R.I.P Trayvon

profiled by who?

so now i'm giving them a reason to harass me i guess leaving school is a reason or heading to work too right

**** outta here you clown get back to me when the entire country isnt skewed in your favor

this dude gets a couple dirty looks and thinks he can tell an entire race of people( who couldnt even piss certain places only 60yrs ago) how to feel

You sir, are NOT speaking for your entire race. Only for closed minded fools that think theyre still being held back. MAN the F up dude. I'll say it again cause you obviously cant comprehend it. NO ONE IS OPPRESSING YOU EXCEPT YOURSELF.
I live in a predominantly black neighborhood....

So there goes that theory...
Tell us how you really feel 
Whatever man. Stay locked in your box. The truth is 99.9% of THIS BOARD has never been oppressed or held back unless they LET society do it to them. Its 2013, theres a black man in the White House. Get OVER IT. The past didn't happen TO YOU personally.
The words "get over it" are usually the attitude and direct statement of the oppressor.  As far as the past not happening to me personally, the tree of slavery/racism still bears fruit, whether you want to admit it or not.
You sir, are NOT speaking for your entire race. Only for closed minded fools that think theyre still being held back. MAN the F up dude. I'll say it again cause you obviously cant comprehend it. NO ONE IS OPPRESSING YOU EXCEPT YOURSELF.

i never once said anyone held me back you being a presumptuous jackass assumed that

i've been to college got a decent gig I'm blessed with chances even my dad didnt have

but you're trying to tell me some how i make police officers **** with me because of my race thats the only thing i dont comprehend

you explain to me how thats not oppression
NT and StormFront should set up a meet and greet summit.

I've honestly never even heard of stormfront until this second. And please don't act like NT is the end all be all for black outreach.

Dudes sitting here in $200 Jordans and $100 jeans talking about being held back while posting on their $600 phones. PLEASE.
i never once said anyone held me back you being a presumptuous jackass assumed that

i've been to college got a decent gig I'm blessed with chances even my dad didnt have

but you're trying to tell me some how i make police officers **** with me because of my race thats the only thing i dont comprehend

you explain to me how thats not oppression

If you sit here and say this happens to you on a regular basis youre a God Damn Liar.
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I'd advise EVERYONE to ignore this dude stevielips. You're wasting your time going back and forth with someone as close minded and arrogant as him.

I wish someone of another race would tell me how I'm supposed to feel and handle things when I'm profiled for simply driving in a nice car. Nope--that's not a form of mental oppression at all and apparently my fault. :lol:

Seriously, ignore this guy. Nothing good will come of the back and forth with dude.

I'd advise EVERYONE to ignore this dude stevielips. You're wasting your time going back and forth with someone as close minded and arrogant as him.

I wish someone of another race would tell me how I'm supposed to feel and handle things when I'm profiled for simply driving in a nice car. Nope--that's not a form of mental oppression at all and apparently my fault. :lol:

Seriously, ignore this guy. Nothing good will come of the back and forth with dude.

I learned my lesson

I'd advise EVERYONE to ignore this dude stevielips. You're wasting your time going back and forth with someone as close minded and arrogant as him.

I wish someone of another race would tell me how I'm supposed to feel and handle things when I'm profiled for simply driving in a nice car. Nope--that's not a form of mental oppression at all and apparently my fault. :lol:

Seriously, ignore this guy. Nothing good will come of the back and forth with dude.

Right on. Ignore the dude with a different opinion cause I refuse to just follow the trends of this board. Way to keep an open mind bro.

