R.I.P. Alton Sterling..Shot by BRPD..Point Blank, While Restrained.

Thank you for saying it before I did. People always come to the point that blacks are disproportionately stuck in poverty but refuse to acknowledge that it's systemic racism that plays a huge part in that fact.

Black people don't want to be impoverished.
We shouldn't be in poverty still. Slavery and Jim Crow were so long ago.

Not to mention the view is prejudiced. Population wise, there are more White Americans under poverty lines than Black Americans. The usage of government assistance by them is equal if not more. The discrepancy in rates stems from the US history of putting Black Americans in that position. However poor White Americans are "Joe Sixpack" trying to make it, while poor Black Americans are ridiculed.
ben roethlisberger ben roethlisberger

Do you think you're giving the cops in this case the benefit of the doubt because you're good friends with a police officer?

And I don't think Ben Shapiro is someone you want to use to reinforce your point
I'm very close friends with at least five police officers, and I still don't get where the ignorance is coming from. Perhaps people aren't willing or capable of asking themselves tough questions and trying to form an opinion without bias.

My closest friend has been a NYPD police officer for 10+ years, but I keep it real with him when we discuss it.
People justifying his murder be like

He watched a season of the wire

He had juvenile mixtape

He liked silk the shocker

But srs the mythical super negro got cops still scared
Theres definitely racist cops.

And there's definitely incompetent cops.

These are high level stress situations for cops in these areas. Its a tough and scary ******* job.

If the media wasnt all about ratings, all the good deeds cops do would be on the news and i think cops would be seen in a better light. Then these situations would be easier to handle.

But instead the mainstream picture being painted is that there's an overall race issue and incompetence issue with police.

You know what? The US military is much more stringent when it comes to soldier misbehavior on foreign enemy soil than the police union is in our communities. That the job is stressful is no excuse for cops walking away after gross misconduct. If they can't do the job, they need to get out of the force. Simple as that.
Alright, this is my last thing, and I'm done, I have noticed frequenting these type of threads that certain minorities who aren't black have this holier than thou mentality, as if they can't be victims because they're law abiding, well, let me tell you jack, wrong. So you're not black, but you also aren't white, you're a minority, and some of the police practices are in place for you too. So instead talking down on black people and ****, just watch your own back because believe me, the police don't give a **** that you don't like black people either, to those police officers, you might as well be black because you can shuck and jive and tap dance and talk down on us, but the police hate you too. Dumbas. Furthermore, granted Mr. Sterling has a pronounced criminal record, he was committing any of the crimes he was convicted of at the time of his slaying. "He had a gun", he had a gun, that was in his pocket, that no one person saw him reach for. I'm not from Louisiana, but I've been there enough times to know that LA has their rough areas like major metropolis through out the country. He might have been carrying a piece for protection, because in some areas, police don't protect and serve, unless you're white. If Mr. Sterling was truly up to no good, then why sell mix tapes, why not rob the very store you in front of? But no, certain people see a record and cape for the cop, they'll disguise it and say "they're both wrong" but they mean Mr.Sterling is wrong, because he has a gun and he has a record. But just keep in mind, just because you a minority but aren't black, they hate you too.


Growing up I've probably been harassed and disrespected more than most of you based off where I grew up by NYPD....I had to trade my first car because I couldn't go a week without being pulled over and having my car inspected for no reason.
What is my bias?

I grew up in the same neighborhoods and witnessed first hand cops being overly aggressuve and i witnessed the agression and non compliance with cops. Hell, i even participated. Its a cultural thing 100%.

Just cause your born in a ****** situation doesn't expell you from the responsibility of your owm actions.

I seen poor people of all colors and creeds head in the direction of their own choosing.

Some had it worse than others and had to do what was necessary and thats where the war on drugs comes in and the lack of positive role models.

But at the end of the day people choose to commit these crimes. You arent forced to make bad decisions just cause you live in the hood.
You dudes have to cut out the, "I grew up in the hood too" comments. Clearly yall stayed in the house and only eft for school and/or accompanied by adult supervision
And what crime did Alton Sterling commit?

And was it worth his life?

apparently someone fingered him with a gun waving it at people. Cops have probable cause to search at that point. Then apparently he resisted. Did he deserve to be executed? No. Do we know all the facts. Nope. Also, I bet the stuff on those discs he was selling was bootleg. They could at least cite and detain on that.
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There's a video that's way more clear with a better POV.
I'm literally in shock right now.
If you sincerely believe that, I think you should apologize for pushing the "Black people commit half the crime in America" nonsense to further the narrative that "Black people are scary" and that deaths like this one are somehow justified.

If you sincerely believe that, you'd be ashamed of pushing offender's race ahead of socioeconomic status and presenting race as a CAUSAL factor in crime rates.
How so? Blacks are more than likey to be in poverty, people in poverty are more than likely to commit crime. Even if its a victimless crime, its still a crime.

Im 100% against the war on drugs.

Im 100% against the prison industrial complex.

All ive been saying is everytime a black man is killed by a white cop it isnt always a matter of racism.
It's not a matter of "always" or "never."  We can't know, with any certainty, what would've happened in this case if the suspect had been White.

