R Kelly is a sick and sadistic individual

How many times have you been married? Srs question. That's what the law and people want you to believe. How old are you ??? XX, naw I dont believe you show me ID. Yeah relationships are based on trust. LoL iight

I am married.

Between the passport, birth certificate, and other documents with your birth date in them that are needed to legalize the marriage, you can't tell me this dude didn't take the time to read any of that. In addition, to marry an underage person, the adult spouse needs the parental/judicial consent. Even if Kels didn't know her age throughout their relationship, it must have been communicated to her prior to the wedding and he still went through with it.
I am curious what is an acceptable age difference?
Woman 17 Man 18
Woman 17 Man 19
Woman 18 Man 20/21/22

Married going 12 years this year so it ain't for me, however, what is acceptable. I felt like I was in the gray area when my girl was 17 and I was 18, her mom was cool. However, I heard rumors that it was against the law.
I am curious what is an acceptable age difference?
Woman 17 Man 18
Woman 17 Man 19
Woman 18 Man 20/21/22

Married going 12 years this year so it ain't for me, however, what is acceptable. I felt like I was in the gray area when my girl was 17 and I was 18, her mom was cool. However, I heard rumors that it was against the law.

Woman 17 Man 20 at max.

In the younger ages, anything more than a 3 year difference is a red flag
I suppose anything older you might be contributing to underage drinking.

Nah. Anything older just comes off as weird to me. Part of what I don't understand about people's confusion and discussion over the whole age thing is that Senior ***** in HS who dated Freshman were considered wierdos. That's always been a thing.

That same **** applies when it comes to twenty somethings and older dating 18 year olds and all that. A 23-25 year old and an 18 year old, outside of school and a few other scenarios, shouldn't even be near one another
Look at this hear. Y'all was tryna say nobody was defending ole boy. Further proof on why nothing will happen to dude. That and these women love him

Nah. Anything older just comes off as weird to me. Part of what I don't understand about people's confusion and discussion over the whole age thing is that Senior ***** in HS who dated Freshman were considered wierdos. That's always been a thing.

That same **** applies when it comes to twenty somethings and older dating 18 year olds and all that. A 23-25 year old and an 18 year old, outside of school and a few other scenarios, shouldn't even be near one another
Had a two chicks in high school our sophmore year dating dudes either sophmore's in college or just a few years out of school. Just looked them up on my friend's list, the one chick is still bangin. I would have swore she had work done to her chest in high school things were so perky. Other is thicker but still WOOD. WOOD both of them in fact.
All the popular girls used to bring clearly grown cats to the homecoming and prom.

They wasn't pulling up in rented limos like the rest of the kids. The was pulling up in they own personal nice cars.
Woman 17 Man 20 at max.

In the younger ages, anything more than a 3 year difference is a red flag

Nah. Anything older just comes off as weird to me. Part of what I don't understand about people's confusion and discussion over the whole age thing is that Senior ***** in HS who dated Freshman were considered wierdos. That's always been a thing.

That same **** applies when it comes to twenty somethings and older dating 18 year olds and all that. A 23-25 year old and an 18 year old, outside of school and a few other scenarios, shouldn't even be near one another
I understand this is your opinion and I'm cool with that, to an extent I agree.

I have always seen the situation above very gray and stupid to be honest. A 17 y/o is not old or mature enough to consent to sex, but once they hit 18 a flick of the switch turns all that around?

It would be illegal for a 21 y/o to bang 17 y/o, yet that 17 y/o once they turn 18 y/o could be banging a 40 y/o because is legal????

Furthermore, you have a freshman in HS 13 and a senior 18. As much as I think is weird and ****** up, the school boards them daily. It wouldn't be a shock if they link up. However, that's pedophilia by definition...

It also carries, a college freshman now attending parties and linking up with much older college students.
I understand this is your opinion and I'm cool with that, to an extent I agree.

I have always seen the situation above very gray and stupid to be honest. A 17 y/o is not old or mature enough to consent to sex, but once they hit 18 a flick of the switch turns all that around?

It would be illegal for a 21 y/o to bang 17 y/o, yet that 17 y/o once they turn 18 y/o could be banging a 40 y/o because is legal????

Furthermore, you have a freshman in HS 13 and a senior 18. As much as I think is weird and ****ed up, the school boards them daily. It wouldn't be a shock if they link up. However, that's pedophilia by definition...

It also carries, a college freshman now attending parties and linking up with much older college students.

Agree 100%.

Goes back to how our morals are often shifted by LAW.

The, "Flick of the switch" part of your argument is something I asked earlier.

18 years , 3 days


17 years, 362 days

Are we going to pretend those are different?
.in a couple of generations men respecting women will be a thing of the past and women are largely to blame...**** is wild, like if one of those cats pulled their D out, I’m sure they sucking it, no problems or questions asked.
#NTEXTREMES Men with sense will respect women. There have ALWAYS been SOME women OUT THERE, it isn't the majority.
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