R Kelly is a sick and sadistic individual

I'll just leave it at this, it's highly likely someone you know was a victim of abuse, if ya'll are lucky enough to be let in maybe that conversation would help you with empathy and understanding.
I would say it is highly likely that majority of us are close to women that HAVE been physically and sexually abused. It is very common and it hurts because there is nothing you can personally do about it. Not saying it is your place to right things that happened in their lives before they met you, but you still want to do something.

But all you can do is listen when they speak and like you said understand

There are other articles out there if you change the Google Date Range as well

R Kelly accused of holding women against their will in abusive 'cult' https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-...-sex-houses-response-tour-dates-a7845461.html

R Kelly 'unequivocally' denies keeping young women in 'abusive cult' | Music | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/music/2017/jul/18/r-kelly-denies-cult-allegations


and this is CNN.com? New York Times? Chicago Sun Times?

and this is CNN.com? New York Times? Chicago Sun Times?
There were quotes from parents of the victims.

If it not being from "CNN? New York Times? Chicago Sun Times?" means it didn't happen and/or it shouldn't be considered valid. Cool.

But the point is, the info was out there previous to the documentary.

This ***** always been a clown to me. Hidden Colors is cool...but it's always been easy to see through this dude's schtick for what he really is.

Read some of the comments in that post.

Let me just say...if any black man in here buys into the idea of this all being some "attack on successful black men" conspiracy by "the man" with help from black women...you are a ******* idiot.
Ok.. and??? Does it justify the abuse of a serial pedophile psychopath who made women do things against their will and hold them hostage? And to be literally managing a sex trafficking ring ???

You clearly missed my text where I said he’s WRONG for everything he’s doing

Read it next time and don’t get outraged selectively.
Some of these parents "separated the art from the man" by allowing their kids to be at the concerts and supporting him and had their children end up in a dire situation with him.
There were quotes from parents of the victims.

If it not being from "CNN? New York Times? Chicago Sun Times?" means it didn't happen and/or it shouldn't be considered valid. Cool.

But the point is, the info was out there previous to the documentary.

You go to those sites daily?

And abuse does that differentiate between physical, sexual and mental abuse? or does it just say abuse?
Some of these parents "separated the art from the man" by allowing their kids to be at the concerts and supporting him and had their children end up in a dire situation with him.
Yea it was convenient for them to do that since they probably make some nice change in exchange for their kids.
The more and more I analyze all of this...I'm less interested about the sensationalism that comes with any ONE name. There's something deeper here about show business in general.

And this is where I’m at. It’s bigger than R Kelly, this **** is so normal in the entertainment business. I feel like people are too focused on R Kelly, nah there’s a whole industry doing this.
There’s a price on morality dignity and self respect. He threw a bag at the victims and their parents and they all said yes. Straight Ted Dibiase’d these people. The minute they took the bag they lost any credibility. Now they wanna come forward cuz they’re out of money or because there’s a whole “movement”. They trash af just like Kelly.
Damn didn't know he had his case in Chicago. That probably shouldn't have been allowed
There’s a price on morality dignity and self respect. He threw a bag at the victims and their parents and they all said yes. Straight Ted Dibiase’d these people. The minute they took the bag they lost any credibility. Now they wanna come forward cuz they’re out of money or because there’s a whole “movement”. They trash af just like Kelly.

Besides the Jerhonda Price girl and his ex wife Andrea, who from the doc was “out of money” after “taking the bag”
Parents should have been locked up. The lady who's niece or whatever that was seen in the video should have been locked up as well. She gave up her family to get some change. Disgusting.
If you look through this thread, and in other forums where the same topic is being discussed...it's the same exact crowd playing contrarian, engaging in whataboutism, proudly proclaiming their support of R. Kelly...and everyone can see it.
Point blank and it’s ALWAYS the case.
Besides the Jerhonda Price girl and his ex wife Andrea, who from the doc was “out of money” after “taking the bag”

What bag did Andrea take? I'm at the part in the series where it says all she had to her name was $2500 and she took her kids and left.
What bag did Andrea take? I'm at the part in the series where it says all she had to her name was $2500 and she took her kids and left.

Son was making it sound as if the ladies coming forward were out of money after taking settlements and what not.

To my recollection Jerhonda was the only victim who willingly broke her NDA to speak out.

And the ex-wife is broke but because he is withollding child support payments, I’m sure son will present that as her being broke which is why she is speaking out from his perspective
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