R.I.P Trayvon

The difference is one title is earned and the other is not.  When appointed by the neighbors, you would receive some type of training or lines of communication with the local police department, for self-appointed your nothing more than a nosy neighbor walking around with a ****** up hair cut with nothing better to do.  George Zimmmerman obviously falls in the latter category.  Now, PLEASE tell me I answered your question for you
George Zimmerman DID go for watch training though. 14 hour class.

so there goes that.
The term, "self-appointed neighborhood watchman" still holds true however.  Nice try champ.
I fail to see  the point you're trying to make.
The term, "self-appointed neighborhood watchman" still holds true however.  Nice try champ.
I did not deny he was self appointed. I merely pointed out that you are all wrong to keep saying over and over that Zimmerman didn't receive any training, when in fact, he did.
Some training Zimmerman received, he still got his *** wiped and rightfully so by a kid in high school. 
I fail to see  the point you're trying to make.
Meaning, if we're going to use title and positions, let's at least use the proper ones and know when to apply them to certain people.  George Zimmerman is NOT a neighborhood watchman, he is NOT a block captain, he is a wanna be rent a cop/self-appointed neighborhood watchman that couldn't make it in actual law enforcement.  Which only left him with dreams and desires of patrolling the neighborhood in hopes of living out his fantasies.  
I do remember reading about the Guardian Angels in school though
Exactly.  See the difference with the Guardian Angles, they are all dressed in uniform and actually have a connection with the local police in the area. 

If one was to go through legitimate training for said watch, wouldn't that make them a certified watchman?
In George Zimmerman's case, no. 
Some training Zimmerman received, he still got his *** wiped and rightfully so by a kid in high school. 

Meaning, if we're going to use title and positions, let's at least use the proper ones and know when to apply them to certain people.  George Zimmerman is NOT a neighborhood watchman, he is NOT a block captain, he is a wanna be rent a cop/self-appointed neighborhood watchman that couldn't make it in actual law enforcement.  Which only left him with dreams and desires of patrolling the neighborhood in hopes of living out his fantasies.  

Exactly.  See the difference with the Guardian Angles, they are all dressed in uniform and actually have a connection with the local police in the area. 

In George Zimmerman's case, no. 

You are CLEARLY bias so I'm done with you. Way to derail your own points...
Originally Posted by Deuce King  

I fail to see  the point you're trying to make.
Meaning, if we're going to use title and positions, let's at least use the proper ones and know when to apply them to certain people.  George Zimmerman is NOT a neighborhood watchman, he is NOT a block captain, he is a wanna be rent a cop/self-appointed neighborhood watchman that couldn't make it in actual law enforcement.  Which only left him with dreams and desires of patrolling the neighborhood in hopes of living out his fantasies.  
Completely irrelevant.  A neighborhood watchman has as much authority as any other homeowner in the neighborhood.  Not defending George Zimmerman, but at least focus on parts of the case that actually matter.
Because there are way too many people on this board that form and opinion and run with it as fact.

I choose to always look at both sides and regardless of my personal opinion on the matter. It pisses me off though when idiots on here get tunnel vision and refuse to see what is actual fact.
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Some training Zimmerman received, he still got his *** wiped and rightfully so by a kid in high school. 

Meaning, if we're going to use title and positions, let's at least use the proper ones and know when to apply them to certain people.  George Zimmerman is NOT a neighborhood watchman, he is NOT a block captain, he is a wanna be rent a cop/self-appointed neighborhood watchman that couldn't make it in actual law enforcement.  Which only left him with dreams and desires of patrolling the neighborhood in hopes of living out his fantasies.  

Exactly.  See the difference with the Guardian Angles, they are all dressed in uniform and actually have a connection with the local police in the area. 

In George Zimmerman's case, no. 
You are CLEARLY bias so I'm done with you. Way to derail your own points...
In all fairness, we're all biased.  It's unavoidable.  Our perceptions are shaped from our own personal experiences and environment. At least he's not trying to pretend that he isn't.
In all fairness, we're all biased.  It's unavoidable.  Our perceptions are shaped from our own personal experiences and environment. At least he's not trying to pretend that he isn't.

So you're saying I'm pretending?

I've already given my personal opinion on this case I believe in the 1st or 2nd page. From then on I have done nothing but shown the other side of the case, without bias.

Believe what you want though bro. Not gonna keep me up tonight.

If one was to go through legitimate training for said watch, wouldn't that make them a certified watchman?

You need to give a source stormfront is not a very credible source

Or maybe you misread 14 months for 14 days

Because GZ did train 14 months in kickboxing classes at kokopellis gym the most complete fight gym in the world.

