R Kelly is a sick and sadistic individual

Jerry Seinfeld dated a 17 year old girl when he was 39


And this is why so many people in the industry keep quiet and don’t want to say ****. Too many people got dirt on their hands and don’t want to get exposed. There’s a lot of this going on. Jay and Puff got dirt on their hands.

Didn’t know about Seinfeld. That’s wild.

As for Michael Jackson, I don’t know if he’s innocent. He could really be that young, naive and innocent. Some kids that made that **** up admitted their parents made them or got caught lying.
One of the more compelling arguments for mj

No he didn't do it and i'm gonna tell you why.

First of all let me just tell you how good of a person MJ was. He donated AT LEAST a remarkable 300 million dollars to charity and he dedicated his life to help children. His home Neverland ranch was always flooded with children who were mostly underpriveledged children and disabled/sick children.

A rumor has gotten around that Michael had child porn in his Neverland Ranch home. No he did not. The media are overexagerating about everything about Michael because he is so famous, and that he will get them clicks. The only thing the FBI could find after 15 years of investigation was an artbook containing some pictures of boys. Not only is it not pornographic in any way, it's an artbook bestseller.

At a certain point in the trial the prosecutors were so desperate for evidence, they tried to take a Hustler magazine recovered from his home that had the 2003 accuser Gavin Arvizo's fingerprints on it. The problem? His fingerprints were on it because the prosecution had taken it out of it's protective bag and handed it over to Gavin during the pre-trial interviews, and it was all captured on tape. The articles that say Michael had child porn in his home literally have no proper source or evidence for it.


For some reason people actually believe this one is true, even though the evidence is literally laughable. The name of the child who claimed to be molested was Jordan Chandler. Another ill child who Michael Jackson helped both financially and personally. But it is actually the father, Evan Chandler who forced Jordan into saying these things about Michael in a very sick way. Evan Chandler comitted suicide a few months after Michael died. Suspicious?

Let me just say that Evan Chandler had obvious mental problems and lack of empathy. Just listen to this phone call which was recorded BEFORE he claimed that Jordan had been molested:

In the phone call he says he will "destroy" Michael if he doesn't get what he wants. And what he wanted was to be big in Hollywood. He wants to co-write Robin Hood: Men in Tights, which he did. Jordan was abused by his father Evan, therefore Jordan turned to Michael for affection. But then all of a sudden, Evan Chandler hooked up with prosecuting attourney Larry Feldman who consulted in BOTH the 1993 cases AND the 2005 case. That's right. BOTH cases involved the SAME lawyer. Hmm... I wonder why... Now here comes the sick part.

Evan Chandler who was a dentist, was recorded scheduling a dental exam with his son. Evan Chandler put Jordan under the influence of laughter gas, which is a drug known to be able to create FAKE memories. And it was first here that Jordan said that Michael had molested him. Before that, he denied all of the allegations. The weird thing is that Jordan Chandler claimed he was molested in Monaco at a the World Music Awards. Imagine this. You're Michael Jackson. You wanna have sex with a child. You have two choices. Do it in Monaco at a World Music Awards while the whole world is watching you and while you're both misserably ill, which they were. Or, do it in your huge home complete with bodyguards, a secret fireplace exit and an alarm system.

There was big business in getting Michael Jackson arrested. The not guilty verdicts costed the entertainment business billions of dollars. The buildup to the sentencing which would have been the biggest sentencing in world history would have made for great headlines. They were doing everything they could to get him arrested.

Michael Jackson was obviously deeply paranoid by this point. He even told his wife Lisa Marie Presley that he believed Sony were trying to get him assassinated to get hold of what he owned, which was half of their entire company. Yes, he did have a secret alarm system and a fireplace exit but this was obviously because Michael had become deeply paranoid of getting assassinated.

But what about the sleeping with young boys accusation? Well, the prosecution never said Michael slept with young boys, even though that still wouldn't be pedophilea. It said that Michael slept in the same ROOM as young boys. The problem? Michael's room was literally the size of a duplex. It was bigger than most people's house. He's had family sleep there as well. So yeah, boys slept in Michael Jackson's two story room. So did their parents...

