Remember me? Im the guy with the brain tumor Vol. Story Time

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trolling or not, I just don't have it in me to deny the seems a bit far fetched and then i thought...
Even if dude is trolling? What's he getting out of it? (besides rep +:lol: ) but really..all that's being achieved here, is me seeing the positivity and good side of my fellow nt'ers. I appreciate everyone who has a heart enough to post in here is good in my book, and im glad to see that if this were real, or I needed some solace in a rut, that so many fellow nt'ers would offer positive response :smokin
man wats up with this gloomy mood, OP YOU'RE NOT GONE yet, everyone is going to die, thats awesome youre doin **** i would never have the balls to do, skydiving in itself would kill me haha, man if you really feel like its your final hurah then you better ****** get your glass my nig and take it to the head because its a celebration of your life bro
Damb famb, this was deep.... I never really thought about my life in perspective you have tried, and successfully, enlightened us with.

Through my extensive studies of the psychologic aspect of ones actions, you are indeed doing it right. Granted were going to die in the future, death is something that one shouldnt just brush off and accept. I respect you decisions, but im happy to see that you have decided to get yourself checked out.
well if true brain surgery takes more than a couple days to recover from

BUT just fyi

he says hes 22 in this thread and 20 in the other thread he made. just sound a bit like trolling
7 pages consisting of about 6 pages of sympathetic replies.

Maximum trolling level unlocked.
Wow.... where to begin.

I tried reading through the thread, but at this point I dont really have the mental strength too. Ive been through a lot these last few weeks.... Im still in ICU, thank god the staff allows for me to use my phone.

I just to let everyone know, your replies, words of support, and caring atitude really saved my life...... for now.

That day, idk like a week or two ago, I admitted myself into the north central bronx hospital er... the next day, I was operated on.

I was out of it for a few days, not really knowing my state or if everything went okay (I was alive, so it couldnt have been that bad), the doctor had notified me that the cancer is malignant.... so basically, im in the same spot i was a few weeks back... the doc said they can continue surgery but its not worth it.

I dont understand how i couldnt have been told this before hand.... my head is opened up, you remove damn near all of my brain, and tell me im going to die anyway.

Lifes not fair guys, never will be..... I believed there was a god out there until now..... you all can respond, but its a sick cruel world live in, and im just about fed up...... i cant barely wipe my butt because of this, and now im just waiting for the cancers to spread.

this is probably my last post because im just fed up with life, dont let yourselves get caught up in petty ish, not worth it...... doctors are a waste, and youre all better off diagnosing yourselves.

im out peach
His last post   
thou can barely wipe thy butt
but thou can log in & post story on nt via mobile device which is almost a nightmare on huddler?
All I'm saying is...if you're going to die anyway, might as well post a pic of yourself for us to remember you an inspiration.

While you're at it, hook it up with your SS#, you won't need that where you're headed, am I right?
Damn, crazy. A lot of mixed responses. The stories of you and your mom were truly upsetting. Wish you the best.
Wow.... where to begin.
I tried reading through the thread, but at this point I dont really have the mental strength too. Ive been through a lot these last few weeks.... Im still in ICU, thank god the staff allows for me to use my phone.
I just to let everyone know, your replies, words of support, and caring atitude really saved my life...... for now.
That day, idk like a week or two ago, I admitted myself into the north central bronx hospital er... the next day, I was operated on.
I was out of it for a few days, not really knowing my state or if everything went okay (I was alive, so it couldnt have been that bad), the doctor had notified me that the cancer is malignant.... so basically, im in the same spot i was a few weeks back... the doc said they can continue surgery but its not worth it.
I dont understand how i couldnt have been told this before hand.... my head is opened up, you remove damn near all of my brain, and tell me im going to die anyway.
Lifes not fair guys, never will be..... I believed there was a god out there until now..... you all can respond, but its a sick cruel world live in, and im just about fed up...... i cant barely wipe my butt because of this, and now im just waiting for the cancers to spread.
this is probably my last post because im just fed up with life, dont let yourselves get caught up in petty ish, not worth it...... doctors are a waste, and youre all better off diagnosing yourselves.
im out peach

ill tell my coworker whose a therapist there to look out for you.
My dad had a brain tumor and major emergency surgery which couldn't remove the whole thing.. He was not able to read this quickly.. Or use a cell phone. I hope OP wouldn't lie to a group of strangers and trivialize something as serious as cancer because that's pretty lame.

Then again, this is the internet.
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