R Kelly is a sick and sadistic individual

I still play some of his early hits from the 90s since it’s tied to my jr. high school days and nostalgia is strong. I still own my OG cd’s from back in the day. Being and adult now I wouldn’t buy any of his new albums or even buying his old “re-released” stuff because I’m not trying to put any money in dude’s pocket. Sad and scary to know what this man has been doing all along but I’m glad it’s coming to light.
thing is its always been in the light.

back then we knew he married aaliyah. nobody would make that **** up

and all them videos of him with underage girls. just cuz the girl didnt testify you had 14 witnesses saying it was her. how do you acquit that?

**** is foul they allowed him to do that **** and get away with it by paying victims off.

they made him think he was the teflon don
thing is its always been in the light.

back then we knew he married aaliyah. nobody would make that **** up

and all them videos of him with underage girls. just cuz the girl didnt testify you had 14 witnesses saying it was her. how do you acquit that?

**** is foul they allowed him to do that **** and get away with it by paying victims off.

they made him think he was the teflon don

Now imagine what the record executives and CEO’s have been up to as well since they so happily covered for him. I swear man the music and television industry is filthy. I wouldn’t want any of my family or friends to be involved with it.
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Bro. Its not speculation. Whatever you think of….that’s cool, but fact is…he was talking about little girls.
I'm not sure you get what I'm saying :lol:

I don't care what R. Kelly was thinking of or made the song for/about.

That's not what I'm thinking about when I hear the songs.

So why should I change my thinking to that when I do hear the song? It makes no sense to do that.

Y'all can think of what an artist has done if you want to I never did.
I'm not sure you get what I'm saying :lol:

I don't care what R. Kelly was thinking of or made the song for/about.

That's not what I'm thinking about when I hear the songs.

So why should I change my thinking to that when I do hear the song? It makes no sense to do that.

Y'all can think of what an artist has done if you want to I never did.
I totally get what you’re say but it seems you’re ignoring what Im saying. Whatever positive emotional attachments, memories, dreams or whatever you have with his music is cool, I’M not judging you, but none of that changes the FACT that he’s singing about kids. Some people can’t ignore facts to feel better. Like someone may feel like they dont need to wear a mask or vaccinated because they dont know anyone that got sick or died from COVID. That maybe true for that person, but that doesn’t change the fact other peoples have caught it and died.

If you want to listen to his music because you think its jammin, cool. Defending it is where you’re missing up at. Theres nothing to defend. His current state speakes for his personal actions and awards speak for his music. What is there to defend? Sometimes you just gotta say, “IDC, this **** jammin..” and take the inevitable side eye like a G. That “your truth”,”my truth” is some cognitive dissonance BS. There is only one truth. Are-ah was singing about young girls.
Yeah I’m not judging anyone but r kelly. it’s good you can forget about ALL the things Master Zik Master Zik but some of us can’t.
I work with children everyday. A lot of them go through these terrible things so it’s hard for me to separate the two. All I hear is a predator singing about little girls.
The, "How can anyone still listen to him" posts (after posts, after posts) just come off as virtue signaling at THIS point. (2021, Page 174 of this thread)

We all compartmentalize and/or turn a blind eye people/companies doing foul stuff in SOME fashion.

So unless your, "Who/What do I support" resume is clean you are just being hypocritical as hell. (Sure, there are levels)

Also, as Rusty mentioned before, it is pretty easy to not hear R. Kelly without ACTIVELY avoiding him.

Some of you seem to want folks to ACTIVELY avoid him as if those that don't are somehow co-signing his behavior.

Do whatever works for you though but cut out all the performative behavior.
thing is its always been in the light.

back then we knew he married aaliyah. nobody would make that **** up

and all them videos of him with underage girls. just cuz the girl didnt testify you had 14 witnesses saying it was her. how do you acquit that?

**** is foul they allowed him to do that **** and get away with it by paying victims off.

they made him think he was the teflon don
She did testify FYI
why is hard to understand that people don't want to turn a blind eye towards pedophilia?
we can pick and choose what we are offended by. if it wasn't that way, then no one can be offended by anything.

if yall wanna keep riding around jamming bump and grind, by all means go ahead. no one cares but it's weird that people have a problem with other people not wanting to listen to his music anymore. why do you care?
The, "How can anyone still listen to him" posts (after posts, after posts) just come off as virtue signaling at THIS point. (2021, Page 174 of this thread)

We all compartmentalize and/or turn a blind eye people/companies doing foul stuff in SOME fashion.

So unless your, "Who/What do I support" resume is clean you are just being hypocritical as hell. (Sure, there are levels)

Also, as Rusty mentioned before, it is pretty easy to not hear R. Kelly without ACTIVELY avoiding him.

Some of you seem to want folks to ACTIVELY avoid him as if those that don't are somehow co-signing his behavior.

