Recession? What Recession? Vol. Kids fighting at CDP release

Nov 27, 2003
Wow. I'm glad none of that happened here. I understand the shoes are hot but aint no shoe worth fighting over.
Originally Posted by taimaishu123

this is why i dont buy jordans anymore.

im a grown man, i dont have time for that +@@*.
Amen to that. If I can't get it without a hassle I ain't gettin it.
The people in the video look gay and look like hypebeast. I wish there were people like that over here so i can give them a good kufi smack. Living in thesouth FTW.
It's a damn recession their parents are working extra hard to pay bills and buy things for their children this Christmas and these kids are out thereacting immature. Just wow.
was dude hittin the chick in the red? lol

regardless, those girls would get worked around here fightin like that lol.
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