R Kelly is a sick and sadistic individual

Main takeaway from all this, other than what we already know about scumbag Kelly, is that a lot of these parents and adults ain’t ****. Couldn’t imagine taking my kid to a Kelly concert in 2015, allowing him to pick her out of the crowd and then letting her actually go up there. And then we’re gonna let him “mentor” her?

Naw man. That dad ought to be ashamed of himself for letting his daughter fall victim to that creep. That’s just awful parenting right there. :smh: :smh:
Main takeaway from all this, other than what we already know about scumbag Kelly, is that a lot of these parents and adults ain’t ****. Couldn’t imagine taking my kid to a Kelly concert in 2015, allowing him to pick her out of the crowd and then letting her actually go up there. And then we’re gonna let him “mentor” her?

Naw man. That dad ought to be ashamed of himself for letting his daughter fall victim to that creep. That’s just awful parenting right there. :smh: :smh:

Just to paraphrase what the dude in the Kangol hat said, “I know R Kelly has rape accusations, but since I’m here my daughter is fine”. These parents basically sold their daughters off for a shot at fame/money, YEEEARRRS after the tape and multiple sexual assault claims.

And this Asante McGee chick who met R Kelly when she was like 32 or 33...I mean...come on. You’re a grown *** woman that’s seen and heard about all of this for more than 10 years, and you STILL want to involve yourself with him??
R. Kelly doesn't own his publishing or masters. Mute R. Kelly isnt hurting his pockets or his legacy.

I know the white guy that does own it is furious though.

Just to paraphrase what the dude in the Kangol hat said, “I know R Kelly has rape accusations, but since I’m here my daughter is fine”. These parents basically sold their daughters off for a shot at fame/money, YEEEARRRS after the tape and multiple sexual assault claims.

And this Asante McGee chick who met R Kelly when she was like 32 or 33...I mean...come on. You’re a grown *** woman that’s seen and heard about all of this for more than 10 years, and you STILL want to involve yourself with him??
Watching her talk, the conversation needs to be brought back.

She 30 something but is she really a grown woman? Just didnt seem all there. Sounded like nothing other than a starstruck dumb fan. Hearing her tell her story makes me think the consent age needs to be 40.
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It's wild hearing the dr's say stuff like an abused woman can't leave, it's a psychological thing. You are still an adult though. You have to know that you should leave a situation.
Wait why has Andrea Kelly kept Kellz last name after divorcing him? :lol: :nerd:
Only the strong survive. These dumb *** money grubbing parents victimizing their children who grow up with problems and probably become problems themselves. It’s a vicious cycle. Anyone with any type of smarts or dignity isn’t finding themselves in this situation. Some wild **** happened and they continue to come back? I can’t feel remorse I’m sorry. R Kelly is definitely a trash bag tho
It's crazy how fast some girls are, and it's been like that for decades and will only get worse. When you give a girl a car and a phone, in her mind, she's an adult and will act accordingly.
It's just crazy that these young children had all access to contact Kelly and even drive to visit him.
R. Kelly doesn't own his publishing or masters. Mute R. Kelly isnt hurting his pockets or his legacy.

I know the white guy that does own it is furious though.

Watching her talk, the conversation needs to be brought back.

She 30 something but is she really a grown woman? Just didnt seem all there. Sounded like nothing other than a starstruck dumb fan. Hearing her tell her story makes me think the consent age needs to be 40.

She sounded flat out silly. Pretty much just like Jerhonda, but she was 16 at the time.

Another thing, the name ‘Isis’ being spelled “A’Iceis”.....
I don't know if I can feel much sympathy for anyone that decided to involve themselves with R Kelly after the trial.

I mean these parents were giving R. Kelly their underaged girls...in the 2010's!!!!

You literally knew about Aaliyah, you knew about the sex tape...and you did it anyway?

At the center of all of this is R. Kelly exposing how thirsty parents are for fame and celebrity and how far they'll go, even sacrificing their child. Why in the world would you want your underaged child anywhere near R. Kelly?

Nevermind the fact that he wasn't hot anymore. He wasn't a record exec. It's not like he could do anything for anyone at that point anyway.
Parts 5 and 6 were head scratchers and other than having a heart and feeling bad for the little girls involved, I was legit shocked at how stupid the adults are.

R. Kelly didn't even have to try, and you had parents giving their daughters to him. You had multiple 30+ year old women who knew were obviously of age in 08' during the trial and knew about Aaliyah and all the other young girls.

