POWER THREAD (Sun., Starz)

who’s this???

Never heard of him

Im starting to see why Kanan is all twisted up and messed up. Last week I said the show was buns. Im down with the show now
I liked this episode ….. and if I had to assume I think the shows will get better from here

jukebox was disrespect heavy by her girls moms so I know she about to be ruthless

knann showing heart and actually doing things

Omar Epps storyline I wasn’t expecting but should be interesting moving forward

like I said the next couple of episodes should be more fast pace ….. won’t say too much until some of y’all see the episode
Watching Respect, I'm wondering why Mary is so terrible in Power

Jukebox played one of Aretha's sisters. She looks a lot different with makeup.

So Courtney Kemp is turning this in to a soap opera also with the Omar Epps news.

Another meh episode
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Mary not a terrible actress but needs good direction as she's new and not flexible like that to elevate material or freestyle. She's solid in Umbrella Academy and is nominated for Mudbound, she has real potential.
The chick young Kanan likes plays a big role in another show I like called Greenleaf.
Young Kanan just had his moms best soldier switch teams because he didn't want him to snitch on the girl he likes. Matter of fact, I want to know what the mom said to make him switch teams.
Watching Respect, I'm wondering why Mary is so terrible in Power

Jukebox played one of Aretha's sisters. She looks a lot different with makeup.

So Courtney Kemp is turning this in to a soap opera also with the Omar Epps news.

Another meh episode

i watched Respect last night too and noticed the same. Also, it looked like Raq (Kanan’s mom) was in Respect too as an extra or my eyes could have deceived me. And MJB was a turrrrrible actress in Power but her little role in Respext was aiiight.
Yeah the jukebox scene was chilling but that was def her turning moment. I felt so bad for her. Especially with the rape comment. The mom was damn near repulsed.

I feel like young K is doing that thing with his mouth the way 50 cent does.
The chick young Kanan likes plays a big role in another show I like called Greenleaf.
Young Kanan just had his moms best soldier switch teams because he didn't want him to snitch on the girl he likes. Matter of fact, I want to know what the mom said to make him switch teams.

I feel like him “switching teams” was Raqs idea so he can get close to Unique and clap him or get intel etc
The chick young Kanan likes plays a big role in another show I like called Greenleaf.
Young Kanan just had his moms best soldier switch teams because he didn't want him to snitch on the girl he likes. Matter of fact, I want to know what the mom said to make him switch teams.
Remember early in the episode when Raq is in the kitchen with her brothers she says she wants to go on offense & know what Nique is doing before he does it, so she plants a mole on his team under the guise of switching teams.

But we don’t have a show if Nique is that stupid so Raq just sent 1 of her best (only? :lol: ) soldiers to die.

-where they goin' with this symphony angle?
They’re building him up to write him off so we’re supposed to care more when that happens, especially with him being a civilian.
I feel like him “switching teams” was Raqs idea so he can get close to Unique and clap him or get intel etc

That's a because it's Power moment :smh:

Dude leaves, because he's low on the totem pole(it's four people) to join Unique's crew like he'll be higher.

It looks like they're going to handle the street angle exactly like the OG show.
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