And since you believe "training" makes one certified I'm sure you would agree GZ was a certified kickboxer correct

Now explain to the court how a certified trained kickboxer got smashed til his life was in danger by a untrained unarmed teenager

Originally Posted by Deuce King  

I fail to see  the point you're trying to make.
Meaning, if we're going to use title and positions, let's at least use the proper ones and know when to apply them to certain people.  George Zimmerman is NOT a neighborhood watchman, he is NOT a block captain, he is a wanna be rent a cop/self-appointed neighborhood watchman that couldn't make it in actual law enforcement.  Which only left him with dreams and desires of patrolling the neighborhood in hopes of living out his fantasies.  
Completely irrelevant.  A neighborhood watchman has as much authority as any other homeowner in the neighborhood.  Not defending George Zimmerman, but at least focus on parts of the case that actually matter.
Okay, lets just focus on that.  As a homeowner or even a so called neighborhood watchmen (since folks want to give Zimmerman that title) Zimmerman has NO real authority at all.  As a homeowner or neighborhood watchmen he is just like everyone else in the neighborhood.  Be they a visitor or a homeowner.  As taken from an article that I read............. 

"George Zimmerman's actions were in no way legal. Acting as a crime watch or COP volunteer gives you no special police powers. The role is to observe and report, not to engage in the role of law enforcement. Mr. Zimmerman did report what he claims was a suspicious sighting. The instructions from 911 were very clear - Back off and let law enforcement do its job. Once he chose to ignore his instructions, he stepped over the line. The result was the death of an innocent young man."
Originally Posted by Deuce King  

I fail to see  the point you're trying to make.
Meaning, if we're going to use title and positions, let's at least use the proper ones and know when to apply them to certain people.  George Zimmerman is NOT a neighborhood watchman, he is NOT a block captain, he is a wanna be rent a cop/self-appointed neighborhood watchman that couldn't make it in actual law enforcement.  Which only left him with dreams and desires of patrolling the neighborhood in hopes of living out his fantasies.  
Completely irrelevant.  A neighborhood watchman has as much authority as any other homeowner in the neighborhood.  Not defending George Zimmerman, but at least focus on parts of the case that actually matter.
Okay, lets just focus on that.  As a homeowner or even a so called neighborhood watchmen (since folks want to give Zimmerman that title) Zimmerman has NO real authority at all.  As a homeowner or neighborhood watchmen he is just like everyone else in the neighborhood.  Be they a visitor or a homeowner.  As taken from an article that I read............. 

"George Zimmerman's actions were in no way legal. Acting as a crime watch or COP volunteer gives you no special police powers. The role is to observe and report, not to engage in the role of law enforcement. Mr. Zimmerman did report what he claims was a suspicious sighting. The instructions from 911 were very clear - Back off and let law enforcement do its job. Once he chose to ignore his instructions, he stepped over the line. The result was the death of an innocent young man."
So we're in agreement that homeowners and neighborhood watchmen have the same amount of authority (or lack thereof), then you bring up 911 operators--another group of people that have no legitimate authority.  Again, I fail to see the point you're trying to make.   I'm not defending George Zimmerman's actions.  I'm just saying that focusing on how official his title of "neighborhood watchman" is has no bearing on the case.
Not defending George Zimmerman, but at least focus on parts of the case that actually matter.

People in this thread accusing us of defending George Zimmerman because we're simply bringing up valid points that will be brought up during the course of the trial.

Like if I'm not rocking my Justice for Trayvon cape or hoping GZ gets penetrated with an AIDS infected d*** then I'm automatically a "GZ supporter." Some logic :lol:

No, I'm just playing devil's advocate because best believe some of these things WILL come up.
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In all fairness, we're all biased.  It's unavoidable.  Our perceptions are shaped from our own personal experiences and environment. At least he's not trying to pretend that he isn't.
So you're saying I'm pretending?

I've already given my personal opinion on this case I believe in the 1st or 2nd page. From then on I have done nothing but shown the other side of the case, without bias.

Believe what you want though bro. Not gonna keep me up tonight.
If you think you're some blank slate, then yes...you're only fooling yourself.
You need to give a source stormfront is not a very credible source

Or maybe you misread 14 months for 14 days

Because GZ did train 14 months in kickboxing classes at kokopellis gym the most complete fight gym in the world.

And since you believe "training" makes one certified I'm sure you would agree GZ was a certified kickboxer correct

Now explain to the court how a certified trained kickboxer got smashed til his life was in danger by a untrained unarmed teenager


No, training doesn't make you certified. Going to a class and COMPLETING said class does though.

And you're comparing apples to oranges. One requires a 14 hour class as I stated, the other years.

