R Kelly is a sick and sadistic individual

Bruh, I didn’t know Kellz was molested by his family members.

I said multiple times in this thread he was molested by family members for years as a kid. A lot of people that have the issues he has are due to being physically, sexually abused or both during their childhood. Not saying it makes it okay cause he obviously is ****** up and needs help but he's doing what was done to him as a kid.
Kellz is deep man. Homie need a movie. I think the most random thing about him is that he can hoop and used to hoop with Common and Ben Wilson

Kelz! ...he also played “pro” ball in the 90’s

I brought this up before, stay with me.

If other abnormal sexual preferences are a result of, "I was born this way" what is stopping pe dophilia from falling under that umbrella?

Trying to have a legit conversation

Children are wildly adored in America. Our culture would never go for that.
Notice i used the term adored and not protected or loved.
If kids were protected in our society, there wouldn't be as many school shooting.
If kids were truly loved, there would be no homeless or hungry kids.
Only thing that's truly loved and protected in America is money. Anyone can walk into a school bus. Try to walk onto a Brink's truck and see what happens.
I think what R. Kelly and this whole saga can do, (Although it hasn't thus far...maybe that changes in the me too era) is educate black America on Assault, and what it means to be raped.

IMO The big reasons why R. Kelly was able to get away with this for so long was because

1) We sexualize our young girls at an early age. We don't even think twice when we call a young girl jailbait, or claim that we're waiting until her 18th birthday. That's a form of sexualization that's hiding in plain site of black America's dialogue. We prescribe sexual identities to girls at such a young age, and this is the main reason why we place the blame on them when they start messing with older guys. "She knew what she was doing" "She fast as hell" can't tell you how normalized this was growing up.

2) We still don't know what it means to be raped and assaulted. We don't understand the concept fully. In black America, in your local hoods, if a girl isn't crying with a black eye and being choked, we won't consider it rape. So if you are grooming a girl and her family, (Like Rob did w/essentially all the girls he dealt with) then it's hard to make the jump to say "He's raping me." To this day, we as a community and society can't even conceptualize it. Like...yeah he's 27 and she's 15, but they hang out together, he's funny, he's nice to me, he's gentle with me, he cares about me...you can easily see why a girl and her family won't press the issue of this being rape. They don't even know that it's rape, then you factor in him being a superstar? Pssh.
This brotha admitted to forging the documents on air though. Wow

Him doing this kind of like summed up a lot of my feelings on this.

Kellz literally wrote an entire album for a 14 year old Aaliyah centered around age being nothing but a number. His label approved the album cover of him looking like a predator. He shouted out Aaliyah when she was 12 saying "She's got that vibe."

I wasn't born when Born into the 90's came out and I was a toddler when AANBAN dropped, but I find it hard to believe that all of the aforementioned rocked...and y'all weren't okay with it.

No one cared about this. I don't think anyone really cares about this now. R. Kelly is just one of the perfect layups for the Me Too movement.

You can't tell me that you cared about Aaliyah and those young girls back then. Nope. Damn lie. Everyone, including these girls parents, knew Kellz was knocking them off and they were complicit in it because he was a star, paying them, and promising them that their baby girls were going to be stars.

Everyone's so "Omg Kellz is terrible"and y'all wanna speak on the record about him now, but where was this when it was happening and y'all knew? It's because y'all all Cap and want clout.
Why was John Legend there to begin with though? Did they ever collab?

This is what I want to know.

Then he went on twitter and was puffing his chest out about making the appearance.

Like shut the hell up, John. You have absolutely nothing to do with this. Does John Legend even know R Kelly personally or was he just hoping on the bandwagon for good publicity?

What R Kelly did was obviously reprehensible, but I don’t want to hear about it from a celebrity like John Legend that was never in R Kelly’s orbit.

Also P C H P C H it’s not just the black community. The hypersexualization of young girls is prevalent world wide in every culture, some cultures at a much higher clip than the black community.

But like the woman said in the doc, and like you basically paraphrased from that, nobody said anything because it was black girls being exploited... that point is not lost on me.
Also P C H P C H it’s not just the black community. The hypersexualization of young girls is prevalent world wide in every culture, some cultures at a much higher clip than the black community.

