R Kelly is a sick and sadistic individual

The fact that people are applauding Chance for his comments are crazy. He didn’t jump out the window or take a risk by saying he wishes he didn’t make that song. Saying he didn’t believe the accusers because they were black is the craziest **** I’ve read to come from this Surviving R Kelly talk. It goes back to being selective and picking your side. Everyone will give a pass to whomever they really like. Broad should be talking about boycotting Chance and not applauding him for his ignorance.

Man, it's wild. That's literally one of the craziest quotes I've read in a minute. Chance's mentality is EXACTLY why victims of sexual abuse/harassment refuse to come forward.

His honesty can be looked at as refreshing and HOPEFULLY he's grown, but my goodness was his POV damaging.
I'm telling ya'll society doesn't value black women nor care about their pain so they're quick to forgive someone who doesn't either. Look how hypersexual and complicit folks are making them in this thread, like there's no nuance or understanding in your real lives or you've never had conversations with real abuse victims and can just see things black and white. I know everyone doesn't experience the same things and meet the same people but some of ya'll are making me sick at the moment nonetheless, especially the parents.

This all true but he singled himself out.

Once the Aaliyah and urine tape exist how do you "not believe" victims and really who has gone hard with coming out until that big article came out a few years ago.

***** was just doing extra talking. Worst type of ******. Don't even know where they going with it.
ewww sean combs a nasty *** pedophile

r kelly too

how these *****s get protected for so long is an embarrassment to mankind

got aliyahs mom lying to collect them checks rather than admit the truth

Aside from Aaliyah all his victims from the segments I saw were 16+.

All this *****ing and moaning in circles ain't gon change them consent laws to make what he was or is doing illegal.

What steps are people actually taking to change these laws beyond watching this documentary?
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I did the math yesterday and R Kelly was having sex with Aaliyah with she was like 12-13 years old.

We have to stop giving people passes for their behavior just because we are a fan of their body of work.
Aside from Aaliyah all his victims from the segments I saw were 16+.

All this *****ing and moaning in circles ain't gon change them consent laws to make what he was or is doing illegal.
you protecting him making excuses for him you probably into the same **** as him smh

where theres smoke there is fire

he was messing with a 12 year old aaliyah and grooming her and got away with it but nah good ol kelz said to himself “you know what im gonna make sure all my underaged girls are of legal age now! 16 and up!”

**** out of here with that fairytale ******** 6pedo
Jay-Z lyrics stick out in my head “21 and older let another ***** mold her”

And Keith sweat “you may be young but you’re ready...”

All the n***** in on it.
you protecting him making excuses for him you probably into the same **** as him smh

where theres smoke there is fire

he was messing with a 12 year old aaliyah and grooming her and got away with it but nah good ol kelz said to himself “you know what im gonna make sure all my underaged girls are of legal age now! 16 and up!”

**** out of here with that fairytale bull**** 6pedo

1. you wouldn't throw that accusation to me face to face so #relax.

2. you don't have many wrinkles in your brain. silly little man i'm saying the consent laws should be higher. legally there's nothing you can do to him if the consent age is 16 and he's ******* 16 year olds and up.

you joined in 2000 so you probably in your 30's (goofy) and you still slow as hell. lol man lemme chill meth not gon let me have many more accounts but you really just tried that goofy *** **** to call me a pedo for wanting to make consent laws higher instead of dancing around in a circle saying r kelly is mean :lol: dunce remedial **....
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This really isn’t the place to start saying how “not that bad” things may or may not be according to anyone......
Girl in tape was 14....

Yeah I didn't see how he got off for that. And it was crazy Aaliyah didn't press charges bc he gave her 100 bucks.

Even wilder he tried to run with it being his baby brother in the tape.

But again, out of the dozens and dozens of women he had if the consent laws were concretely 18 across the board, he woulda got snagged on at least one of these girls. IDK. Maybe they all did press charges and he got off every time.
Aside from Aaliyah all his victims from the segments I saw were 16+.

All this *****ing and moaning in circles ain't gon change them consent laws to make what he was or is doing illegal.

There were some ~14, and some of the "16" year olds lied about their age. There was a lot man. I bet he still tapes them, feds need to do a raid.
Chance sounded like he had predetermined what he wanted to say, then realized how bad it was
Sounded like he wanted some buzz by any means necessary and thought he’s get some type of mental gymnasts to jump on board to spin it in a somewhat coherent way. Idiots tend to do that
So much whataboutism in this thread, just admit you like the guy more than you care about his wrongdoings.

its more about folks not gonna care if da folks who got preyed out ilegally not gonna come out combined with da fact that his catalog is classic.

music has a idellible effect on your mind...i argue its even more powerful than everything else.
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