Do whatever works for you though but cut out all the performative behavior.
Again, I don’t care. I don’t expect everyone to know the whole story about a random song on the radio. But if you do know the songs are about a little girls star fish and you’re cool….. just couldn’t be me
why is hard to understand that people don't want to turn a blind eye towards pedophilia?
we can pick and choose what we are offended by. if it wasn't that way, then no one can be offended by anything.

if yall wanna keep riding around jamming bump and grind, by all means go ahead. no one cares but it's weird that people have a problem with other people not wanting to listen to his music anymore. why do you care?

Yea, you completely missed everything I said.


So That is acknowledging that some people CAN'T turn a blind eye to it.

Nobody is telling you to do so.

EYE am simply asking what the PURPOSE of KEEP saying/asking, "I don't know how yall can still listen to him" if it isn't for anything other than Social Media Brownie Points.
Yea, you completely missed everything I said.


So That is acknowledging that some people CAN'T turn a blind eye to it.

Nobody is telling you to do so.

EYE am simply asking what the PURPOSE of KEEP saying/asking, "I don't know how yall can still listen to him" if it isn't for anything other than Social Media Brownie Points.
ok. but i think last couple of posts conveyed that they don't care if people still listen to him.
Again, I don’t care. I don’t expect everyone to know the whole story about a random song on the radio. But if you do know the songs are about a little girls star fish and you’re cool….. just couldn’t be me

Completely Understandable.

Do what works for you.
ok. but i think last couple of posts conveyed that they don't care if people still listen to him.

Why should anyone care if someone else does/doesn't listen to R. Kelly though? :lol:

That is my question/point.

Why does it matter if someone can/can't compartmentalize?
Why should anyone care if someone else does/doesn't listen to R. Kelly though? :lol:

That is my question/point.

Why does it matter if someone can/can't compartmentalize?

I get what you’re saying

social media virtue signaling…
And if ANYTHING, those that keep mentioning/presenting the visuals of R. Kelly singing/writing his songs while "dealing" little kids are wild. :lol:

Not even sure why the convo ever needed to go there to make whatever points yall were trying to make.

Again, for the record, I don't ACTIVELY avoid R. Kelly. (Before yall hit me with the, "HOw could you still support him" type of foolishness yall like to do on this chatline)
Well let’s define virtue signaling first as it’s done online. To me it means that go out of their way to make something known to an abnormal degree
Well let’s define virtue signaling first as it’s done online. To me it means that go out of their way to make something known to an abnormal degree
I think of Virtual Signaling as someone sending up a Bat Signal to the rest of the population letting them know, "Hey, I am a virtuous individual."

I could be using the term incorrectly and if I am, I apologize. BUt the definition states

vir·tue sig·nal·ing
Learn to pronounce
the action or practice of publicly expressing opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one's good character or the moral correctness of one's position on a particular issue.
"it's noticeable how often virtue signaling consists of saying you hate things"

To ME, that is the ONLY reason to come into THIS thread and publicly question how anyone could still listen to R. Kelly.
I totally get what you’re say but it seems you’re ignoring what Im saying. Whatever positive emotional attachments, memories, dreams or whatever you have with his music is cool, I’M not judging you, but none of that changes the FACT that he’s singing about kids. Some people can’t ignore facts to feel better. Like someone may feel like they dont need to wear a mask or vaccinated because they dont know anyone that got sick or died from COVID. That maybe true for that person, but that doesn’t change the fact other peoples have caught it and died.

If you want to listen to his music because you think its jammin, cool. Defending it is where you’re missing up at. Theres nothing to defend. His current state speakes for his personal actions and awards speak for his music. What is there to defend? Sometimes you just gotta say, “IDC, this **** jammin..” and take the inevitable side eye like a G. That “your truth”,”my truth” is some cognitive dissonance BS. There is only one truth. Are-ah was singing about young girls.
Yeah, I get that. I'm just saying its irrelevant now. It's not like we all knew for a fact 20 years ago and ignored it.

Cuz I didn't know that growing up. So what's locked in then is done.

I'm not thinking about kids when TP2 is on. Thats what should matter. What the listeners enjoy and how they enjoy it.

Not no guess what it was about kids all along.
2004 :lol: was randomly watching entourage and heard this…**** was really an open secret no one gave a damn about until the documentary. Hollywood so weird bro

let me annoyingly announce to the world how disgusted I am at one's actions so that I can show how morally superior I am, especially compared to all the backwards people in this world

it's the rona era, nobody cares b
Hmmm….. yeah this is a good definition
I think of Virtual Signaling as someone sending up a Bat Signal to the rest of the population letting them know, "Hey, I am a virtuous individual."

I could be using the term incorrectly and if I am, I apologize. BUt the definition states

vir·tue sig·nal·ing
Learn to pronounce
the action or practice of publicly expressing opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one's good character or the moral correctness of one's position on a particular issue.
"it's noticeable how often virtue signaling consists of saying you hate things"

To ME, that is the ONLY reason to come into THIS thread and publicly question how anyone could still listen to R. Kelly.
They kind of add to this, I also take it as a “I’m better than” you kind of statement. Like you’re saying what you’re saying but you’re doing it to make yourself sound more superior to someone else
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