R Kelly is a sick and sadistic individual

If stating u dont listen to r kelly is virtue signaling, what is stating that you DO still listen to r kelly?

People don't usually go around randomly proclaiming their musical preferences.

"Hey everybody! I listen to R. Kelly!" wearing a R. Kelly Tour Shirt from the '90s :lol:

If someone were to make this unsolicited proclamation - they'd be considered a troll / engaging in attention seeking behavior by most folks.

If an R. Kelly song in my playlist comes on while I'm driving and my music is playing loud enough for others to hear, are they "entitled" to ask me to turn it off? Accuse me of supporting pedophilia? Accuse me of being an actual pedophile? "Side eye" me from a position of "moral authority"?

Would actual victims of child abuse / child molestation care either way?

Lots of room for virtue signaling.

Not much for actual virtue.

Seven heavenly virtues:
  • chastity.
  • temperance.
  • charity.
  • diligence.
  • patience.
  • kindness.
  • humility.
Where does "I don't listen to R. Kelly" fit within the 7 commonly known virtues?

I personally wouldn't go around blasting R. Kelly - but I'm also not going to delete his music from my playlist.

There are other options.
“Booooooyty booooooty”…… was about an underage boy…… again, can’t unlearn that

Considering dudes feelings about Lil Nas X, this revelation might change that separate the music from the artist excuse people throw out there.
The child molestation survivors that I know must certainly would hear your R. Kelly music playing as supporting his activities. And if not supporting, definitely not giving a damn about the damage he has inflicted.


Does watching old episodes of the Cosby Show = supporting rapists / Bill Cosby or not giving a damn about the damage he's inflicted as well?

I personally know a victim of child abuse / molestation who has listened to R.Kelly's music for years.

She doesn't seem to care either way.
Rkelly, reduced himself to headphone music for upcoming musicians. Even if he was innocent of all this shxt, he was already over saturating the market, quite clearly, he made it so when he fell off nick cannon could step him and carry the clean image, I'm wary of all weirdos tho, especially these zombie dopehead rapperz, not u Lanze, lol
Nick Cannon?!?!
Vybz kartel killed a man i still listen to the music.
Sounds like you defending pedo rapey vibes
I was in the woke capital (NYC) when R kelly came on my playlist, I was given a look and told to change the song so I did. It was by a female I was trying to smash for added context :lol:
funny you mentioned “woke”.

Protecting women and kids has always been the standard. Sounds like you the “woke” one
Lol ok bro genuine apologies if I offended you in anyway was not my intention.
all good.. i’m a huge child advocate online and in realtime. Been working with adolescents that have been traumatized by these Sucka *** pervs for a long time.
The entertainment biz needs to be wiped out clean. Bunch of weirdos running it. I was a huge kellz fan too.. Used to sleep to “body’s calling” thinking about my future tenderoni. But after these instances over and over.. i can’t support his movement. Having character behind your talent is what counts.
all good.. i’m a huge child advocate online and in realtime. Been working with adolescents that have been traumatized by these Sucka *** pervs for a long time.
The entertainment biz needs to be wiped out clean. Bunch of weirdos running it. I was a huge kellz fan too.. Used to sleep to “body’s calling” thinking about my future tenderoni. But after these instances over and over.. i can’t support his movement. Having character behind your talent is what counts.
Much respect and I salute you fighting the good fight. Tragic how certain events can shape someone's life.
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