R.I.P. Alton Sterling..Shot by BRPD..Point Blank, While Restrained.

I usually dont do insults on this board, but what a stupid post.

"People die everyday": indeed. And many of us see the murder of Alton Sterling as part of an Anti-black pattern of policing that took the lives of akai Gurley, Walter Scott, and Rakia Boyd. As if this discussion can't possibly SIMULTANEOUSLY be about outrage over the murder of Alton Sterling AND racism.

As for "Evidence," we are tired of showing our receipts for being the victims of white racism.

Of course its a stupid post to you because facts dont fit with your narrative of racism.

The facts don't fit with your narrative on racism, so you ignore them.

Black people get killed by the police at higher rates. You always want dudes to forget week one statistics so you can pedal your dismissive talking points on racism
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had to talk to my son the other day about **** like this.... 

he's about to turn 14 in a couple days and recently he and some of his friends ran from a cop 

they were walking from his mom's house to a friends house to get a cell phone they left there .... it was 2am and he didn't tell his mom 

a cop drove past, then stopped.....  being kids, they got scared and ran to hide 

just thinking about how that situation could have turned out scared the hell out of me.....

I told him he can't do that ... if a cop stops him, don't do ANYTHING... stressed all the incidents that have occurred and I need him to be smart 

a cop sees him in the bushes and starts shooting... he getting paid leave and a not guilty verdict 
I usually dont do insults on this board, but what a stupid post.

"People die everyday": indeed. And many of us see the murder of Alton Sterling as part of an Anti-black pattern of policing that took the lives of akai Gurley, Walter Scott, and Rakia Boyd. As if this discussion can't possibly SIMULTANEOUSLY be about outrage over the murder of Alton Sterling AND racism.

As for "Evidence," we are tired of showing our receipts for being the victims of white racism.

Of course its a stupid post to you because facts dont fit with your narrative of racism.

The facts don't fit with your narrative on racism, so you ignore them.

Black people get killed by the police at higher rates. You always want dudes to forget week one statistics so you can pedal your dismissive talking points on racism

Funny, unless i've mixed up user names this is the same guy that has armed himself due to belief of potential tyranny from the system, but as it doesn't affect him... let's wait for the facts.
had to talk to my son the other day about **** like this.... 

he's about to turn 14 in a couple days and recently he and some of his friends ran from a cop 

they were walking from his mom's house to a friends house to get a cell phone they left there .... it was 2am and he didn't tell his mom 

a cop drove past, then stopped.....  being kids, they got scared and ran to hide 

just thinking about how that situation could have turned out scared the hell out of me.....

I told him he can't do that ... if a cop stops him, don't do ANYTHING... stressed all the incidents that have occurred and I need him to be smart 

a cop sees him in the bushes and starts shooting... he getting paid leave and a not guilty verdict 

Good on you Fam, let some cats in here tell it should that have occurred, they'd back the cops, sad man.
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The facts don't fit with your narrative on racism, so you ignore them.

Black people get killed by the police at higher rates. You always want dudes to forget week one statistics so you can pedal your dismissive talking points on racism

I respect your opinion so i want to know what you have to say about this.

Here's a conversation i had earlier with my best friend, a black cop in SF who grew up in the ghetto of Oakland with no father etc. Here's his take on the issue:

View media item 2092973View media item 2092974View media item 2092977View media item 2092979View media item 2092981View media item 2092982View media item 2092983View media item 2092985
& yet cops are emptying clips out on us like it's a showdown.
1. There have numerous threads made about police killing civilians.
2. Not every case is as blatant and caught on camera.

Had this not been recorded, it would be an open and shut case largely due to people like you who choose not to see what's right in front of them.
Imagine all the other murders that weren't caught on camera.
Sit down.

So why is everyone in here talking about systemic racism and playing tge victim instead of talking about this incident?

I'm arguing against the former, not the latter.

Systemic racism symptoms leak into all facets of American life, this is not debatable.

And it's dismissed by ignorant people who do not, can not, or will not understand the impact it has.

And goofy **** like that + certain people not acknowledging the impact are why nothing changes.

Dudes will fight all day for some ******** but when it comes to racism "well hold on let's make sure it's really racism" like you blind mf would even know.

This ONE MAN possibly wanting to aim his weapon at cops does not change hundreds of years of this ********.

