R.I.P. Alton Sterling..Shot by BRPD..Point Blank, While Restrained.

Lol @ wait for the facts. You dudes are straight up & down clowns. Same f boys that be preaching "we're all human we're one with the universe" with the suspect comments. Wanna be rapper *** white boys thieve our culture imitate us then turn around & wanna act like we're animals. Comical.

Could have been said MUCH better :lol: but I personally believe that there is some truth in this.

We have the most influential and profitable culture that this large corporations take full advantage of. I'm not necessarily mad I am just saying.

But when these things happen were they at though :nerd:.
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Us breathing is reason alone bruh.
History usually serves as evidence. And it's easy to say "Let's way to see if the cop was racist but if the cop didn't blatantly outright say it, how can you determine if he is or not.? Racism is a system and always will be. It's not just a lone individual or group, but a whole system. Slavery, Runaway Slave Patrol, Jim Crow, the Prison Industrial Complex, redlining, broken windows, stop n frisk, the war on drugs, sentencing laws, Blue Lives Matter, etc. It's a system bruh.

I didnt say lets see if the cop was racist. I said lets hear all the facts first. Is that not logical?

What facts do you need to see in order for your to justfy a cop executing a man who was pinned to the ground w/ his hands behind his back?
No.no.no. This is not about what black men, women, tgnc folks do. It's not about what we wear or how we behave. This is about the stigmatization of black as criminal and the embeddedness of this association in policing practices.

Nor should we have to justify our right to exist by handing over our ID'S when an officer asks for it. We should never agree to be racially profiled and those who say we should are apologists for fascism.

You misunderstand me. We can expose more of the corrupt if we use their own system AGAINST them. Not the other way around.
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Yeah the end result is wicked. That is what I try to pay attention to but people love to prime the 'He deserved to die' cheese.

I don't know about y'all but I am not in the business of deciding who lives and who dies.
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This whole business about saying Alton was a criminal doesn't and shouldn't justify any of this. It doesn't matter that Alton was carrying illegally or that he may have threatened someone. The fact is that police officers are supposed to enforce the law, they're not supposed to dispense "justice".

Had they taken him into custody and acted appropriately within the bounds of their profession this wouldn't be an issue. However, they chose not to just enforce the law but to put themselves above it.

Whether he had priors or was threatening someone is irrelevant. He wasn't brandishing a weapon openly and he wasn't pointing it at the police or the civilians. They Murdered him plain and simple.

It's disgusting to think about, but when you see the tape you realize that when those officers apprehended him it wasn't Alton's prior history or the current criminal accusations that caused the police to go straight to the use of deadly force, it was the color of his skin.
What facts do you need to see in order for your to justfy a cop executing a man who was pinned to the ground w/ his hands behind his back?

There's no justification that I can think of.

But let's not fool ourselves here. People die everyday, b. This thread isnt 400 posts because of a murder.

This thread is popping because people think this is an act of racism.

And if there's no evidence of racism than people should shut the **** up until evidence shows up.
What facts do you need to see in order for your to justfy a cop executing a man who was pinned to the ground w/ his hands behind his back?

There's no justification that I can think of.

But let's not fool ourselves here. People die everyday, b. This thread isnt 400 posts because of a murder.

This thread is popping because people think this is an act of racism.

And if there's no evidence of racism than people should shut the **** up until evidence shows up.

Wrong, the thread is mostly because again, another cop, who is supposed to protect and serve, killed another person and since that person happens to be black, we know he'll get off w/ nothing more than a stern talking to.
There's no justification that I can think of.

But let's not fool ourselves here. People die everyday, b. This thread isnt 400 posts because of a murder.

This thread is popping because people think this is an act of racism.

And if there's no evidence of racism than people should shut the **** up until evidence shows up.

Well, from what our country comes from and the specific history of cops & blacks this is going to happen.
What facts do you need to see in order for your to justfy a cop executing a man who was pinned to the ground w/ his hands behind his back?

There's no justification that I can think of.

But let's not fool ourselves here. People die everyday, b. This thread isnt 400 posts because of a murder.

This thread is popping because people think this is an act of racism.

And if there's no evidence of racism than people should shut the **** up until evidence shows up.

Wrong. It's not so much about a specific cop's racism, but just reiterating the question why does it seem to be so easy for this to happen to a person of color?
Wrong, the thread is mostly because again, another cop, who is supposed to protect and serve, killed another person and since that person happens to be black, we know he'll get off w/ nothing more than a stern talking to.

No, its not. This thread is because a white cop killed a black man and the media is blowing it up.

550 people have been killed by police this year. 130 or so have been blacks victims.

If this is about cops killing innocent civilians, where's the threads about the other 400 people that weren't black?
No, its not. This thread is because a white cop killed a black man and the media is blowing it up.

550 people have been killed by police this year. 130 or so have been blacks victims.

If this is about cops killing innocent civilians, where's the threads about the other 400 people that weren't black?

you do know systematic racism is still racism right?
Like I said, there is a specific history of this. Don't act like it isn't true.