What we do know is that, in terms of probability, this is UNDENIABLY a problem that disproportionately impacts people of color - and in a way that obviously corresponds to prevailing racial biases.  That is not acceptable.  

People should be outraged whenever ANYONE who is unarmed or restrained is killed by a police officer.  It's an unnecessary death, if nothing else.  Ostensibly, police officers are supposedly heroes who put their safety at risk to protect lives.  The use lethal force to subdue a suspect who does not pose a lethal threat runs contrary to that standard.  

The outrage here is twofold:  1) the loss of life appears unjustifiable.  2) whatever the composition or origins of the subconscious impulses involved in the decision to shoot, it contributes to the overwhelming, racially disproportionate nature of these deaths.

In the majority of cases in which police shot and killed a person who had attacked someone with a weapon or brandished a gun, the person who was shot was white. But a hugely disproportionate number — 3 in 5 — of those killed after exhibiting less threatening behavior were black or Hispanic.
The whole "Black people are arrested more often" stat does nothing to negate a direct comparison between the rates at which those suspects who have been killed by police are killed while unarmed.  That's a population group consisting ONLY of suspected criminals who were shot by police.  The racist trope of "Black people commit more crimes" does NOT explain that

You could go down the list and play the role of the apologist in EVERY SINGLE CASE.  (And some of you do.)   EVERY SINGLE TIME you could say, "it's not racist because you can't prove it was racist."

How, then, do we account for the disparity itself if "every single one" isn't racist?  Random chance? 

In terms of probability, the overall numbers themselves are NOT ambiguous.  You can't hide behind "we don't know for sure" when explaining away why 3 in 5 of those killed by police while unarmed are Black or Latino. 

At scale, it doesn't take much of a bias to achieve a significant effect.  Take residential segregation, for example.  You could sit there and say that every White person who's ever moved out of a "diversifying" neighborhood did so to shorten a commute, move to a larger/more affordable residence, etc., but the phenomenon of "White Flight" as a whole is undeniable and exerts is substantial impact on home values and, thus, household wealth and the inter-generational transfer of wealth - among other things.  (e.g. funding for area schools, as influenced by property taxes, etc.)  (Play with this to get an idea of how small preferences can make a big difference:  http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/models/Segregation)

The difference here is that this isn't a case where a random news story about a White family moving results in their being harassed or accused of being SWS.  This is a case where the outcome is unacceptable and unjust on its very face, no matter the motivation.  

That said, it makes ZERO sense to deny the influence of racism in the clear and extreme racial disparity to which this incident contributes.  
You dudes have to cut out the, "I grew up in the hood too" comments. Clearly yall stayed in the house and only eft for school and/or accompanied by adult supervision

So we must get personal.

Speaking for myself, your wrong.

I started cutting school, theiving from stores, getting in fights etc at a young age. No later than 1st or 2nd grade.

My parents were drug addicts and never home and i lived in gang infested areas.

Once i got older i saw the path i was headed down. Friends OD'ing at age 12. Friends stabbed for $20 at age 14. As we got older **** got more serious and i decided for myself to seperate myself as much as i could. I chose not to join a gang. I chose to focus on school and getting a job.

Dont generalize.
Alright, this is my last thing, and I'm done, I have noticed frequenting these type of threads that certain minorities who aren't black have this holier than thou mentality, as if they can't be victims because they're law abiding, well, let me tell you jack, wrong. So you're not black, but you also aren't white, you're a minority, and some of the police practices are in place for you too. So instead talking down on black people and ****, just watch your own back because believe me, the police don't give a **** that you don't like black people either, to those police officers, you might as well be black because you can shuck and jive and tap dance and talk down on us, but the police hate you too. Dumbas. Furthermore, granted Mr. Sterling has a pronounced criminal record, he was committing any of the crimes he was convicted of at the time of his slaying. "He had a gun", he had a gun, that was in his pocket, that no one person saw him reach for. I'm not from Louisiana, but I've been there enough times to know that LA has their rough areas like major metropolis through out the country. He might have been carrying a piece for protection, because in some areas, police don't protect and serve, unless you're white. If Mr. Sterling was truly up to no good, then why sell mix tapes, why not rob the very store you in front of? But no, certain people see a record and cape for the cop, they'll disguise it and say "they're both wrong" but they mean Mr.Sterling is wrong, because he has a gun and he has a record. But just keep in mind, just because you a minority but aren't black, they hate you too.


Growing up I've probably been harassed and disrespected more than most of you based off where I grew up by NYPD....I had to trade my first car because I couldn't go a week without being pulled over and having my car inspected for no reason.
Dog, you HAD a first car.:lol:
In the video, when the cop says don't move, Alton's hands go up in the surrender position.
This was murder.
You dudes have to cut out the, "I grew up in the hood too" comments. Clearly yall stayed in the house and only eft for school and/or accompanied by adult supervision

People keep bringing up my upbringing, trying to use that against my view on this matter....I probably have more grounds to speak on it than most in here because although my skin isn't black, I'm not white either, grew up in the hood and dealt with the same abuse from NYPD.
^^^ But everybody ain't you.

I agree.

Which is why i spent the majority of my youth mentoring kids at my local boys and girls club.

And now as an adult im looking to help my old neighborhood in building a community garden.

People in poverty need to be shown that as bad as it is, theres other options if we get creative.
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