POWER THREAD (Sun., Starz)

You mean to tell me Bobby Brown shot a ***** in broad day with a silencer then killed, chopped up and stuffed his uncle in a keg.....but he’s gonna let this lil ***** Riq speak to him with bass in his voice, tell him what’s what and dead the conversation without Bobby saying it’s over?!?

That whole interaction is AT LEAST deserving of a pistol whip based on how Bobby moves.
Yo ! A stomping or something, jab to the jaw at the minimum. Boy some cold blooded killer getting talked to greasy by sum lil boy that was in prep school 2 weeks ago.
Sax really got fired, arrested, rehired, promoted and appointed lead on the mother of all fed cases in 2 weeks and only one character found it suspicious lmao.

Bobby Brown still not fooling anyone man, cutting boy up was an unnecessary gore attempt. Whole character is forced.

They also made that basketball player entirely too dumb, like his sole purpose is to just look like an idiot every scene

For Tariq to be as smart as the show wants to make him, he should realize he being a hot boy tryna be around them so soon.

This might be the rare show where you don’t root for any character. I’m literally just watching with no hopes or expectations for any of these characters. I ain’t rooting for that BAN Tariq, literally the same **** Lena Waithe just did in The Chi with Ronnie.
No they don’t

K. But seeing how I’ve had personal experience with a similar circumstance. I think I would know.

I’m sure it depends on several factors as previously stated. State or federal, type of institution and charges etc. Someone else already pointed out that in this case her request probably would’ve been denied.
Why is Saxe on this case? After they tried to get Ghost and he was let go because they lied, he shouldn't be anywhere near this case. They just keep harassing this family.
No they can, and a lot do

Depends on your jail, record while locked up and what you're convicted for.
They told my relly no all the time
I know C Murder got to go to a funeral but that’s cause his family has $$$$.
I’ve never seen it happen in California
Before I read through the responses how many of you guys actually like the reboot, and how many of you are watching just to ***** and complain and bout the storyline and acting ?
They told my relly no all the time
I know C Murder got to go to a funeral but that’s cause his family has $$$$.
I’ve never seen it happen in California

Im from LA and that’s where my experience happened. So it is possible.
whoever said you can’t root for anyone on this show is dead right. I’m hoping tommy comes back with the chopper or as y’all said ghost comes back - honestly It wouldn’t surprise me at all if he fakes his death . Isn’t the name of this show ghost anyway?
Please stop giving Courtney ideas
She set this up from jump. Remember the video I posted last season proving that he was alive? I was conjecture then but now... It's odd that they won't let us see the body. You saying they couldn't get Omari for a 20 second cameo? He ain't doing anything.
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