POWER THREAD (Sun., Starz)

Honestly, I hope that happens. Let that be the final knife to his heart.

Honestly after this season, the only way way I'm coming back for next season is if either Tariq or Tasha dies, he loses everything and gets back in the drug game
Honestly after this season, the only way way I'm coming back for next season is if either Tariq or Tasha dies, he loses everything and gets back in the drug game

I still think this ends with Ghost finally becoming Jaime, becoming legit but having nothing. No wife, no family, no Angela, no Tommy. Everything he truly cares about gone but he got his wish.
Honestly after this season, the only way way I'm coming back for next season is if either Tariq or Tasha dies, he loses everything and gets back in the drug game

It's a good thing this comes on during the summer when there's no football for me to watch.

Are we gonna talk about Kanan's denim bubble coat?? :lol:

That's another thing, I never know what season it is.
Talking about Dre and the club.

Dudes really went out to kill Dre at the warehouse when he's readily avail at the club?

Ghost is at the club with Tate during the day, but Dre running the **** at night?

The clubs bathroom completely empty while is jam packed?

Tate has been punking St Patrick but he's still rocking with him cause he's black?

Stern might have been racist but he was straight up with his intentions and warned him about Tate.

Tate storyline is all out of wack, in an episode it sounded like he was telling Ghost to give kickbacks to the drug dealers and **** hasn't been mentioned.

The Serbs got punked out their merchandise and they want Tommy to fix it. Like what if Tommy cant? Do you just leave the game to the Jimenez? Your dudes got killed ...dudes rolling around with fully automatics in broad daylight in NYC with no one around. Ok

Ghost goes to a meeting and the next day a dude that had murder someone from the same meeting gets clapped like that ain't the easiest connection back to him?

Ghost the dude that was so calculated in two seasons has no ******* plan at all?

Kanan still with the BS takeover...

Knox with the irrelevant questions to save his ***, in sure it's going to come back at a later irrelevant day.

That AyTalians taking 50 percent cut from Tommy's weight that he has yet to move since he has no one.

Like wth
That’s not true , Courtney confirmed it on Twitter that Kanan wasn’t their father .

Writing has been so lazy with this show . It’s all over the place , these characters make so many rookie mistakes. So many loopholes
Tommy and the Italians see a dude bleeding and out n say "we gon come check on u later", then mad that he's dead :lol: :smh:

And Ghost is wild sloppy with everything now

Tommy went to pay his pops a visit and all , while that man bleed out Hahahahahaha . This show is too funny
It’s getting to the point where I’m becoming sick of it. How they always meeting on restaurants discussing these BS especially in public like they can’t be spotted.

They let dude die.

That guy who couches for Tommy needs to get whacked for vouching for him in Ep 1.

How you try to wrap a guy in a blanket when all you had to do was get him at gun point.


This Karen’s Tate part is stupid and boring. This guy Ghost also is a serial killer. Not even a drug dealer no more.

Whole thing is confusing as hell.

Give us one story line. Focus on the Tommy and Italians and Ghost and them Hunting Dre.

Idc Tasha crying for Raina. That’s not entertainment.
Ive been wondering from season 1 how Ghost is the big homie, going legit & everything, but doesn’t have a Wee Bey :lol:

He wears every single hat. Very opening scene of the show he executed a guy then threw his suit on to go run the club :rofl:
Another thing that was crazy bout that episode was the drive by...what part of present day NYC has that clear and empty of a block for a a shooting in broad day light ?? :lol: :smh: ...in my city they got whole blocks of vacants and cats dont pull that type of stuff off :lol: ...And the dude that got hit was totally oblivous to the whip busting that wild u turn, this no awareness dude supposed to be a gangsta
I’m on episode 5 and already disappointed in them for having 3 different storylines going. Smh

It gets better, because one sort of clears out and they merge

Another thing that was crazy bout that episode was the drive by...what part of present day NYC has that clear and empty of a block for a a shooting in broad day light ?? :lol: :smh: ...in my city they got whole blocks of vacants and cats dont pull that type of stuff off :lol: ...And the dude that got hit was totally oblivous to the whip busting that wild u turn, this no awareness dude supposed to be a gangsta


I was hoping he had headphones on, earbuds in, on his phone or something. The rolled past him slow to be able to identify the tatt on his neck. They did the U-Turn right in front of him, and he didn't even run. :rofl:

Did anybody see you? No, nobody was around. No people or cars around, anywhere? So where was dude just randomly walking too?
Another thing that was crazy bout that episode was the drive by...what part of present day NYC has that clear and empty of a block for a a shooting in broad day light ?? :lol: :smh: ...in my city they got whole blocks of vacants and cats dont pull that type of stuff off :lol: ...And the dude that got hit was totally oblivous to the whip busting that wild u turn, this no awareness dude supposed to be a gangsta
They'd get hit with traffic soon as they pull off
Another thing that was crazy bout that episode was the drive by...what part of present day NYC has that clear and empty of a block for a a shooting in broad day light ?? :lol: :smh: ...in my city they got whole blocks of vacants and cats dont pull that type of stuff off :lol: ...And the dude that got hit was totally oblivous to the whip busting that wild u turn, this no awareness dude supposed to be a gangsta
Tell me what kind if gangsta is rolling solo during a war for control of a gang and in plain daylight like nothing?
I definitely understand what you said, but my bigger problem is what I asked above. Is not like he didnt have beef, he was in war with the other dude for control.
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