Don't put words in my mouth kid.

And just so we're clear... You did say he got "smashed til his life was in danger." So you're saying "his life was in danger." That being said, self defense is the clear outcome here.

The defense rests.
People in this thread accusing us of defending George Zimmerman because we're simply bringing up valid points that will be brought up during the course of the trial.

Like if I'm not rocking my Justice for Trayvon cape or hoping GZ gets penetrated with an AIDS infected d*** then I'm automatically a "GZ supporter." Some logic :lol:

No, I'm just playing devil's advocate because best believe some of these things WILL come up.

Thank you.

Dudes on here know nothing of the world around them.
Originally Posted by Deuce King  

I fail to see  the point you're trying to make.
Meaning, if we're going to use title and positions, let's at least use the proper ones and know when to apply them to certain people.  George Zimmerman is NOT a neighborhood watchman, he is NOT a block captain, he is a wanna be rent a cop/self-appointed neighborhood watchman that couldn't make it in actual law enforcement.  Which only left him with dreams and desires of patrolling the neighborhood in hopes of living out his fantasies.  
Completely irrelevant.  A neighborhood watchman has as much authority as any other homeowner in the neighborhood.  Not defending George Zimmerman, but at least focus on parts of the case that actually matter.
Okay, lets just focus on that.  As a homeowner or even a so called neighborhood watchmen (since folks want to give Zimmerman that title) Zimmerman has NO real authority at all.  As a homeowner or neighborhood watchmen he is just like everyone else in the neighborhood.  Be they a visitor or a homeowner.  As taken from an article that I read............. 

"George Zimmerman's actions were in no way legal. Acting as a crime watch or COP volunteer gives you no special police powers. The role is to observe and report, not to engage in the role of law enforcement. Mr. Zimmerman did report what he claims was a suspicious sighting. The instructions from 911 were very clear - Back off and let law enforcement do its job. Once he chose to ignore his instructions, he stepped over the line. The result was the death of an innocent young man."
So we're in agreement that homeowners and neighborhood watchmen have the same amount of authority (or lack thereof), then you bring up 911 operators--another group of people that have no legitimate authority.  Again, I fail to see the point you're trying to make.   I'm not defending George Zimmerman's actions.  I'm just saying that focusing on how official his title of "neighborhood watchman" is has no bearing on the case.
True 911 operators have no legitimate authority, but that's not why that point was made.  The fact of the matter is that 911 operators are TRAINED individuals that at the very least have a DIRECT connection with law enforcement, George Zimmerman, has not and did not.  

Also, if  the term "neighborhood watchman" has not bearing on the case, then why are you and others in here applying that title to Zimmerman's name.  Let's call Zimmerman by the name and title he rightfully earned, which is "a gloried wanna be rent a cop".  That sounds better than "neighborhood watcman" to me anyways.   
If you think you're some blank slate, then yes...you're only fooling yourself.
Now as this statement pertains directly to stevielips, you and I are definitely in agreeance with.  Now this is what Niketalk should be about sometimes, having differences but finding a common bond or statement that we all can agree on
True 911 operators have no legitimate authority, but that's not why that point was made.  The fact of the matter is that 911 operators are TRAINED individuals that at the very least have a DIRECT connection with law enforcement, George Zimmerman, has not and did not.  

Also, if  the term "neighborhood watchman" has not bearing on the case, then why are you and others in here applying that title to Zimmerman's name.  Let's call Zimmerman by the name and title he rightfully earned, which is "a gloried wanna be rent a cop".  That sounds better than "neighborhood watcman" to me anyways.   

Now as this statement pertains directly to stevielips, you and I are definitely in agreeance with.  Now this is what Niketalk should be about sometimes, having differences but finding a common bond or statement that we all can agree on :D .

Originally Posted by Deuce King  

I fail to see  the point you're trying to make.
Meaning, if we're going to use title and positions, let's at least use the proper ones and know when to apply them to certain people.  George Zimmerman is NOT a neighborhood watchman, he is NOT a block captain, he is a wanna be rent a cop/self-appointed neighborhood watchman that couldn't make it in actual law enforcement.  Which only left him with dreams and desires of patrolling the neighborhood in hopes of living out his fantasies.  
Completely irrelevant.  A neighborhood watchman has as much authority as any other homeowner in the neighborhood.  Not defending George Zimmerman, but at least focus on parts of the case that actually matter.
Okay, lets just focus on that.  As a homeowner or even a so called neighborhood watchmen (since folks want to give Zimmerman that title) Zimmerman has NO real authority at all.  As a homeowner or neighborhood watchmen he is just like everyone else in the neighborhood.  Be they a visitor or a homeowner.  As taken from an article that I read............. 