Michael Jackson settled the 1993 case out of court by giving the family 20 million dollars. I agree this was a stupid decision, and so did Michael by the end. But people are taking this COMPLETELY out of context. The Chandler's who acted on advice by their lawyer, Larry Feldman, deliberately waited to level charges for several months until Michael Jackson had begun his Dangerous tour. The tour was split up into two legs with a brief break in the middle. And the fact that they waited this long, was no accident. What this did is immediately pressure Michael toward a very difficult no-win decision.

Either fight the allegations in court, cancelling your Dangerous tour, pissing off your record label, fans, lawyers, concert promoters in the process. Lose hundreds of millions of dollars, and have your vitiligo-ridden genitals shown in court, and in front of the WHOLE WORLD, because the court-case would be shown on television. Which would have been extremely embarrassing, and for those of us who have seen the footage he shot of himself talking about the case know that it was obviously super embarrassing for him. He almost cried while shooting the video, and Michael was already very insecure suffering from body dysmorphic disorder.

Or give the Chandler family 20 million dollars and get on with the whole thing. Then proceed to make those 20 million dollars back in one night.

20 million was absolutely nothing to Micheal. So yes, if he did go to court he would have been cleared of all charges, the evidence was laughable. It literally did not exist. Some of this same evidence was used in the 2005 case and was laughed out of court. Unfortunately the choice of settling the case was a disaster and this caused his 2005 cases as well because other families decided that they could also make some money off of Michael. The 2005 accuser said that they were being held hostage at Neverland Ranch, despite the fact that she was seen going on a shopping spree with MICHAEL'S MONEY.

Depression hit Michael because of all these cases and because of the media always saying lies about him. Michael in the end needed medication do to anything. He needed medication to even sleep. Michael later died of an overdose.

EVERY SINGLE ACCUSER WAS DISPROVEN. So yes, a really sad story. Evan Chandler literally destroyed Michael Jackson life because Michael Jackson was nice to him.

Huge thanks to this video: There's even more evidence in the video if you wanna watch.

People don't want the MJ accusations to be true because it would be way too hard for people to disassociate with his music/work.

If it was anyone else, yall ain't denying all those accusations.

But whatever
i seen some stuff on twitter about how Aaliyah was getting passed around between Jay and Dame.
i saw a video of Raz B on the phone exposing B2K talking about chris stokes locking him and j boog
in a room sucking each other off. i feel like a lot stuff is gonna come out this year
People don't want the MJ accusations to be true because it would be way too hard for people to disassociate with his music/work.

If it was anyone else, yall ain't denying all those accusations.

But whatever

I mean the parents admitted they lied
People don't want the MJ accusations to be true because it would be way too hard for people to disassociate with his music/work.

If it was anyone else, yall ain't denying all those accusations.

But whatever

I was one of those katt Williams "f*** Michael jackson" type dudes when it came to that topic but now i don't think so.
There's a possibility I guess but I doubt it.
The fbi did a 10 year investigation and found nothing.

The name of the child who claimed to be molested was Jordan Chandler. Another ill child who Michael Jackson helped both financially and personally. But it is actually the father, Evan Chandler who forced Jordan into saying these things about Michael in a very sick way. Evan Chandler comitted suicide a few months after Michael died. Suspicious?

Let me just say that Evan Chandler had obvious mental problems and lack of empathy. Just listen to this phone call which was recorded BEFORE he claimed that Jordan had been molested:

In the phone call he says he will "destroy" Michael if he doesn't get what he wants. And what he wanted was to be big in Hollywood. He wants to co-write Robin Hood: Men in Tights, which he did. Jordan was abused by his father Evan, therefore Jordan turned to Michael for affection. But then all of a sudden, Evan Chandler hooked up with prosecuting attourney Larry Feldman who consulted in BOTH the 1993 cases AND the 2005 case. That's right. BOTH cases involved the SAME lawyer. Hmm... I wonder why... Now here comes the sick part.

Evan Chandler who was a dentist, was recorded scheduling a dental exam with his son. Evan Chandler put Jordan under the influence of laughter gas, which is a drug known to be able to create FAKE memories. And it was first here that Jordan said that Michael had molested him. Before that, he denied all of the allegations."
People don't want the MJ accusations to be true because it would be way too hard for people to disassociate with his music/work.

If it was anyone else, yall ain't denying all those accusations.

But whatever

Mike had access to hundreds of millions and you think he’d be sloppy enough to do some sick **** like that in America?
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