Remember me? Im the guy with the brain tumor Vol. Story Time

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Man lock this. Dude straight up trolling
dude said brain surgerys is around 100k , usually runs atleast 200k without insurance .

at any rate you can pay as little as 60-100 dollars a month with a few payment plans.

also , if it has been affecting your memory , how do you remember your childhood so vividly .

average age for brain tumor is around 57  , and most cases are in adults , while anyone can get it , and it's very

sad and tragic , i find it odd that with brain tumors , especially last stage ones like your's affecting vision you can

be infront of a lab top or phone as long as you have .

if infact you do carry the disease , i am as saddened by it as anyone else on this board and you can pm if you

ever need anyone to talk to
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Good luck OP, thoughts and prayers to you. I wish you the best, and you've touched so many people with this thread and your story, for sure you've motivated me to be someone better than who I am today. Heads up, stay positive and the best of luck to you
That is nuts...this is bringing back memories because that's the same way my french teacher died. she was such a wonderful person. i wish you the best OP, if I had money I'd start a Joey Gladstone fund but alas i work an internship for free. Even though I'm not very religious (agnostic actually) I'll pray for you.
dude said brain surgerys is around 100k , usually runs atleast 200k without insurance .
at any rate you can pay as little as 60-100 dollars a month with a few payment plans.

also , if it has been affecting your memory , how do you remember your childhood so vividly .

average age for brain tumor is around 57  , and most cases are in adults , while anyone can get it , and it's very
sad and tragic , i find it odd that with brain tumors , especially last stage ones like your's affecting vision you can
be infront of a lab top or phone as long as you have .

if infact you do carry the disease , i am as saddened by it as anyone else on this board and you can pm if you
ever need anyone to talk to

You make valid points... but the way I see it, whether he's trolling or not. It still doesn't change the fact of the morals made throughout this thread.

To not take life and your love ones for granted! Any given minute could be your last.

So what... if we find out he IS trolling, then what? "Oh he was trolling all along, oh well, back to the old ways, **** everything and everybody, I don't care"
I want to believe OP and don't think he's trolling, but I really do believe he is... Best of luck to you if everything you say is true.
You make valid points... but the way I see it, whether he's trolling or not. It still doesn't change the fact of the morals made throughout this thread.
To not take life and your love ones for granted! Any given minute could be your last.
So what... if we find out he IS trolling, then what? "Oh he was trolling all along, oh well, back to the old ways, **** everything and everybody, I don't care"
i feel bad for even bringing it up , but once i saw he's writing from his phone in the er i got the sense this might not true.

if infact it is , i apologize . i will keep you in my prayers.
So, ive been living life to the fullest. Went sky diving today, had ses for the first time last week (with a clean escort), even tried somethings that somebody in jail wouldnt do to another guy.

Also, ive done somethings I now regret..... got into a fight with somebody at a bar, filled up my gas tank and didnt pay, even robbed a bodega whos owned by people i know. :stoneface:

i feel bad for even bringing it up , but once i saw he's writing from his phone in the er i got the sense this might not true.

if infact it is , i apologize . i will keep you in my prayers.

I mean, there's nothing wrong with what you said.

I'm alittle skeptical myself about the other thread being made, about the dude being paralyzed from the neck down, yet he's still able to create a thread... ect. :rolleyes

But I always try to find the inspiration out of it, instead of dismissing it. Like movies, we all know it's fake, but the story/plot still touches us in a way.
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Troll :rolleyes. I find it hard to believe that with a month to live you'll be on the computer like this, let alone NT like this, just saying. Not cool to play with stuff like this man, not cool at all :smh:

I apologize and send my sincerest condolences to you if you really are serious but I HIGHLY doubt you are.
In my prayers. And even if he is trolling, there is probably someone out in the world with a similar situation. Like Night Marcher01 stated, you can take something from the situation and apply it to your views of life.
I hope he's not trolling because karma is gonna **** him over for making fun of something like this.

I hope he pulls through if serious/true though.
even tried somethings that somebody in jail wouldnt do to another guy
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