Question about Kicks4Sale on instagram

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Sep 29, 2012
Have you guys ever bought shoes from guys posting on kicks4sale on instagram?

The guy that came up with the kicks4sale idea is making some nice extra change.  He charges like 1.30 or so to send him a pic of your shoes and list them on his page.

Seems like some guys unload shoes on there a lot cheaper than what they could get on ebay.  That's what makes me a little suspect buying shoes from guys that post on there.

Just was curious what you guys thought.
one of the reasons people sell for less outside of eBay is beacuse eBay fees are ridiculously high - 9% on auctions and 8% on fixed prices (more or less).
Buying off of instagram = risk within itself. You pay someone to just post pics? doesnt even handle the transaction so you can get scammed really easily.
Ive sold plenty of shoes off there. You just cant buy from everyone. Dude has 36k photos.... balllin!

yea but hes just using his profile as a storefront for sellers.

i could just go on there, pay his fee, and cook X amount of people until they caught on I was roasting turkeys.
yea but hes just using his profile as a storefront for sellers.

i could just go on there, pay his fee, and cook X amount of people until they caught on I was roasting turkeys.
The catch is you pay through paypal and dont pay as a gift.  Im sure there is still a risk involved.
I've bought and sold through someone stated, theres that added risk though of being scammed though......but then again you have risks selling through Fleabay too. I guess you pick your poison.
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