"Yeah okay racism is a thing but this time it might not have been racism so why we talking about it?" That **** don't even sound kinda right. If you don't like it don't reply to it, don't acknowledge it.

These mf out here strapped up with assault rifles worried the government gon take their rights but when a ***** get shot in his back in the street, well hold on a minute buddy..... Miss me with that ****.
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It's easy to sit in your white skin & peddle some bs like narratives when you don't live your life being hunted down like an animal in the streets. you guys are hilarious
Wrong, the thread is mostly because again, another cop, who is supposed to protect and serve, killed another person and since that person happens to be black, we know he'll get off w/ nothing more than a stern talking to.
No, its not. This thread is because a white cop killed a black man and the media is blowing it up.

550 people have been killed by police this year. 130 or so have been blacks victims.

If this is about cops killing innocent civilians, where's the threads about the other 400 people that weren't black?
Assuming those numbers are correct:

1. 130 Black victims / 550 total killed by police = 23.6%

2. 37,685,848 Black Americans / 308,745,538 total Americans = 12.6%

3. You have not seen 130 of these posts.  You see these posts when the victim is UNARMED or, in this case, RESTRAINED.  You see these posts when it is clear simply by dint of the situation that the use of lethal force was unnecessary.

According to other data:

Although black men make up only 6 percent of the U.S. population, they account for 40 percent of the unarmed men shot to death by police this year, The Post’s database shows. In the majority of cases in which police shot and killed a person who had attacked someone with a weapon or brandished a gun, the person who was shot was white. But a hugely disproportionate number — 3 in 5 — of those killed after exhibiting less threatening behavior were black or Hispanic.
It is, ostensibly, the job of police officers to protect and serve.  Everyone is supposedly entitled to due process.  These threads are the ONLY place I hear some of you advocating the Judge Dredd mentality for police officers.   

No one would deny that police officers have a difficult job, but "if the suspect struggles, shoot them" is not generally considered proper procedure.


The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the entire world by FAR.  Marijuana arrests ALONE occur once every 42 seconds.  Given the INCREDIBLE number of arrests in this country, it's certainly fair to say that MOST attempted arrests do not end in the suspect's death - but that should in no way excuse those deaths that can and should be prevented.  And while that problem affects ALL Americans, it disproportionately impacts people of color - ESPECIALLY Black men.  

That is, in itself, a problem - and it's one that undeniably reflects the racism in our society.  

If you're just going to dismiss that, honestly it says something about your values and your perceptions of how "certain people" should be treated.  There's no way around that.  

On that note, CAbased has been banned.  Please ignore his ignorance.  
It's easy to sit in your white skin & peddle some bs like narratives when you don't live your life being hunted down like an animal in the streets. you guys are hilarious

Your being hunted down like animals? By whom?

I think theres more evidence that shows blacks are hunting down blacks at astronomically higher rates.
Gotta stop resisting arrest, go with it and let the laws take care of itself. We are the prey. Can't give them any reason.
So we should be good slaves around massa cop and say yessa boss mes gone be a good slave and let you rough me up and harass me yessa massa.
What exactly are these facts that some of you are waiting for? What could they possibly be that would justify this? I genuinely would like to know.

Your being hunted down like animals? By whom?

I think theres more evidence that shows blacks are hunting down blacks at astronomically higher rates.

Oh look the typical "black on black crime" distraction tactic? 15 pages? That took longer than normal.

Looks at username. Just stop :lol:
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I think folks are assuming the outrage is all pulled from the media instead of personal experiences. Most of us empathize when we see these because we've felt it, and we weren't out there committing crimes.
The facts don't fit with your narrative on racism, so you ignore them.

Black people get killed by the police at higher rates. You always want dudes to forget week one statistics so you can pedal your dismissive talking points on racism

I respect your opinion so i want to know what you have to say about this.

Here's a conversation i had earlier with my best friend, a black cop in SF who grew up in the ghetto of Oakland with no father etc. Here's his take on the issue:

View media item 2092973View media item 2092974View media item 2092977View media item 2092979View media item 2092981View media item 2092982View media item 2092983View media item 2092985

Your homeboy doesn't know how to control for population.

And by the sound of it never read much research on economics or criminal justice if he thinks poverty play a role in crime. His anecdotal evidence doesn't override the large outcomes we see in America.

