R Kelly is a sick and sadistic individual

US entertainment promotes the specialization of minors.

Look at how Spears, Cyrus, Aguilera were packaged . The Jenners, hell Aaliyah.

It is weird and it has always bothered me personally
US entertainment promotes the specialization of minors.

Look at how Spears, Cyrus, Aguilera were packaged . The Jenners, hell Aaliyah.

It is weird and it has always bothered me personally

A direct correlation of how infatuated we are with anything surrounding youth. In particular though, it is weird how sexualizing young girls is completely normal.
He better have some bread saved up, and some investments, because that show money is about to slow up a little bit more.

doubt it, da catalog is too strong + it his ardent supporters will rationalize it around race whether right or wrong.
ah ok. R Kelly can do no wrong...lol

quite disgusting if you ask me.

but concur with previous posters about how it was the "thing" for high school girls to be with college dudes who drove lol. Hell look at some of our parents...I know people parents who are like 9 and 10 years apart in age.
I know his catalog is strong, and he’ll always have income coming in. But you have to be naive to think that this show isn’t going to hurt his pockets in some type of way down the line. In some form, it’s going to hurt his future opportunities. I could be wrong, but they’re going pretty hard on him with this T.V. special.

Wild how normalized this is.

Reminds me of how when Ariana Grande first came out, they purposely made her look way younger than she was. Made her talk way younger than she was.

This was when she was on nickelodeon. Before she was 18.

Almost reminds me of how popular teen porn is.

Nobody really wants to GO THERE, but there's a serious discussion that needs to be had on why Men AND WOMEN are fixated on the sexualization of young girls.
tells you the climate at that time that made **** like this possible. It was always a “look the other way” type deal.

Pac said at the end of Skandalouz “ A ***** could be 15 ******* with a ***** 35 and getting him for everything” and that was 95-96 when he said that.
ah ok. R Kelly can do no wrong...lol

quite disgusting if you ask me.

but concur with previous posters about how it was the "thing" for high school girls to be with college dudes who drove lol. Hell look at some of our parents...I know people parents who are like 9 and 10 years apart in age.

Who said he can do no wrong? Having sex with kids is obviously wrong. This behavior is normal to him because he was a kid being forced to have sex with adults. It’s not wrong to him.

None of this **** is news. This **** has been known since 2002 and he was still selling millions and had all this support. No one was boycotting his music when he married Aaliyah. Their music was all over the radio. I hate seeing people who knew about this 10-15 years ago and didn’t care then, care all of the sudden. It’s the time we live in, everyone wants to be mad and outraged about something. **** is wack.
Naw the show money and all that will definitely slow up now. Though the new generation might be soft to a lot of people , they are getting certain people out the paint.

A lot the 25 and younger crowd didn’t know about any of this stuff , Hell im 29 and a lot of this info is new and shocking to me.

People have to stop thinking because they know about something , that it’s common knowledge .... it’s not.

Also hearing rumors is completely different than hearing first hand testimony from victims and hell his own family .

Places are already being boycotted if they book a Kellz show.
Naw the show money and all that will definitely slow up now. Though the new generation might be soft to a lot of people , they are getting certain people out the paint.

A lot the 25 and younger crowd didn’t know about any of this stuff , Hell im 29 and a lot of this info is new and shocking to me.

People have to stop thinking because they know about something , that it’s common knowledge .... it’s not.

Also hearing rumors is completely different than hearing first hand testimony from victims and hell his own family .

Places are already being boycotted if they book a Kellz show.

If you’re 29 and didn’t know this, you weren’t buying his albums or going to his shows.

He makes his money off of the 30 and up crowd, he been lost the younger generation musically.

What’s also wild is that tape came out in like 2002 ish. We heard jokes about peeing on underage girls for a good 10 plus years on TV, radio and everywhere else. Kind of crazy people weren’t really mad then and were making jokes about something so serious but today it’s a huge issue.
Crazy because I'm 26 and this kind of was common knowledge to me. But my entire family are huge Kellz fans. Like the marriage certificate was out there and I came across that years ago.

I remember discovering Born into the 90's like two years ago, listening to she's got that vibe, and stopping in my tracks when I heard "Little cute Aaliyah! She's got that vibe" I couldn't believe it once I did the math :rofl:

and I have always been, and still am, (Hence why this R. Kelly stuff is kind of fascinating to me) amazed at how R. Kelly could write an entire album for Aaliyah centered around age being nothing but a number, pose like this on the cover


And no one thought something was up. Even back then, people asked about were they dating because they were incredibly close. They called each other "Best Friends" at 15 & and 30 years old. That's why I just can't shake that part of the story. R. Kelly is a predator, but this honestly has more to do with the bodyguards, friends, parents, record label, etc. who didn't give a damn :lol: I'm telling you man, unless someone is physically being hurt, to this day no one cares.
Who said he can do no wrong? Having sex with kids is obviously wrong. This behavior is normal to him because he was a kid being forced to have sex with adults. It’s not wrong to him.

None of this **** is news. This **** has been known since 2002 and he was still selling millions and had all this support. No one was boycotting his music when he married Aaliyah. Their music was all over the radio. I hate seeing people who knew about this 10-15 years ago and didn’t care then, care all of the sudden. It’s the time we live in, everyone wants to be mad and outraged about something. **** is wack.

I meant in the eyes of some people.
US entertainment promotes the specialization of minors.

Look at how Spears, Cyrus, Aguilera were packaged . The Jenners, hell Aaliyah.

It is weird and it has always bothered me personally
It still hasn’t stopped......:sick:


So where do we go with R.Kelly now? Is he going to Cosby route? I don't want to victim blame but why do women still be around this man if he is notorious for being a scumbag.
The crazy part is that majority of Holly Weird is doing this type of stuff. It's just that a small number of victims are willing to talk about their situations.
Hell we can name some people that have been accused, but haven't had the attention placed on them.

Chris Stokes situation with Immature/imX & B2K (funny how that hasn't really been talked about now that B2K is finally doing a reunion tour and the negative backlash Raz B got during the early 2000s)

Birdman with Lil Wayne (we've all seen the pictures of them kissing)

The fat white guy from Nickolodeon that was accused of messing with a nice amount of child stars on that channel back in the 90s/early 2000s.
The fact that so many of y’all have the “so what , he’s R Kelly” outlook is mad wild and are trying to normalize it cause it nobody cared 20 years ago is foul.

At the very LEAST this is giving awareness to how foul he really was/ and is. These stories being told are not hurting anybody BUT R KELLY.

If y’all already know the stories/ don’t care / etc. don’t watch.
Said it in here before but if dude had any sense he’d be living like a king in some African country. They about to come for his whole life
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