Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

Chloe and Halle are both definitely being portrayed as something they’re not. I don’t know what labels they’re on but they’re being done a disservice

You can see in Chloe's face she not comfortable. It's like back in the day watching some girls do 9orn and you can tell she just doing this to pay for school. :smh:
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Is she gon be another Tinashe? Fine girl given superstar features but fail because her image ain't really her? :emoji_thinking:

I aint even pressed play and I already started laughin...this image she has now seems forced.

I will say this, I do feel that for black entertainers, specifically rappers/singers that have grown up in the spotlight from childhood and entering adult hood, it can be difficult to be taken seriously when they try to make that jump into a more mature representation. But She dove head first into this lane and it seems inorganic.

aside from all that shorty still fine than a mf..
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this was an awkward and hard watch...for as talented as gates is as a rapper, its sad to see him pretty much resort to these shock comments and pseudo intellectual convos. That is pretty much all that is mentioned about him when he gets brought up at this point.
Dude is legitimately a weirdo at this point. Do people actually buy into his act? After a few mins it’s easy to see through the bs he tries to sell you :lol:
Dude is legitimately a weirdo at this point. Do people actually buy into his act? After a few mins it’s easy to see through the bs he tries to sell you :lol:

It works at going viral, because people seem desperate for something to talk about.

Look at marshmallow looking Money Man, people actually discussed him being in a fraggle rock get up and discussing running 10 miles and training shooting guns for five hours a day.

I think dudes say anything, because they know people will repeat and discuss and actually take it seriously.
It works at going viral, because people seem desperate for something to talk about.

Look at marshmallow looking Money Man, people actually discussed him being in a fraggle rock get up and discussing running 10 miles and training shooting guns for five hours a day.

I think dudes say anything, because they know people will repeat and discuss and actually take it seriously.

I agree. An hour long interview with Kevin Gates is OD. You are just gonna be bombarded with lies, bs, and shock material. I skipped through most of it all and the junk that I did catch just made me shake my head. But like you said, it works at going viral. Im sure that long interview is gonna get spliced down to multiple 1 minute clips and posted on hella rap and "culture" Instagram and twitter accounts. And its sad cuz thats what the discourse is gonna be about, the wild stuff he says and not the music, which is messed up cuz the N' can really rap :lol: but he knows what he gets outta this and if thats what he finds is important than so be it.
And its sad cuz thats what the discourse is gonna be about, the wild stuff he says and not the music, which is messed up cuz the N' can really rap :lol: but he knows what he gets outta this and if thats what he finds is important than so be it.

All of this. Gates been high on my list of cats who can rap AND make good music for a good minute now.

The antics are a lot without a doubt, but potna entertains those who are looking for that kind of entertainment. He knows his lane and doesn’t deviate much. Say what you will, but Gates been like that since I first heard about him. Dude might not be going along with a schtick. He might really be like that. :lol:
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