Media manipulation is a different topic.
One of the truly sad parts about this type of situation besides all of the ******** people are trying to justify, one of the sad parts is these incidents are just what we get to see as captured on video, imagine what happens when it's not captured. I mean how easy would it be for there to only be one side of the story. Like " he came at me with a gun...", no proof, no witnesses, nothing. We as the public have to look at it as a suspicious circumstance, but we know the truth but can't prove it. Now, now when it is on video, apparently we still can't prove or these guys wouldn't be getting off, even though it is on video, we can clearly see he was not reaching, furthermore, why so many shots at that range?
i heard that Hilary Clinton is behind this.

she needed a story that would cover up her e-mail scandal ruling.
Theres definitely racist cops.

And there's definitely incompetent cops.

These are high level stress situations for cops in these areas. Its a tough and scary ******* job.

If the media wasnt all about ratings, all the good deeds cops do would be on the news and i think cops would be seen in a better light. Then these situations would be easier to handle.

But instead the mainstream picture being painted is that there's an overall race issue and incompetence issue with police.
There's no justification that I can think of.

But let's not fool ourselves here. People die everyday, b. This thread isnt 400 posts because of a murder.

This thread is popping because people think this is an act of racism.

And if there's no evidence of racism than people should shut the **** up until evidence shows up.

I usually dont do insults on this board, but what a stupid post.

"People die everyday": indeed. And many of us see the murder of Alton Sterling as part of an Anti-black pattern of policing that took the lives of akai Gurley, Walter Scott, and Rakia Boyd. As if this discussion can't possibly SIMULTANEOUSLY be about outrage over the murder of Alton Sterling AND racism.

As for "Evidence," we are tired of showing our receipts for being the victims of white racism.
Wrong, the thread is mostly because again, another cop, who is supposed to protect and serve, killed another person and since that person happens to be black, we know he'll get off w/ nothing more than a stern talking to.

No, its not. This thread is because a white cop killed a black man and the media is blowing it up.

550 people have been killed by police this year. 130 or so have been blacks victims.

If this is about cops killing innocent civilians, where's the threads about the other 400 people that weren't black?
Even if you leave race out of the situation, I still take issue with the way the police handled it. shouldn't people be outraged over that? Reardless of race there is a serious issue that needs to be addressed.

But don't sit there and act as if there isn't a long history of innocent black men losing their lives at the hands of police officers. Excuse the knee jerk reaction, but it's valid when it comes to this.

And if you disagree with that, what's the point of hopping in a thread full of people who do feel that way and trying to tell then that the way they feel about this common occurrence is wrong?
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People have become more and more reliant on this "Let's wait for all the evidence to come out" rhetoric. The video we've gotten so far is pretty compelling and I can't really think of much that would cause a completely different picture to be painted of what happened in this incident. The police department is already saying that the body cameras "fell off" and the store's surveillance camera footage has been confiscated. That's what the facts of the moment show. Too much trust is being given to these officials who are more likely to defend the actions of their own than they are to ensure justice is properly administered for everyone. 
Look at your logic man...I grew up in perhaps a worst neighborhood than you did (Tremont/crotona) section of the BX....pretty crappy place even for the Bronx, I never felt the need to feel protected was to walk around with heat....if anything that would make me feel more vulnerable....this int the wild Wild West bro.

& yet cops are emptying clips out on us like it's a showdown.
No, its not. This thread is because a white cop killed a black man and the media is blowing it up.

550 people have been killed by police this year. 130 or so have been blacks victims.

If this is about cops killing innocent civilians, where's the threads about the other 400 people that weren't black?

1. There have numerous threads made about police killing civilians.
2. Not every case is as blatant and caught on camera.

Had this not been recorded, it would be an open & shut case largely due to people like you who choose not to see what's right in front of them.
Imagine all the other murders that weren't caught on camera.
Sit down.
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I usually dont do insults on this board, but what a stupid post.

"People die everyday": indeed. And many of us see the murder of Alton Sterling as part of an Anti-black pattern of policing that took the lives of akai Gurley, Walter Scott, and Rakia Boyd. As if this discussion can't possibly SIMULTANEOUSLY be about outrage over the murder of Alton Sterling AND racism.

As for "Evidence," we are tired of showing our receipts for being the victims of white racism.

Of course its a stupid post to you because facts dont fit with your narrative of racism.
& yet cops are emptying clips out on us like it's a showdown.
1. There have numerous threads made about police killing civilians.
2. Not every case is as blatant and caught on camera.

Had this not been recorded, it would be an open and shut case largely due to people like you who choose not to see what's right in front of them.
Imagine all the other murders that weren't caught on camera.
Sit down.

So why is everyone in here talking about systemic racism and playing tge victim instead of talking about this incident?

I'm arguing against the former, not the latter.
All I wanna say is RIP to the fallen soldier. I extend my condolences to the family keep your spirits up and spread love and support to one another.

I believe justice will be served.

I wanna tell my NT family be the change you seek... We all can use a lil inspiration, show love and support to your own families and friends keep your spirits high. Someone lost someone they loved dearly. Let's take care of are people with love and respect, a lil kindness and support goes a long way.

Be that light. We'll see you shining.
All I wanna say is RIP to the fallen soldier. I extend my condolences to the family keep your spirits up and spread love and support to one another.

I believe justice will be served.

I wanna tell my NT family be the change you seek... We all can use a lil inspiration, show love and support to your own families and friends keep your spirits high. Someone lost someone they loved dearly. Let's take care of are people with love and respect, a lil kindness and support goes a long way.

Be that light. We'll see you shining.
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