"Racism is as American as baseball"

Tropical Smoothie Café Wants Answers After Being Labeled "Black Chick" On Receipt
I didn’t need research to know that. Anywhere outsiders go to slaughter indigenous people, steal their land and resources and subjugate the remaining population, a system to keep the natives in an inferior social status must be in place in order to rule them. What better way than to tell them they are inferior for not being you, the murderous thief?
I had just had racist incident with a walmart employee following me around at a Texas Walmart.

I know dude was following me around so I confronted him telling him why are you following me. Do I look cute to you cause I'm not gay. I don't roll that way. Mf'er had nothing to say he even denied following me in the store. But I told his mangers that the mf'er is following not because I look like im stealing something which I wasn't. It's because Im black.
Many reasons why don't watch television or or try to even read THE NYT. Jewish controlled media. Don't waste your time with television.
Am I the only one that feels a level of pandering whenever you speaks up for us?

It just be my own bias

If you're talkin about Shaun, I've heard a lot of people talk bad about him but not much to really define where the "hate" comes from
If you're talkin about Shaun, I've heard a lot of people talk bad about him but not much to really define where the "hate" comes from
I just always look at white folks that are OVERLY vocal about the black struggle, with a side eye
He is? :rofl:

I thought the was a white dude. My fAULT

lol It's like I remember a lot of people saying he's white but the vast majority accept that he's black by blood some kinda way. Never double checked it cause he never crossed a line with me so I never seen a need to verify him.
Kinda like that Danrue dude that just got dogged on Twitter cause he says he can drop the N-bomb cause his dude said cracka which caused everybody to figure out that he's actually white. We all just assumed dude was just super light skinned black dude
I mean they can talk all their equality talk, black people deserve more respect talk, but at the end of the day, they can go lay down in their beds NOT having to worry about any of it.
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