But I hope you do ignore me. Seriously. I don't want you in my conversations anyway. You bring nothing to the table.
But I hope you do ignore me. Seriously. I don't want you in my conversations anyway. You bring nothing to the table.
Pot meet kettle.  Talking about dudes posting in their "200 Jordans and $100 jeans", be that true or false, you can still be looked at and more importantly treating differently than the rest even with those items. 
If you sit here and say this happens to you on a regular basis youre a God Damn Liar.

again you dodge the question and know my life and experiences better than me yea your minds made up on what goes on in black peoples lives

and im with ol boy you gotta get blocked you've obviously got some issues with black people since you seem to think some how we bring harassment on ourselves

and i'm not gonna keep feeding into an obvious bigot

good day to you
Boo hoo. Watch as I shed a tear for getting blocked. Dodge what question? You act as if you're harassed on a regular basis by cops then say you're a college grad with good job. On that basis I call you a liar. I HIGHLY doubt you're being harassed by cops on a regular basis. You're lying to yourself.

I'd advise EVERYONE to ignore this dude stevielips. You're wasting your time going back and forth with someone as close minded and arrogant as him.

I wish someone of another race would tell me how I'm supposed to feel and handle things when I'm profiled for simply driving in a nice car. Nope--that's not a form of mental oppression at all and apparently my fault. :lol:

Seriously, ignore this guy. Nothing good will come of the back and forth with dude.

Right on. Ignore the dude with a different opinion cause I refuse to just follow the trends of this board. Way to keep an open mind bro.

But I hope you do ignore me. Seriously. I don't want you in my conversations anyway. You bring nothing to the table.

Sorry, but your victim complex doesn't hold weight with me. Ignoring you has nothing to do with your differing views or me having a closed minded attitude. It has everything to do with your refusal to accept the FACT that people of all races are still oppressed around the globe.

If you can ignore that FACT, along with the stories of people that have lived it and simply dismiss it as being that person's fault, you're not worth discussing anything with.

Try again.
uh oh white guy telling black folks how to feel alert

but you mean to tell me i let the police harass me?

i let people follow me around stores because of my skin color?

what SOME of you white cats fail to realize is it didnt end at slavery it didnt end during the 60's the effects of GENERATIONS of people being ****** over is still being felt today

but what do i know you know how i should feel and what i deal with everyday better than me anyway

View media item 453428
Trial hasn't even started yet and things are already getting edgy in here. Why am I not suprised
"Well that escalated quickly" Ill just say that I didn't know that because you have cell phones and high speed Internet you still can't face discrimination and be racially profiled. Hell Dr. Gates, a friggin Harvard professor, who probably is in a "slightly" higher pay grade than some cops, had to prove to police officers he lived in his own home after he got arrested. But we have a black president so all the problems facing any people of color have vanished, news to me. Privilege is powerful.
Whatever man. Stay locked in your box. The truth is 99.9% of THIS BOARD has never been oppressed or held back unless they LET society do it to them. Its 2013, theres a black man in the White House. Get OVER IT. The past didn't happen TO YOU personally.

View media item 453455
The stupidity and bigotry is outstanding in this thread.
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Son went from "there's a black president" to "you guys have expensive phones and clothes" :lol:

So that must mean everything is cool and racism no longer exist. The ignorance.

Some people should just leave certain topics alone.
Here's my take on it. The whole argument of what racism is can be argued all day. Feel free to dispute on each side. It is what it is.

However if its a group of black people beating a guy up because he's white or a group of white people beating up a guy because he's black either way you spin it its not cool and is sickening to see a person be assaulted or mistreated off the color of their skin.

Regarding the topic of racism in America. I'm half white/half Puerto Rican but look like a straight white dude.

Ill put it like this. The majority of people in power in this country are white, the majority of bosses, supervisors, people holding political office etc are white. There's certain areas in this country that are very unfriendly to minorities and there's people in power who have the pull to make it harder for an individual of color to get certain jobs.

Lets not pretend like that doesn't exist.

I feel its becoming more of a class issue then race issue as time progresses. The financial elite vs the middle class and those below but the racial aspect is still there.

And personally this is just me, there has been times where you can say a white person has been treated unfairly because of their color but it pales in comparison to what other ethnicities have gone through in this country. If you can't handle a slight small but of adversity then your not built for the real world.
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