The nerve of those parents at the end to say it's on when they see Kelly and are ready to go to jail after you sat there and let him pick your underaged girl out from the crowd. **** **** your tears.
Regarding the grown women, it's not much different from them flocking to the bad boy but is eventually crushed when he does bad boy things inevitably.
All this goes back to what I've been saying for the longest about really everything in pop culture right now.

Nobody cares, man. Nobody cares about **** until they have a vested interest in the outcome, whether it be in a positive or negative way.

None of those parents or other girls cared about anyone but themselves. R. Kelly only became problematic w/them when it was their girls being kidnapped and mentally / physically abused. I hate this fake caring **** man, I really do. They have a vested interest in R. Kelly now because it's their daughter(s) being abducted, not the other ones.

You don't care about the other girls. You knew that that man Pee'd on teenage girls and you still sent your daughter to him :rofl: :rofl: FOH

You got sparkle WILLINGLY giving up her 13 year old niece to a 28 year old grown *** man. Come on man.

Like...would you let your teenage daughter go into business with a man who married a 15 year old girl when he was almost 30 and was accused of making a sex tape with a 14 year old girl in which he was also accused of peeing on her in said tape? Does that sound like a guy who's concert you want to take your daughter to?!?!

Grown men and women willingly taking their teenage daughters to an R. Kelly show, post 2010. You can't make how stupid these parents are. Parents letting their teenager go on stage and be in direct contact with a known predator. I kid you not, that happened and now they can't contact their daughters. My god.

You got 30 plus year old women who as recently as a couple of years ago ON THEIR OWN WILL giving up the ***** to a guy who they KNEW was a pedophile. This doc is good in that its putting this issue at the forefront of pop culture for a couple of weeks, but these people on it are fake as hell and almost all of them were complicit with this R. Kelly **** until it had a direct effect on them in some capacity which FOR ME, taints a lot of this.
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All this goes back to what I've been saying for the longest about really everything in pop culture right now.

Nobody cares, man. Nobody cares about **** until they have a vested interest in the outcome, whether it be in a positive or negative way.

None of those parents or other girls cared about anyone but themselves. R. Kelly only became problematic w/them when it was their girls being kidnapped and mentally / physically abused. I hate this fake caring **** man, I really do. They have a vested interest in R. Kelly now because it's their daughter(s) being abducted, not the other ones.

You don't care about the other girls. You knew that that man Pee'd on teenage girls and you still sent your daughter to him :rofl: :rofl: FOH

You got sparkle WILLINGLY giving up her 13 year old niece to a 28 year old grown *** man. Come on man.

Like...would you let your teenage daughter go into business with a man who married a 15 year old girl when he was almost 30 and was accused of making a sex tape with a 14 year old girl in which he was also accused of peeing on her in said tape? Does that sound like a guy who's concert you want to take your daughter to?!?!

Grown men and women willingly taking their teenage daughters to an R. Kelly show, post 2010. You can't make how stupid these parents are. Parents letting their teenager go on stage and be in direct contact with a known predator. I kid you not, that happened and now they can't contact their daughters. My god.

You got 30 plus year old women who as recently as a couple of years ago ON THEIR OWN WILL giving up the ***** to a guy who they KNEW was a pedophile. This doc is good in that its putting this issue at the forefront of pop culture for a couple of weeks, but these people on it are fake as hell and almost all of them were complicit with this R. Kelly **** until it had a direct effect on them in some capacity which FOR ME, taints a lot of this.

MVP Level thread

People on social media, I am convinced, can't truly be tajen seriously with thejr takes because there is always that element of presentation there. "How will the public take in this post."

What folks say
What folks would actually do

Might not align.

Good post man, people are full of it
At the end damn near all the girls got book coming out or was promoting some venture they taking part in
Believed half of what they said
Not taking up for the pied piper
But all them women can’t claim ignorance
Or being taken advantage of
The kids I could say ok maybe they are that exception
But then the damn parents
Who leaves their kids with a grown *** man
That’s been accused of peeing on girls and marrying em
They all should be held accountable not just him
Good thread on Twitter


The fact that people are applauding Chance for his comments are crazy. He didn’t jump out the window or take a risk by saying he wishes he didn’t make that song. Saying he didn’t believe the accusers because they were black is the craziest **** I’ve read to come from this Surviving R Kelly talk. It goes back to being selective and picking your side. Everyone will give a pass to whomever they really like. Broad should be talking about boycotting Chance and not applauding him for his ignorance.
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