R Kelly is a sick and sadistic individual

Because why now? Why not before? Dame been doing mad interviews. Now the industry its trying to ride this Anti R Kelly wave and prove who was first to not mess with him. It's wack as hell.

This type of **** is why I didn't watch the show. I think a lot of the stories are real but I think a lot of people are doing this for attention and money.

Has R.Kelly been specifically brought up in these interviews?

For shedding light on some of the **** this dude did, the timing is NEVER wrong.
Because why now? Why not before? Dame been doing mad interviews. Now the industry its trying to ride this Anti R Kelly wave and prove who was first to not mess with him. It's wack as hell.

This type of **** is why I didn't watch the show. I think a lot of the stories are real but I think a lot of people are doing this for attention and money.

Watching it is sad man. Especially episode 5. Don't really care about Sparkle but in Episode 5, one of the people's mother's had to chase her daughter to get her out the hotel. **** Is crazy.
Has R.Kelly been specifically brought up in these interviews?

For shedding light on some of the **** this dude did, the timing is NEVER wrong.

I've heard Best of Both Worlds brought up over the years and he hasn't said this.

It could be genuine but I hate the trend let's all do this now. Why weren't you doing this in 05 or 2010? Why now? It's really like a competition of who was first to not **** with R Kelly. It comes of disingenuous. And if we want to be real, now is the time for Dame and other celebs with knowledge to talk about all the other people in the industry doing **** with kids but they don't. Why not? Because they want to keep relationships or not get black balled.

RE: Chance

I was telling my Group Chat, "Man I would have LIED. Even if I FELT that way, I damn sure wouldn't have SAID I didn't care about black women."

I was arguing what you were arguing but I was getting a bunch of, "At least he is honest" nonsense. I thought I was being trolled :lol:
Nah man, they buggin.

Saying I didn't care about black women is probably one of the most horrible things you can say as a black man that isn't openly a biscuit eating tap dancing ****.

As if he means to say now I care about black women :smh:

He tried to hard. He either meant that or was trying to be so pc about black women being ignored he ****** up his wording and made a huge error.

Said he did the song with Kellz because he didn't believe or didn't care about the accusations because they were black girls.

Dumb ***** jumped out the window for a few ad libs I couldn't even spot Kellz on the track.

I was about to post the same.

Cuz I'm like what other song did he do with Kellz? R. is like on the tail end of this song.
Another fake holier than thou *****.

Like bro how do you have the audacity to go so hard with boldface lies :lol:

Also that's borderline Romolicious.


I can't even get the tone if this is a joke.

Why so many dudes admitting to watching child porn? And now it's the best celeb sex tape Leonard?
I've heard Best of Both Worlds brought up over the years and he hasn't said this.

It could be genuine but I hate the trend let's all do this now. Why weren't you doing this in 05 or 2010? Why now? It's really like a competition of who was first to not **** with R Kelly. It comes of disingenuous. And if we want to be real, now is the time for Dame and other celebs with knowledge to talk about all the other people in the industry doing **** with kids but they don't. Why not? Because they want to keep relationships or not get black balled.

I mean, these are their careers. Speaking out on certain issues does take a lot of guts due to potential backlash behind the scenes.

It's easy to play armchair GM and say what athletes/entertainers/etc. should do from a moral/social POV, but you gotta remember...this is their livelihood, and there are obvious politics involved which make speaking out an EXTREMELY tall task.
Because why now? Why not before? Dame been doing mad interviews. Now the industry its trying to ride this Anti R Kelly wave and prove who was first to not mess with him. It's wack as hell.

This type of **** is why I didn't watch the show. I think a lot of the stories are real but I think a lot of people are doing this for attention and money.

This seems like a reach in one aspect. The people who who writing then aren't writing now.

I have no comment on the black men are trash angle .I don't read their **** so idk.
im a black man
aint never gonna see me say
or hear me say we are anything close to trash
we are some of the most nurturing
loving men on this planet
the amount of pressure on us
and we still manage to get up and provide for our fam
and continue to uplift and raise our fam
through all the pitfalls and things in our way
we stay strong
do we sometimes get led astray
be we are only human
but for the most part
we are as strong as they come
im a black man
aint never gonna see me say
or hear me say we are anything close to trash
we are some of the most nurturing
loving men on this planet
the amount of pressure on us
and we still manage to get up and provide for our fam
and continue to uplift and raise our fam
through all the pitfalls and things in our way
we stay strong
do we sometimes get led astray
be we are only human
but for the most part
we are as strong as they come

I agree. Studies show were the most involved in our kids. The tags we get are based on stereotype
This seems like a reach in one aspect. The people who was writing then aren't writing now.

I have no comment on the black men are trash angle .I don't read their **** so idk.

These companies move as a group though not as individuals. They all get orders on what to write about. These companies are doing exactly what Chance goofy self did.
Ya'll gotta stop jumping to this "victim blaming" and listen.

A man attacking a women and raping her is totally different from this.

These women were choosing to be with a known piece of ****. In the 90's the info wasn't out there as much but after the tape they know what he is. Every damn body was aware of that tape with a 14 year old.

People don't wanna hear this but it's real talk.

So much facts :rofl:
I mean, these are their careers. Speaking out on certain issues does take a lot of guts due to potential backlash behind the scenes.

It's easy to play armchair GM and say what athletes/entertainers/etc. should do from a moral/social POV, but you gotta remember...this is their livelihood, and there are obvious politics involved which make speaking out an EXTREMELY tall task.

I get it but you don't get points for saying anything now. Say something back then or don't say ****. I think it's weak to talk now especially when someone like Dame knows all kinds of **** about the industry and chooses to stay quiet.
Dame was the only 1 that had this energy for Kellz and Weinstein back then, Dame said now yall see it. Just like in another 15 years yall will see about the likes of Lyor Cohen, Kevin Liles, Mike Kizer, Julie Greenwald etc.

I get it but you don't get points for saying anything now. Say something back then or don't say ****. I think it's weak to talk now especially when someone like Dame knows all kinds of **** about the industry and chooses to stay quiet.
This seems like a reach in one aspect. The people who was writing then aren't writing now.

I have no comment on the black men are trash angle .I don't read their **** so idk.
If you got your mind made up on something it doesn't take much to sway you, not even logic.
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