"George Zimmerman's actions were in no way legal. Acting as a crime watch or COP volunteer gives you no special police powers. The role is to observe and report, not to engage in the role of law enforcement. Mr. Zimmerman did report what he claims was a suspicious sighting. The instructions from 911 were very clear - Back off and let law enforcement do its job. Once he chose to ignore his instructions, he stepped over the line. The result was the death of an innocent young man."
So we're in agreement that homeowners and neighborhood watchmen have the same amount of authority (or lack thereof), then you bring up 911 operators--another group of people that have no legitimate authority.  Again, I fail to see the point you're trying to make.   I'm not defending George Zimmerman's actions.  I'm just saying that focusing on how official his title of "neighborhood watchman" is has no bearing on the case.
True 911 operators have no legitimate authority, but that's not why that point was made.  The fact of the matter is that 911 operators are TRAINED individuals that at the very least have a DIRECT connection with law enforcement, George Zimmerman, has not and did not.  

Also, if  the term "neighborhood watchman" has not bearing on the case, then why are you and others in here applying that title to Zimmerman's name.  Let's call Zimmerman by the name and title he rightfully earned, which is "a gloried wanna be rent a cop".  That sounds better than "neighborhood watcman" to me anyways.   
If you think you're some blank slate, then yes...you're only fooling yourself.
Now as this statement pertains directly to stevielips, you and I are definitely in agreeance with.  Now this is what Niketalk should be about sometimes, having differences but finding a common bond or statement that we all can agree on
Never applied the term to Zimmerman's name.  I thought it was irrelevant from the get-go.

It's all good though, man.  I'm just glad we can agree on something.  I have no strong opinions on the case as-is, but I'm interested to see how things pan out.

Now finish up your salt lick and go wash ya face, stevielips.
True 911 operators have no legitimate authority, but that's not why that point was made.  The fact of the matter is that 911 operators are TRAINED individuals that at the very least have a DIRECT connection with law enforcement, George Zimmerman, has not and did not.  

Also, if  the term "neighborhood watchman" has not bearing on the case, then why are you and others in here applying that title to Zimmerman's name.  Let's call Zimmerman by the name and title he rightfully earned, which is "a gloried wanna be rent a cop".  That sounds better than "neighborhood watcman" to me anyways.   

Now as this statement pertains directly to stevielips, you and I are definitely in agreeance with.  Now this is what Niketalk should be about sometimes, having differences but finding a common bond or statement that we all can agree on

You said you were done with me, as your statement reads below............
You are CLEARLY bias so I'm done with you
That means you lied, which makes you a FRAUD and a phony.  Which would explain why it appears your siding with George Zimmerman.  What else would you like to reveal about yourself or your allegiance to George Zimmerman champ??
I'm just glad we can agree on something
No doubt.
Aww isn't this cute. Two Hibbert's ganging up on little old Stevielips cause I disagreed with you.

Grow up losers.
You said you were done with me, as your statement reads below............

That means you lied, which makes you a FRAUD and a phony.  Which would explain why it appears your siding with George Zimmerman.  What else would you like to reveal about yourself or your allegiance to George Zimmerman champ??

No doubt.

Thanks for taking notes on what I say. While you're at it why don't you go and check out MY ACTUAL STANCE in the 1st or 2nd page here smart ***.

And while I'm on you, if ANYTHING it makes me a liar. Not a fraud. Get your definition game up son.

And by calling me champ, your conceding to my victory. Thanks.
Aww isn't this cute. Two Hibbert's ganging up on little old Stevielips cause I disagreed with you.

Grow up losers.
Holy crap, dude.  I disagreed with you in the most polite way possible,  you took offense, I answered back, I found some common ground with Deuce King, we acknowledged it in an attempt to keep the conversation civil, and you're THAT upset about it?

Talk about sensitive.  
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No, training doesn't make you certified. Going to a class and COMPLETING said class does though.

And you're comparing apples to oranges. One requires a 14 hour class as I stated, the other years.

Don't put words in my mouth kid.

And just so we're clear... You did say he got "smashed til his life was in danger." So you're saying "his life was in danger." That being said, self defense is the clear outcome here.

The defense rests.

No source I didn't think so

I'm not putting words in your mouth you said "legitimate training" go back and read your words counselor

Now your saying class

Just like yesterday neighborhood watch "held more weight" than 911 that turn into equal weight then finally into being irrelevant

Boy you advocates sound just like the defendant
Story changes everytime you talk

I'm clearly repeating what GZ said he said his life was in danger not me

Back to the subject are you now saying counselor that it would take one more than 14 months to learn how to block a punch in kickboxing class
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