R Kelly is a sick and sadistic individual

I'm not saying any of that is false fam bam. I'm not arguing or defending him. I'm saying the show was buns after episode 3. We learned all of that eps 1-3. I was just saying the rest after that was filler. Like the show creators gave us the biggest facts in the beginning then wanted to drag the show out with ugly truths but not actual crimes.

Yall gotta actually read what I said.

The 'hating' I mentioned was from the parents of people that possibly just didn't want anything to do with them. They say their grown children are in sex cults and kidnapped/hostages, despite plenty of footage of them people out and about, caught by tmz at coffee shops or his concerts, and their accounts saying theyre doing what they want to do. And parents just not accepting that. If the girls can leave when they want to....and there were still parents crying that they hadnt seen their daughter in 3 yrs....that sounds like a decision on her part.

I think there is some truth to both parts though. Like you if you molding/manipulating women at 17/18 years then them effects are lingering. Yeah it’s a decision on the girls part but it’s like when women remain in abusive relationships.

As far the parents go, ain’t no way I’m letting my daughter near Kellz. He hasn’t broke a career since I was in HS.

I’m just not of the “well the parents let them go” so it’s ok view. Manipulating/mental abuse ain’t cool.

F R Kelly
Given the topic at hand, your personal experience, referencing your daughter and the statement expose to sex, once can conclude that amongst violence and drug, you're also talking about pedophilia.

You're statement about hood issues, makes it seems like the issue is exclusive to people living in the hood, regardless of intent.

Words have meaning my dude.

What I got was that he's speaking from his own experiences growing up in the hood. When I read what he said I didn't equate it to him saying only black community only.
What I got was that he's speaking from his own experiences growing up in the hood. When I read what he said I didn't equate it to him saying only black community only.

Dude a whole clown...:lol:
On here reaching and putting words in people's mouths as if he's some type of conscious social issue professional analyst:rofl:
Dude a whole clown...:lol:
On here reaching and putting words in people's mouths as if he's some type of conscious social issue professional analyst:rofl:
you still hurt ....

You're the clown for saying the hood, the problem goes beyond regardless of intent I can give two ****s who came to your aid.

You laughing but we can get how hurt are you. Simply put these problems especially pedophilia is beyond the hold and you got hurt ... pathetic.
I really don't know, but I don't think it's a choice. If it is, when did you choose to be heterosexual vs homosexual? you didn't, it was just your natural attraction. Plus if you believe sexuality is so malleable it comes down to a choice, does that mean it could've gone either way for you depending on how you felt? if so you should be more understanding then since the only thing that really separates you in your theory is a decision line.
Went to Snoop concert in the ATL and he played his song with R Kelly. The entire arena was singing along:lol:
We don’t give a ish about women who made bad decisions at 17 and 18 the world full of those type of people.
Funny how you never find the ones who are manipulated and under the spell of a broke n****
People gotta stop comparing wrongs/tragedies . It’s never going to line up. There’s not 1 single situation out there that we know of that we can compare to R Kelly. There’s no hearsay let alone facts that’s are even comparable.

And as far as these other accusations amongst other people , all it takes is a little bit of research to disclaim a lot of stuff that’s being posted.

The whole “well if you don’t mess with R Kelly keep that same energy with MJ,Jay,etc”
Is dumb . There’s mainly rumors about them that can be disproven with a google search.
I really don't know, but I don't think it's a choice. If it is, when did you choose to be heterosexual vs homosexual? you didn't, it was just your natural attraction. Plus if you believe sexuality is so malleable it comes down to a choice, does that mean it could've gone either way for you depending on how you felt? if so you should be more understanding then since the only thing that really separates you in your theory is a decision line.

I gotta few gay friends, said they’ve liked boys since they were 5-6 years old. Why would they make that choice? They all said they didn’t want to like boys. Everyone said you don’t like boys.

I’ve liked girls since I was 5, I don’t remember ever making a decision as a kid. It’s what I always liked.
I really don't know, but I don't think it's a choice. If it is, when did you choose to be heterosexual vs homosexual? you didn't, it was just your natural attraction. Plus if you believe sexuality is so malleable it comes down to a choice, does that mean it could've gone either way for you depending on how you felt? if so you should be more understanding then since the only thing that really separates you in your theory is a decision line.
I don't think is comparable...

The attraction between woman and man is genetically.

But who know mans ... mentally is a different beast.
People gotta stop comparing wrongs/tragedies . It’s never going to line up. There’s not 1 single situation out there that we know of that we can compare to R Kelly. There’s no hearsay let alone facts that’s are even comparable.

And as far as these other accusations amongst other people , all it takes is a little bit of research to disclaim a lot of stuff that’s being posted.

The whole “well if you don’t mess with R Kelly keep that same energy with MJ,Jay,etc”
Is dumb . There’s mainly rumors about them that can be disproven with a google search.

Maybe because you’re younger but it was known back then Jay was hitting Foxy. Nobody cared then, some might pretend to care now because people want to be mad and offended about something. Dame straight up was like uggghhh, you gotta ask Jay
Please suppress your feelings and not double post.

My dude you think the problems you encounter as a kid are exclusively to the hood. **** you experience is worldwide ...

Stop thinking the you/hood is more important.... get out and live. Bitter old dude that cant let a simple comment go. Pathetic ....
He can and from my understanding they want / are ready for him to. They crossed their Ts / dotted is and said they verified their info.

If he sues he will have to prove that the info is not true .... he’s better off leaving it alone

How can they verify this info and the courts can't? Or is it that the courts won't?
Does this include gay people? You must not know any gay people if you think it’s a choice.

Not being born with sexual orientation doesn't equate to me saying it's a choice. There are and can be many factors at play that affects sexual orientation
My dude you think the problems you encounter as a kid are exclusively to the hood. **** you experience is worldwide ...

Stop thinking the you/hood is more important.... get out and live. Bitter old dude that cant let a simple comment go. Pathetic ....

You can't help yourself :lol:
We won't progress and shift the culture for better as long as dudes keep dismissing everything as false. Spend more time talking about who's "clout chasing" vs how we can be better and not allow anymore R's to get away. I feel like that in itself is another form of tryna get attention, everyone has their own angle.
Jay def beat. zero doubts.

Hov bagged some cookies in his time yo.

Diddy trying to get that 3 some popping or what in this photo?
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