He sounds like a apologist for the police. No matter how much good work you may do in the community, there is no excuse for dismissing systematic racism.
Methodical Management Methodical Management

13% of the population is black and that 13% accounts for 50% of the crime.

Explain that.

This is a professional issue about polive officers and how they handle themselves. It's not a race issue.

Is the prison industrial complex a race issue? Yes. More blacks get arrested and get higher sentencing for the same crimes? Yes. I 100% agree on that.

But there simply isnt enough evidence that blacks are being targeted by cops to murder them.
It's easy to sit in your white skin & peddle some bs like narratives when you don't live your life being hunted down like an animal in the streets. you guys are hilarious

Your being hunted down like animals? By whom?

I think theres more evidence that shows blacks are hunting down blacks at astronomically higher rates.

Most crime against black people are committed by other blacks.

Most crime against whites are committed by other whites

And this is true of every race and ethnicity in America.

Although black men make up only 6 percent of the U.S. population, they account for 40 percent of the unarmed men shot to death by police this year, The Post’s database shows. In the majority of cases in which police shot and killed a person who had attacked someone with a weapon or brandished a gun, the person who was shot was white. But a hugely disproportionate number — 3 in 5 — of those killed after exhibiting less threatening behavior were black or Hispanic.

really all that needs to be said about you weirdos pointing out that cops don't only kill white people like you just discovered a dinosaur egg
Methodical Management Methodical Management

13% of the population is black and that 13% accounts for 50% of the crime.

Explain that.

This is a professional issue about polive officers and how they handle themselves. It's not a race issue.

Is the prison industrial complex a race issue? Yes. More blacks get arrested and get higher sentencing for the same crimes? Yes. I 100% agree on that.

But there simply isnt enough evidence that blacks are being targeted by cops to murder them.

Go look up stop and frisk statistics if you don't think blacks are targeted.

And crime is highly correlated with poverty. Black people experience poverty at much higher rates.

Poor whites commit crimes at higher rates than upper middle class and affluent black people.

High crime is not some purely black phenomena

If that was the case affluent blacks would be committing crimes at much higher rates.... but that doesn't happen now does it.
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really all that needs to be said about you weirdos pointing out that cops don't only kill white people like you just discovered a dinosaur egg

And those stats make more sense when you see 70% of cops that are being murdered are being murdered by black males. In areas and cities where the population is mostly black and the crime is highest. Is it that hard to see why cops make ****** up mistakes?

To be fair, those cops who make mistakes should be thrown in jail. Im just saying it aint hard to see why this happens. Unless you have the everything is racism glasses on.
One last thing and I'm out, have any of you ever noticed that when the discussion of race comes up, certain people believe that if I can get someone who is black to agree with my views, then my views have to be right. Let me explain something very rudimentary, 1 black person doesn't always represent all black people when it comes to racism. So if you have a black friend who agrees with your line of thinking about race and class, good for you, but that one black friend doesn't speak for all black people.
One last thing and I'm out, have any of you ever noticed that when the discussion of race comes up, certain people believe that if I can get someone who is black to agree with my views, then my views have to be right. Let me explain something very rudimentary, 1 black person doesn't always represent all black people when it comes to racism. So if you have a black friend who agrees with your line of thinking about race and class, good for you, but that one black friend doesn't speak for all black people.
I think folks are assuming the outrage is all pulled from the media instead of personal experiences. Most of us empathize when we see these because we've felt it, and we weren't out there committing crimes.

Too much sense being made.
Go look up stop and frisk statistics if you don't think blacks are targeted.

And crime is highly correlated with poverty. Black people experience poverty at much higher rates.

Poor whites commit crimes at higher rates than middle class and affluent black people.

High crime is not some purely black phenomena

Im with you on crime being correlated with poverty 100%.
One last thing and I'm out, have any of you ever noticed that when the discussion of race comes up, certain people believe that if I can get someone who is black to agree with my views, then my views have to be right. Let me explain something very rudimentary, 1 black person doesn't always represent all black people when it comes to racism. So if you have a black friend who agrees with your line of thinking about race and class, good for you, but that one black friend doesn't speak for all black people.

Thank you for illustrating this, for some reason a lot of white people dont get this.
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