But like the woman said in the doc, and like you basically paraphrased from that, nobody said anything because it was black girls being exploited... that point is not lost on me.

Oh no for sure, the intention wasn't to make it to a black America thing. But R. Kelly is black, I'm black, and I can really only speak on what I know in regards to this however it doesn't take much effort to see that the hypersexualization of young women is occurring all through all races and ethnicities of women and has been since the beginning of time.

I genuinely feel like we'd attack guys like R. Kelly much differently if we as a society could come to grips w/what rape is. The fact of the matter is that no one really thought / thinks that R. Kelly those girls. You see it in the support that he still draws. Our society doesn't understand rape beyond choking, using a knife and literally beating a woman and having sex w/her. If it's not that, unfortunately it isn't rape and we've sexualized our young girls to a point where we actually think they can consent to sex at 15, 16 years old. I'm not sure if that'll ever change either.
Him doing this kind of like summed up a lot of my feelings on this.

Kellz literally wrote an entire album for a 14 year old Aaliyah centered around age being nothing but a number. His label approved the album cover of him looking like a predator. He shouted out Aaliyah when she was 12 saying "She's got that vibe."

I wasn't born when Born into the 90's came out and I was a toddler when AANBAN dropped, but I find it hard to believe that all of the aforementioned rocked...and y'all weren't okay with it.

No one cared about this. I don't think anyone really cares about this now. R. Kelly is just one of the perfect layups for the Me Too movement.

You can't tell me that you cared about Aaliyah and those young girls back then. Nope. Damn lie. Everyone, including these girls parents, knew Kellz was knocking them off and they were complicit in it because he was a star, paying them, and promising them that their baby girls were going to be stars.

Everyone's so "Omg Kellz is terrible"and y'all wanna speak on the record about him now, but where was this when it was happening and y'all knew? It's because y'all all Cap and want clout.

That’s one part I took away from it too. Sure, times now make it easier for people to speak out and we’ve advanced as a society on these issues. I get that. I applaud that. It’s never too late.

But a lot of people convienently looked the other way, even marketed it and enabled it because it benefited them to be close to R Kelly at the time, and they didn’t see it as THAT huge of an issue at the time.

Even hearing the one light skin dude say he been to “a couple r Kelly parties” or the music teacher saying she told Kells to “leave them young girls alone” with no action tells you the climate at that time that made **** like this possible. It was always a “look the other way” type deal.

This still doesn’t explain why John Legend was Interviewed. The people listed that declined to be interviewed either worked with him directly, made public comments about him in the past because they were somehow linked to him musically or otherwise or were otherwise somehow directly tied to him. John Legend is none of those.

I guess I just hate that JL is trying to humble pat himself on the back for condemning R Kelly.

Also- didn’t the exec prod. of this series Dream Hampton get dragged on Twitter a few years back for doing some sucker s***? I can’t remember...

Anyway whoever is responsible for this is going straight to hell:

1) We sexualize our young girls at an early age. We don't even think twice when we call a young girl jailbait, or claim that we're waiting until her 18th birthday.
I mean look at the Kylie Jenner thread.

Prime example
Might be a stupid question, but if R.Kelly's illiteracy is well-known, how is he penning songs? Maybe that's why half his **** dont rhyme...


Saw someone mention "Surviving Birdman" as an idea for a future doc. Some of the vids I saw out there of Wayne, were REALLY sad.
I said multiple times in this thread he was molested by family members for years as a kid. A lot of people that have the issues he has are due to being physically, sexually abused or both during their childhood. Not saying it makes it okay cause he obviously is ****ed up and needs help but he's doing what was done to him as a kid.
Hurt people hurt people.
I said multiple times in this thread he was molested by family members for years as a kid. A lot of people that have the issues he has are due to being physically, sexually abused or both during their childhood. Not saying it makes it okay cause he obviously is ****ed up and needs help but he's doing what was done to him as a kid.

When I heard that I’m like ok it makes sense...no excuse but it’s def a pattern with people that molest and abuse others

Fr tho this man is ****in sick
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