back in season 1, Ghost was at Truth, when Tommy brought Miguelito and his girl there because he was losing packs. Ghost got mad at Tommy for bringing the game to his legit business. He didn't want to kill him, but he had to send a message to let the boss know he was gonna get to the bottom of whoever was stealing, he blindfolded both of them, killed Miguelito and told her to go back to her family. That's why when she heard Ghost on TV she got shook, all she remembers was his voice and not his face. Now she has a face to the voice and there is no telling what she will come forward with. This part of the story at the time was focused on the purple sneakers chick, who was actually stealing and trying to kill ghost and she tried to kill Ruiz by stabbing him when she posed as a stripper giving him a lapdance.

That scene was so random. Another poor plot point from Ms. Kemp and crew

Not random, but a lazy loophole they used because it seems like they're running out of ideas
Wanted Tariq dead, now I'm interested to see where they take his character. Scare him straight and we see him in some boarding school OT next season or is lil buddy going to fully jump off the porch.

I'd love to see a changing of the guards turn with him slowly becoming more like his OG.
i peeped the finale. tariq bosses up
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